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About stardom (2011): "Sometimes I think I am the worst person to be in the position I'm in. I'm shy, I'm sensitive and I'm self-critical. It's a terrible combination. But those qualities also make me want to be better."

The website is finally opened! // 29th May 2006

Hello everyone,

I know it’s been a long time since the website closed after Jo left. I know you are all nervous/excited for the re-opening of but I must tell you that I’m a little bit disappointed by the actions of some people. Anyways, it’s a little bit my fault. I wasn’t able to tell you that I had some personal problems. Well, now you know, I did but everything is okay now.

1. Let’s talk about the new website features! As you may have noticed on the left side of the layout, there’s a box called "Watson Weekly". Watson Weekly is a magazine runs by that will be published each week (usually on sundays). It talks about the latest news, some random facts, the events, Emma’s fashion (Funky Fashion) etc… It is the first issue so it is still in development. Hurry up and download it! Any suggestions/comments about the magazine are welcomed and can be sent to

Between, you need Winrar to unzip the file once downloaded by clicking on the thumbnail!

2. The website is now divided in two parts. Emma’s part (90%) and the Harry Potter’s part (10%). The system is simple. Emma has only played in the Harry Potter’s movies so far. Soon or later, she may play in another movie. And when this moment arrives, the website will be divided again… Emma (85%), Harry Potter (7.5%), The Other Movie (7.5%). Easy eh? Though, keep in mind that it is always an Emma’s website! Don’t worry 🙂

3. I would like to talk to you about the new Staff members that will bring a lot of new changes.

– First, we have Rick and Damien. Both are experimented in Flash animation and web development. They will bring to the website a more professional look and coding + some FLASH games. Unfortunately, they are still in development but the first one should be released soon.

– Secundo, we have all the persons who are contributing for the Watson Weekly magazine. Being part of the magazine was the famous "Secret Job". Each week, each members of the magazine will write a kind of essay for the magazine but you can also contribute by sending us your stuff such as Emma’s Portraits, your obsessed room, your fan stories, why Emma has been an inspiration for you etc…! They may appear in the fans section because we’ll pick some of the new stuff we got during the week to put in the magazine.

*Graphics/Portraits/Fan stories/Obsessed etc.. must be sent to

3- Mike. Better known as Dookdookdook (on the forums), Mike was well-known for his video website dedicated to Emma. Now, I’m glad to announce that Mike has joined’s team as the video manager! With him, the Video Archive of will be the most completed and updated one of the Web! Though, he’s still transfering all the videos to the server so it is not ready yet.

4- Carol and Mayara. They are News Posters, Gallery Managers and Events correspondents! Carol and Mayara attends to many events. They have a lot to share with us, stories/pictures/exclusives stuff etc… As they will both work on the gallery, it will also be a lot more updated! Unfortunately, the gallery is not ready yet to be opened.

5- We have a lot more new staff and I would like to thanks all of them for helping me to build this website. Though, it will be never finished, always progressing! 🙂

4. As everyone knows, Emma’s privacy has been violated so much lately. It’s sad to see how some people do not respect her. But I do, does, you all do. We decided to make a special line of graphics especially made for the respect of Emma. You can support us by putting any of the "Respect Emma" graphics in your signatures on forums etc… You can see them HERE. Please, respect Emma!

5. is also starting a new Weekly Banner Competition! The rules are simple :

1- No Shippers banner.

2- It has to be an Emma’s banner, not an Hermione’s one

3- 800 pixels by 311 pixels

4- // must appear on it

5- Each banners received after fridays will be put on the next week batch.

6- All the entries must be sent to

**Please take in note that there’s no price this time. I can’t really afford it for the moment. Though, every winning banner will be kept as an official banner for the website til the competition ends. (A "choose your banner" system will be instaured) The competition will end when we will reach 12 winners!

On your graphics programs everyone!

6- The picture of the day and the video of the week are back.

