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About child stars (2009):"I don't really like that label. Child stars don't follow the best paths... if you listen to the media. They always seem to forget Meryl Streep, Natalie Portman, Julia Stiles, Jodie Foster. I don't think I'm bound to fail. I'm not more messed up than somebody else. I'm not a drug addict. Sure, life's not going to be easy after HP. I'll always be a bit scared of becoming a "former child star". I'll probably never be as famous, as young, as well paid as I am today. But it will all depend on how I will see my own success."

New Scans // 05 June 2006

Thanks to Kate we have some new scans:

If anyone speaks Russian (correct me if I’m wrong) and would like to translate this interview, we would appreciate if you could send it to us:


EDIT: And for those who can’t wait to read the second issue of Watson Weekly, don’t worry!!The new issue will be available for download later on today.

[ Carol ]

Comments closed for this item.

46 Responses to “New Scans // 05 June 2006”

  1. serialgamer says:

    I think it’s Russian !

  2. ~Roni~ says:

    Cool scans, thanks. What about the banner competition? 😛

  3. KAsia says:


  4. Carol says:

    Oh god I don’t know oO

  5. alyssa says:

    coolemma’s fashion is so hip

  6. Nicole says:

    why wont the gallery work

  7. Carol says:

    Nicole if you go down a bit you will see a post that I made about the gallery, we still working on it ^^

  8. Teresa says:

    woh!!~ nice scansit seems that Emma is so popular all over the world!!!BTW, i wonder whether has received my translated article(the chinese one)…well…my friends told me that hotmail emails always get lost or delayed….. is it true?

  9. Carol says:

    Yes we did get it, but I don’t have time to correct like spelling mistakes at the moment but thanks anyway o/

  10. Teresa says:

    O….HAHAH…quick response….OMG….my english is just so BAD… i hope it wouldn’t take you too much time !!!~~SORRY~~ =.=”

  11. Carol says:

    No problem!!!I wouldn’t but I’m really busy lately ^^u’re english it’s not bad!!

  12. Sandra says:

    I love this site, n’ the news. But im not trying to sound annoying, but what did really happend with the guestbook? Please can somebody just tell me something? I do really miss it n’ some friends of mine do it too. Can u please let us know anything?

  13. Anna says:

    It is Russian – I am from Russia, so I’m absolutely sure about it.

  14. Olivia says:

    hey guys..i’m just wondering..u know how Emma says that she likes singing? Do you think that she sang that ‘Hoggy warty hogwarts’ song in the forest with hagrid and ron in the 4th film before Harry finds crouch dead? if it was, her voice was really good!!!

  15. C says:

    HiCarol, Where are you from? please

  16. Lena says:

    when will the gallery open???

  17. Sandra says:

    U there who said emma was a whore! I wanna talk with u, give me yo’ email bitch! Don’t nobody write shit like this here, damn hope they bam u!!!

  18. Anonymous says:

    Yeap, it’s russian, because I sent this scans. But I can’t translate the interview. Sorry:sad:

  19. Minxy says:

    @Olivia, yeah that was her :wink:I WANT WATSON WEEKLY!! lol :p

  20. Sarah says:

    to someone: no one calls my girl a whore and gets away with it. if you’re an Emma hater then you need to get away from this site

  21. Carol says:

    Brazil ^^

  22. Carol says:

    And the gallery it’s getting ready, I think another week ^^

  23. Natalie G says:

    Ich lichtete dieses von einer preiswerten deutschen Zeitschrift 🙂 ab sie ist nicht das beste, aber es ist ruhiges Emma! Ich k

  24. emmas #1 fan ♥ says:

    Niice scans xSo happy that the site is up again !

  25. emmas #1 fan ♥ says:

    Also i cant download the watson weekly, do would it be possible 2 put it like u did before ? Thnx Carol x

  26. Anna says:

    I’ve sent the translation of the interview

  27. Nicklas Ben Rasmussen says:

    hello again folks.really nice scans, once again (: Miss JO 🙁 an always faithful danish fanNicklas

  28. ryan says:

    gallery aint working for me

  29. Carol says:

    No, for the last time the gallery is being DONE!!It will be ready in a couple of weeks!

  30. emma's # ONE fan says:

    Love the scans.***About Watson Weekly***Will you be able to poast it as you did on the news update for May 30th. I was not able to download it last time. When you poasted it, it was really nice and easy!!! **Thanks in advanced!**:smile: 🙂 :smile:♥

  31. Sarah says:

    nice scans… very nice (even though I cant read them!!)um… about the banner competition…what happens?I have just sent in an entry. Is it just like last time where you send it in before a day then they put the winning one up and then after 12 weeks or so, they make us vote for the best one… is that right?I have made the greaest graphic ever for it..GO TO t is my site and IT RESPECTS EMMAS PRIVACY FULLY! It is just a fansite like this…xxx sarah

  32. Sarah says:

    hey carol…. are you the webmiss now?

  33. Carol says:

    No, I’m just a normal news posters and gallery manager hahahaBut I wish I could be Webmiss o/ :p

  34. Sarah says:

    oh.. you would be good at webmiss.. did you go on my website? if so , did you like it? I applied for affiliates I think??!! I hope you got it…cant wait for the gallery!

  35. Sarah says:

    *at carol* oh yeh and do you know whats going on with the banner comp?

  36. Joana says:

    Hello, Carol (and Mayara, if she’s reading this!)! Congrats for being working in this website! 😉

  37. Lauren says:

    Hey great updates… the latest pics and scans r awesome and not to mention the pic of zac efron with ashley tisdale he is wicked cute!!!Great updates…keep up the excellent work !!!!:smile::smile::smile::smile::wink:

  38. emma's # ONE fan says:

    ♥ the picture of the day!!!!!***About Watson Weekly***Will you be able to poast it as you did on the news update for May 30th. I was not able to download it last time. When you poasted it, it was really nice and easy!!! **Thanks in advanced!**:smile:

  39. [ Shannon ] says:

    You can see that Fred has now set up a different way for seeing the Weekly Watson. This way, everyone can access it. 😉

  40. Nicole says:

    ohh thanks carol!

  41. Lisa says:

    About the scans: I could have translated them but I see no point – there is nothing new, just a translation from some English magazine, kicking Malfoy’s ass. And they are old, 2005.

  42. Carol says:

    Yeah it’s great website, altough I’m not D/E it’s really good ^^Well we are going trough all the apllications but we also have loads to do but don’t worry we’ll send u an email when it’s ok to add!

  43. KASH says:

    Yes it’s Russian !

  44. KASH says:

    not best of all interview

  45. ....... says:

    Yeah I speak Russian, but that interview is just another repeat of all the sme exact questions and answers, absolutely nothing new.

  46. Kylie says:

    Hey Emma,WOW you look beatiful there,you have a really nice natural smile.