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About being starstruck sometimes (2009):"Yes, and it's funny when it happens. I felt so weird meeting Matt Damon. I work with amazing people and when I met him I was speechless. I went bright red and embarrassed. It's weird when you go to so many events, all of the sudden they take pictures of you with people you don't know. That time was embarrassing because he knew who I was."

Queen’s 80th Birthday // 13 June 2006

Hello everyone o/

Remember the Queen’s Handbag play????I think we all do, so TLC were informed that the play will be pre-recorded and shown during the event. Emma may attend, but there’s nothing confirming that.

As soon as we get more news on that we’ll be sharing with you guys. And a little reminder that BBC will broadcast the event, so we’ll probably get a video from it. The Queen’s 80th Birthday will be on the 25th of June at Buckingham Palace.

And also I have to congratulate everyone who helped with the 3rd Issue of Watson Weekly cuz it looks wonderful!!!

[ Carol ]

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139 Responses to “Queen’s 80th Birthday // 13 June 2006”

  1. Flavia says:

    This site is wonderful!!!

  2. Lise says:

    Watson Weekly does not seem wonderful… It is MORE than wonderful! Thanks for everyone who worked on it!

  3. Molly says:

    Thats so cool, i cant wait to see it!! too bad im in australia. 3rd!! 🙂

  4. Teresa says:

    woh, i really hope that Emma would attend the play, so that we would have some recent photos of Emma!!Greatbesides, the weekly magazine is amazing!~

  5. bryan says:

    I guess emma is to busy to enter but still, I hope she plays along with itI’m sure she will end up with the best or as the best whats even more wonderfullEy emma can i be the first one to gratz u if u win :Pkeep up the good work on watson weekly and this site, its realy great:smile:

  6. emma's # ONE fan says:

    Yes indeed it does look wonderful! I can’t wait till that vidio!:smile:

  7. Mell says:

    what is the Queen’s Handbag play????

  8. Elizabeth says:

    It’d be nice if they went but I heard that Daniel has been comfirmed that he won’t be attending. Not so sure about Emma and Rupert though

  9. Doma says:

    hello,everybody:smile:i love this site, i love emma, dan, rupert, and I LOVE HP!write to me, i would like ho have any contact witch something who live abroad:smile:If u have a time – write to me, because i would like to create my website (maybe about emma?) but i cannot do a gallery:sad:

  10. Agnieszka says:

    HI! I’m from Poland and I very like Emma she is ideal!!!!!!!!!::::::D

  11. Ellen says:

    esse site e bom mais eu queria mesmoera falar com voce

  12. Anna says:

    WOW!! I want to see the video!!!

  13. yoro says:

    Hi Emma! I not any mad fan, I simply guy to whom you have very strongly liked. I am assured, if you learn me better, you in me will not be disappointed. Please, write to me. I know, that it is impossible, and it only a dream and a sleep, but I would like, that this a sleep, became a reality, please write to me:Wise men say only fools rush in But I can’t help falling in love with you Shall I stay, would it be a sin If I can’t help falling in love with you Like a river flows surely to the seaDarling so it goes Some things are meant to be Take my hand, take my whole life too For I can’t help falling in love with youPLEASE, WRITE TO ME ON MY or on my second or write me on my ICQ: 192-085-271PLEASE WRITE TO ME!!!!Your Yaroslav

  14. Amy says:

    Its unbeliveble some turkish People hack the second amazing site after of courseNothing is working anymore on the site and everbody there is totally down and frustrated..that sucksI hope that will never happen to only thing that still works on that site is the german comments but thats all

  15. Cl says:

    don’t write this site, there are private pics… they’ll ban you…

  16. Sandra says:

    Sean: If u can’t stop go on about her private life then u can leave the site NOW! U will so get banned from here if u keep doing it all the time. Right now i just so wish i could bitch u out (sorry) but i can’t ’cause i know better then that plus i dont want to get kicked out. Stop type it here please..// Sandra 🙂

  17. Kat_DS says:

    Yaroslav, where are you from?Your poems rules!)))))))

  18. emmas #1 fan ♥ says:

    wayy cant watch that ! 🙂

  19. Samantha says:

    does this mean new pix??!?! i can’t wait!

  20. Natasha says:

    Does anyone have info about the Empire awards? If so… please post!!1

  21. Lil says:

    Personally I think the creator of Watson Weekly should focus on Emma for the Funky Fashion section and not other celebs, just like the old one! I created a personal magazine on my computer not so long ago, I used rescorces from this site and then i printed it out and put it all together! It’s got tips on fittness, food, make-up, hair aaaaand fashion-I named it Beauty Babe.But I really do think all the work you guys have done on this site is absolutely fabulous!!!

  22. Lil says:

    By-the-way I didn’t steal anything from the site to use on a site of my own, if that’s what some of you are thinking!? Just for personal use, that’s all!

  23. Krum says:

    Man, I hope she goes…I haven’t seen any new pics of My Emma since January, and I’m going CRAZEE!!!P.S. Yoro’s back!!! WOO-HOO!

  24. Sandra says:

    Krum: Were u at this guestbook at that time when the site was shoot down? Just wondering cuz somebody with that name was…

  25. Sandra says:

    I need to b honest too. This site can b that great like the last one… Please, cant u try make it better?? I mean guestbook and other things?? I dont dislike u, dont get me wrong. I like this site but i just think it can b that great at the last one..U CAN DO IT! // Sandra 🙂

  26. Em Rocks, DUH! says:

    The video of the week is really nice XD

  27. kye says:

    that sux i think she should play in there it would be sweet!