7- We would like the fans to contribute a lot more than before. The followings are the way you can contribute :

1. You can send us news/suggestions to

2. You can send us your fan stories, your graphics, your HP/Emma’s pictures, your drawings etc… to

3. You can write an essay/article for the magazine. If it is accepted by our team, it will be posted in the new issue of Watson Weekly Magazine. to

4. You can apply to be part of though check our job openings before.

8- We would like to thanks a lot BLUETRIDENT.NET for sponsoring us and Imran who’s always there to help us when we encounter servers problems. IMPORTANT : He told us that bluetrident is moving the servers so the server may crash and it affects the server’s speed. It’s normal if it takes you time to download stuff. Hopefully it will be resolved as soon as possible.

9- I’m totally re-making the affiliates. If you want to be affiliated with, send an e-mail to and specify clearly the subject in the title.

***We know the site bugs for those who are using FireFox. Don’t worry, it will be fixed in the next few days. If you find any bugs/errors messages, please feel free to e-mail us to

We know that you always need to send an e-mail to contact us but don’t worry, we’ll install a form in the next few days that you will be able to use to send us whatever you want in the easiest and fastest way possible!

I guess that’s all, if I forgot anything, I will modify the post later… well enjoy but do not forget that the site is still and will always be in development! You will see that many other sections/stuff/content will appear in the next few days. Any comments can be sent to The comments system will be back once I can arrange a little bit the News box presentation.

[ Fred ]

Comments closed for this item.

93 Responses to “The website is finally opened! // 29th May 2006”

  1. S says:

    Congrats on reopening! Im really excited to check out the new site. Good job!

  2. Ana Maria says:

    Excellent job Fred! You’ve done quite a lot since the last time I saw I was really upset when it went on hiatus. is the best site there is where I can find all things Emma. I sincerely hope no one bashes her here on the comment board, it is very annoying and it breaks my heart.

  3. Natalie G says:

    yay! Happy openning!

  4. ♥♥Emma Freak♥ says:

    Welcome back EW.NET !U did a great job Fred .. keep it up like this !

  5. The_ADT says:

    This new layout is radical!!! Best site I’ve seen since… ever!! GREAT JOB GUYS!!!

  6. Candy says:

    wowzers!I’m definately competing in the Weekly Banner Challenge! tried the last time…yup tried like 4 times and ugh…didn’t go so well…lol

  7. Pooja says:

    I love the layout of the site!!!!its amazing!!!

  8. marie-jo says:

    the whole thing is great Fred, thanx very much!!!

  9. Nicolas says:

    Yeah !!! , im very happy !! the site cool, welcome back EM.NET !

  10. Anuska says:

    i love harry potter!!! is great!!!!!!!!!!!!**

  11. emma says:

    Hey! THANK YOU for opening the site! I have SO missed! And good luck with it all, it must be hard work to keep a website running, so congrats, good luck and thank you to all of the team!!

  12. Jaana says:

    Yay! Finally!!! 😀 Welcome back! ^^ Fred, and all the rest of the staff, you did such a great job! The site looks fantastic! I’m so happy! ^^ *weeeheee*

  13. missaur says:

    Yeeess ! Hopefully reopen !cool ! bye !

  14. Anonymous says:

    Yes! She is beautiful, intelligent…

  15. emma's # ONE fan says:

    I LOVE the site. Nice job, and I am so happy it is open!

  16. Cheyenne says:

    Welcome back!I like the layout it looks great!

  17. Mafalda says:

    This is really the best Emma Watson fan site!!! I’m really happy that it is on again!!

  18. Anonymous says:

    E M M A S I T E B A C K for how long accualy was it gone??:Pfinally it is back am verru happy with it !xx annemarie

  19. Jasper says:

    Nice :smile:But I suggest using an other font at the news page (for example Trebuchet MS or Verdana) 🙂

  20. BUTTERFLY! says:

    I am so happy it is open! I LOVE EMMA AND THIS SITE!!!

