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About the site that has a countdown to her 18th birthday (2005): "Oh my God, that's really creepy ! (...) I'm 15, they're gonna have to wait a long time!"

The New Picture! // 30 May 2006

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A picture new picture of Rupert and Emma with their newly won Bravo Otto Award. Thanks to for the picture.

Now, a lot of people have been having trouble downloading Watson Weekly so here are the pages:

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[ Shannon ]

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110 Responses to “The New Picture! // 30 May 2006”

  1. lipe says:


  2. lipe says:


  3. [ Shannon ] says:

    er.. not..To answer your question, we respect Emma’s privacy. We believe that Emma didn’t know the pictures were released and it is best to respect her privacy in not spreading them around. If you want to look at them or discuss them, you can go to a different site to do that. 😉

  4. emma's fan says:

    i love the watson weekly.its grestand finally the site is back……… to see more of the site.

  5. kassandra says:

    so great:thumbup:!

  6. terence says:

    the magazine was great but whats with the ffffffffffff guy.

  7. Lucus says:

    Emma looks awsome in this site

  8. nikita says:

    i love it!! it is the best emma site that i have ever been to…the best online fan paper i have ever seen too!!! way to go!

  9. kerry says:

    :smile:hi i is so cool i love emmawatson

  10. Russian_boy says:

    :razz:hi Emma!!!as life?I wanted contacts with you.if you want write me on mail!!!!sorry of the my english!!