  28. nicole says:

    i (in my opinion) think this site is nice..and that some people should back off because A LOT of hard work goes into making a web site and that the people who think this site isnt great should have more apprecaiation and quite sayin all this is for EMMA WATSON and EMMA WATSON only… i mean hello can we get a life..i (in my opinion) think this site is great and it has a nice balance of emma watson features and harry potter features and i jus want to say that this website is goin to have great things in the future and that some people should have some patientswell then now that thats said i feel much bettermuch thanks for everyone who has worked on this website=]

  29. Vinny says:

    Dear Em.I love you, I want know you, I want kiss you, I want you forever, but it’s very hard. You and I = perfect married couple, Today is gonna be the dayThat they’re gonna throw it back to youBy now you should’ve somehowRealized what you gotta doI don’t believe that anybodyFeels the way I do about you nowBackbeat the word was on the streetThat the fire in your heart is outI’m sure you’ve heard it all beforeBut you never really had a doubtI don’t believe that anybody feelsThe way I do about you nowAnd all the roads we have to walk are windingAnd all the lights that lead us there are blindingThere are many things that I wouldLike to say to youBut I don’t know howBecause maybeYou’re gonna be the one that saves meAnd after allYou’re my wonderwallToday was gonna be the dayBut they’ll never throw it back to youBy now you should’ve somehowRealized what you’re not to doI don’t believe that anybodyFeels the way I doAbout you nowAnd all the roads that lead you there were windingAnd all the lights that light the way are blindingThere are many things that I would like to say to youBut I don’t know howI said maybeYou’re gonna be the one that saves meAnd after allYou’re my wonderwallI said maybeYou’re gonna be the one that saves meAnd after allYou’re my wonderwallSaid maybeYou’re gonna be the one that saves meYou’re gonna be the one that saves meYou’re gonna be the one that saves meYou Like, Emma?contact

  30. Vinny says:


  31. nicole says:

    ohh and another thing i dont think its nice to judge people before u even know Ingrid im sure ur not a “stuck-up prissy who thinks she knows everything” peace out=]

  32. Ally says:

    Okay Leigha Taylor, truthfuly since you have not gone into the Harry Potter section you shouldn’t judge. In there it has a section on hermione, and yes it does have sections on the news of harry potter and the actors etc. But that doesnt mean you should judge it. This site is a great site, and everyone here is working hard to make it even better. I mean we all are trying to recover on the loss of Jo. But come on. I if you have a hard time than fine. But please save it for the Emma Watson haters.

  33. Ally says:

    Oh and Vinny love the poem. You rock!

  34. Dax says:

    wow Miss Leigha Taylor I didn’t know freedom of speech gave you the right to be a jerk. If you don’t like something, you don’t like it, no need to shove it in other peoples faces (I.E. insulting Ingrid like that). I love what they’ve done with the watson weekly and the site for that matter. Keep up the good work -_O

  35. Pete says:

    I don’t feel comfortable about giving my opinion about the new administration of the site. All I can say (and everyone should agree…) is: IT’S ANOTHER SITE, not the same as it was before the hiatus. A different one.About the play: It would be great if Emma took part in that homage to the Queen. God bless she can make it outta the studios for a while! HER MAJESTY DESERVES IT, doesn’t she?Tchau, Adi

  36. emmawats0nfan1 says:

    i really wanna c it i hope i can it sound funny plus i havent seen emma act in anything but hp so it will be kwl.

  37. nicole says:

    wow i thought i was the only one with sense out there for a moment.. im glad other people have appreciation for this site *my thanks to you all* and i dont want to sound rude but im sorry Leigha Taylor but i think ur misunderstanding the term freedom of speech im an american too and atleast i have enough class not to say “(as you can tell, I am American-based, and I have the freedom of speech)” wut kind of rubbish is that jus because u have the freedom of speech does not mean u can shove it someones face u have no right to judge someone it doesnt make u any better to put someone down and i think u should take all these comments from people as lets say a little advice TO THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAKmmk?alrighty thenpeace out miss Leigha Taylorohh also have a GREAT DAYPEACE OUT

  38. Emma Carrasco says:

    Me gustar

  39. Dilara says:

    bu nedir kardeş hi

  40. Irene says:

    Oh That’s great! Emma i s C U T E! Bless her!PS: cool pic of the day, but i has it! lol:smile:

  41. Sandra says:

    Alright, everyone stop it! Nicole stop go on about it. Ashleigh “Leigha” Taylor have all rights to think what she wants.. The webiste is not like the same, but she have all right to think or write what she wants… THAT’S IT! So stop go on about this please.

  42. nit says:

    but were is the gallery

  43. katie says:

    the site is realy great!!!i have a guestion for you-i heard that emma had her own site with her privat photos is that true??????—-sorry for my spelling if its wrong but i come from poland not england

  44. Daria says:

    where is gallery? PS. nice pictures from WATSON WEEKLY: )

  45. kye says:


  46. Renee says:

    I personally like the old layout to the site better than the current. However, I do very much like everything else you have done with it. Keep up the good work.

  47. natalyyyy says:

    heyy !!1 hey ‘ o ‘ why can’t i get in the “video archive”?it doesnt work…like seriously, couz i want really badly to view some more video’s 1!! x0x0x 4 everybody !!!

  48. natalyyyy says:

    I meant Carol, !11 lolly, oki byes

  49. Hpfan says:

    I hope Emma attends the Queens birthday, that would be really neat to see her there, and it’s too bad that Dan R. isn’t going to make it. And I hope Emma will take place in that play they are talking about.