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About being Lancôme's ambassadress for Trésor Midnight Rose (2011): "I feel lucky to embody a fragrance I am so crazy in love with. I didn't really like perfumes before because I thought they were heavy, but this one is really light and playful. Being a Lancôme ambassadress today is an immense pleasure and a great honour. For me, Lancôme is an authentic brand. It reflects elegance, class and style."

New Pictures // 04 June 2006

Thanks to R.E.N.I.A.N.D.É. at the forums who posted those pics of Emma and Rupert meeting Shakira.

EDIT: Thanks to Seema now we have a new scan from Twist Magazine:

[ Mayara ]

Comments closed for this item.

48 Responses to “New Pictures // 04 June 2006”

  1. Caroline says:

    {1st?} Great ! Thanks a lot ! I will put them on my blog (with a link, of course ^^).Thanks again !

  2. emma's # ONE fan says:

    Very cool!:smile:

  3. emma's # ONE fan says:

    Is the pictures of the day gunna change soon, and how about Watson Weekly?:smile:p.s there is no rush just wondering!!!

  4. Bruna says:

    The scans are great , I ‘ m going to put in my flog too!

  5. WILLIAM says:

    i love you!!! i love you s2s2

  6. WILLIAM says:


  7. Vinny says:

    ual, Shakira!!!

  8. Pete says:

    JESUS! I’ve been out for 2 days and I miss SIX UPDATES!!! (I’ve already read and saved them all, by the way…)Great Job, Mayara and Carol!!Thanks go to all the staff.Tchau, Adi

  9. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    Cool!! Cute pics!

  10. Vinny says:

    Cai a noite na cidadeVinda de lugar nenhumE o dia vai emboraIndo pra lugar algumN

  11. jose roberto velez barrios says:

    que padre que se junte shakira con emma y rupert por que asi conocen mas gente de por aca

  12. jose roberto velez barrios says:

    que padre que pongan a shakira en fotos con rupert y emma

  13. Rachel says:

    What about the weekly banner contest?

  14. Natalie says:

    When will the winners of the competition be announed? 😛

  15. Melissa says:

    Hmmm….I would say Dan and Emma have more chemistry than Rupert and Emma. ANd the actors and characters are two different things.

  16. munzik says:

    why i can’t watch the video in the site?

  17. [ Shannon ] says:

    The weekly banner competition winner will be announced very soon. We already have a winner and we will announce it soon. Just be patient. 😉

  18. Natalie says:

    Just wondering 😉 I’m usually very patient. lol

  19. Helly says:

    Melissa They are talking about Ron and Hermione not Rupert and Emma!And I have seen those pictures of Shakira, it was sad that Dan could not make it, Shakira requested him to be there, Dan’s representative apologized to her for him not to be there.

  20. Ana Maria says:

    Gasp! I love Shakira!!! *starts singing Hips Don’t Lie* So, why couldn’t Dan be there, Helly? 🙂

  21. Irene says:

    Cute update! Thank you Mayara! Pics with Shakire are perfect!:smile:

  22. Loony says:

    I’m so glad you’re back ! Your are the number one site dealing with Emma, for the news and so on.

  23. vici says:

    i really love the site! but whats with the chat?

  24. Aurore says:

    Those pics are old, aren’t they? Emma and Rup have changed!! SEE YOU

  25. Carol says:

    huauha Pete!!!Nos todos queremos q o Brasil ganhe ^^E sim nso jah fizemso 6 upadtes e vai ter mais umas por vir o/

  26. imene says:

    Hi everyone ! Cool updates !

  27. Nicole says:

    Those pics are the oldest :/They aren’t new.

  28. Carol says:

    They are new because the pose is different, we know it’s old, but at the same time is new

  29. Rob says:

    What happened to all the hi-res pix this site used to have? That’s one of the things I used to love about this site… And isit just me, or is there a serious lack of *new* Emma pix these days, on ANY site?

  30. Harriet says:

    I don’t think Emma and Rupert should get together, Ron and Hermione are sweet!Emma looks really pretty in the photos!Great Job!

  31. emmas #1 fan ♥ says:

    Kool Scans !I dont like Sharkera So I Feel Sorry For Ron And Em Lol xBut Still, Nice Photos And They Both Look So Diff !

  32. Emma's#1 fan!(aka: Siena ) says:

    Hey! My name is Siena, not Seema! And I gave it to, not you guys! How dare you not credit OR me! Shame on you, you people with such lack of respect.

  33. emmawats0nfan1 says:

    omg emma and rupert a couple…no but ron and hermione all the way!

  34. Maayki says:

    Siena who sent for us called Seema,and I already talked with Dave, ok? And as far as i know you didn’t do this magazine so I’m alloudto use whenever i want honey (:

  35. erenY says:


  36. erenY says:


  37. Emma Fan says:

    Cool pics!did they meet Shakeira @ a concert? n my cousins name is Seema!

  38. emmas #1 fan says:

    I love love shakira not stubit emma watson.

  39. everyone says:

    emma sucks

  40. terence says:

    hey “everyone” your mom sucks, and im talken oral stuff.stop making stupid comments like that. your lack of attention and stop writing.

  41. marry says:

    emma looks very beautiful in the pics and rupert looks different too, but i dont think that emma and rupert should get together but dan and emma would be a cute couple!!

  42. Dave says:

    hmmm…lol…thx for the credit -_- … not… u know what i’m talking about

  43. Emma Carrasco says:

    WOW!!! Shekira es de lo mejor y que chido que Rupert y Emma la conozcan

  44. Tanya says:

    Cool Emma,i really like your style.

  45. olivier says:

    I am french and I d’ont know understand (pas sur de se mot)et voila quoi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!alors peut d’

  46. millie says:

    i don’t get why people are saying that daniel and emma should be together! there’s not a problem with emma and rupert together!

  47. gangsta shit ... lol says:

    omfg why are you people so obsessed ?

  48. kailea says:

    Ron and Hermione are so cute togther! People really need to start opening their eyes and start reading the books! Well, it’s not my problem if you can’tread-between-the-linesheehee (L) rupert Grint (L)I love Emma too, she’s awesome