  21. sunshine says:

    Great Job Fred!! Glad to have back in action! 😉

  22. Alice says:

    Hi !I’m french and I’m really Happy !!! is re-oppenning !So, It’s a really BIG and really good job !Just, I’ve a strange problem, I dont see the gallery…Thanks for this beautiful site !!!And Kiss !

  23. Leslie says:

    Wow!I lovve it like this.the site is finally back.the site design is very Emmalike.Fred you did a GREEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTT deserve a round of applause.actually looks great.i can’t wait for more news about emma and the more things you are going to add to the site.

  24. Noortje says:

    I’m really glad that the site’s back! The layout looks lovely 🙂

  25. sophie says:

    Hey! loving the new look! great job!!!

  26. sdf says:

    that gallery doesn’t work… 🙁

  27. Harriet says:

    The site is Back???? OMG, it seems like forever.Yay!I’m really looking forward to looking around, it looks, from first glance that you have done an awesome job Fred. Well done! The layout is very sophisticated. I love it. Looking forward to contributing in many ways. Glad your back!!!

  28. Ania says:

    Yeahhhhh!Thank you for opening!It’s really great website and I hope it’ll be long time so good:smile:

  29. Sterre says:

    O gosh I love the new layout! I’d like to wish you all of the luck in the world with the site Fred!

  30. trk says:

    well done great design but stuff is not ready yet..well, at least much much better than hiatus :Dby the way, the number of visitors seems to be decreased so much from the number of comments. that could be because of the delay in the reopening of the site w/out any announcement, that was one great mistake o yours, sorry.anyway, its really great to see this website working again after a very long time.i wish you luck in all your works…

  31. raphael says:

    hi my name raphael I am very its fan and I liked this web site very that you made was very brilliant equal te others and I wanted to know if vao to be pretty the new gotos xD bye

  32. raphael says:

    kisses of its big f

  33. Jennifer says:

    Yes, I’m so glad this is back.

  34. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    yeah, I have Firefox and wouldn’t open for me until May 30 at 8:30. Soooooo….. THANKS for fixing it!!

  35. christy says:

    I’m a huge fan of Emma watson and i was really longing to see the new site since this one was always my favorite one on emma watson. kisses

  36. Ana Gabrielle says:

    Go! I had Firefox so it was a few days before I could finally go on Oh well, at least it’s officially open now! 😀

  37. Melissa says:

    I am so glad to see this site up and running again! Fred, it’s beautiful and I simply love it! You’re so talented, well done!

  38. NTB says:

    Only thing I can say: Good job and welcom back!

  39. charlotte says:

    It’s simply amazing!!!! I love the new layout of the site. It’s definetly better, then it was before. Congratulations! Good job! Love it!

  40. Emma Fan says:

    YAY!!! i LOVE the layout! cant wait 2 explore the new site! xx

  41. Meran says:

    hi ya! its really very hot u ppl have made the site more awesome…congrats and keep it up

  42. isabella says:

    HEY!!!So happy that you are here again!

  43. mary says:

    hi, really cool you opende the page again!!!!! i really was hoping to see all the new things and explore the new web.. well i really congratulate you for the page is really really good… well keep up like this, you are doing great!!!! byemary

  44. Coriolane says:

    I’m really glad the site has reopenned. It’s the best site about Emma, and you all do a big job for us, thank you!Happy openning from France!

  45. Irene says:

    Hello! I’m so miss you! I’m So happy that site again light blue! Thank you! So beautiful design, so modern! Ilove you!:smile:

  46. edward says:

    oye como puedo entrar en tu pagina ser uno de tu equipo o de el stall

  47. Peter jackson says:

    thank you for xxxxxxx

  48. imene says:

    Hi everyone ! I’m so so happy that ” ” is back ! I missed you all ! lol ! Wlecome back and good luck ! ! !

  49. mario says:

    hola soi d espa

  50. raphael says:

    really glad that the site’s back! The layout looks lovely