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About Chanel lending her gowns (2009):"It's incredible to get those gowns, because I've always loved designer clothing. It's the best. If anyone dresses me for a premiere, it'll be Chanel. Physically, I don't have time to go shopping for those events, that's why it's good that they lend me these clothes."

Queen’s 80th Birthday // 13 June 2006

Hello everyone o/

Remember the Queen’s Handbag play????I think we all do, so TLC were informed that the play will be pre-recorded and shown during the event. Emma may attend, but there’s nothing confirming that.

As soon as we get more news on that we’ll be sharing with you guys. And a little reminder that BBC will broadcast the event, so we’ll probably get a video from it. The Queen’s 80th Birthday will be on the 25th of June at Buckingham Palace.

And also I have to congratulate everyone who helped with the 3rd Issue of Watson Weekly cuz it looks wonderful!!!

[ Carol ]

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139 Responses to “Queen’s 80th Birthday // 13 June 2006”

  1. Sandra says:

    I want to make my own opinion to this site please dont hate me:The site is good, maybe its not like the old one, but i like this one. Fred is the owner now, and he cant b like Jo.. How would it look like if everybody had the same brains and everybody would look the same? This site is good on it on way, the old was good in it way… Well hope u understand, goddamn i have been thinking since we can see how we all look like. Hm, if u wondering how i look like then just check my website =) Dont worry is just normal pictures at me. God Bless!// Sandra.

  2. Nona says:

    can anyone tell me why is the chatting is not working plz plz plz? ? i wanna know ..thank u

  3. nicole says:

    sorry Sandra im just a simple girl from the south and i tell it like it is..but im glad u like this site and not say things that could hurt somone else and your absolutely right Fred is a different person and he has all the right to run this site the way he wants to and i think we can leave it at that and move on and i apologize to Liegha Taylor if anything i said offended you or anybody else to that matter…well i must go the power is about to be cut off from this so called tropical stormpeace out

  4. annemarie says:

    Everyone who is take this site possible are okay!I’m verry glad that the site was not gone or something so we have to respect the people wo have make this possible!We have to be happy that they wanna do this!so say naving, not nice to them!annemarie (nice update!

  5. Ally says:

    Okay for one. Nicole if you were tlking to me. okay I’m not taylor. I was just trying to straighten her. Or maybe you already knoe that. *checking* yep you did. Now I propably sound like a big idiot. But oh well. I just want to say that, taylor I am really sorry if I hurt your feelings. I have really strong opinions, and just like nicole i’m from the south, which makes me hot tempered. And all of my friends warn me that i should stop being so mean sometimes and i try so, I will give you that. It is just that. I waited for a long time for this site to re-open, because I have been a big fan since, uhhhhh, I don’t know. Since it first opened I think. And since we have had the loss of Jo and all, you could have at least of been nice about the site. But that is my opinion, i mean I could be that way too. And as I said, again I am really really really really sorry. Hoping you forgive me,Ally

  6. Ally says:

    P.S. HAve people been looking at my site? If yes than thank you. And could people help me? With a layout or something. If you want to charge me money that forget about it.

  7. Sandra says:

    Alright Someone, I want to talk with u, what’s is your e-mail??

  8. Sandra says:

    Nicole don’t worry.. Well i have a big mouth myself, but i gotta watch my back cuz next time i say something really really stupid i will get banned. Lol, so im trying to keep my cool.

  9. someone says:

    Sandra,Ok,I’ll gave it to you,but first tell me what do you want to talk me about?and how to gave it to you.I cant just wrote it here cause someone might use it and…you know….Its not safely…answer please

  10. Sandra says:

    Alright: Who posted thoes private pictures??????? Just stop it already for god sake damn it. I’m so sorry for this… Just accept Emma’s privacy ok? U who did it, can u b so nice and just e-mail me ?? I would like to talk with u, only talk..

  11. Sandra says:

    I just wanna talk, hey e-mail me then.. just wanna know some things.. I ain’t gonna do anything that will harm u. I promise.

  12. someone says:

    I didnt post any private pictures…Did you give your e-mail to me or to someone else?to that guy who post Emmas private pictures?answer please

  13. Ally says:

    Sandra breath. This person aparantly has no life. Just let it go. It is okay.

  14. Sandra says:

    That was to both, first to that guy who posted thoes pictures then to u.

  15. Sandra says:

    Ally: hehe im breathing. Im just gonna talk with Someone nothing more, i promise 🙂

  16. Ally says:

    Okay Sandra,As long as you dont kill them over the internet I am fine. 😉

  17. Sandra says:

    Oh no, i wont. Trust me, ima nice girl, im all over that now 😉

  18. Ally says:

    Samdra: You haven’t killed Someone yet right? :0

  19. Ally says:

    Good Sandra, I was worryed for a while there. Just kidding. I know you wouldn’t

  20. James7 says:

    I don’t want to get banned so I say it as nice as I can. SOMEONE if you dont like this website then stay away maybe its not like the other but its Fred who runs it and he is the BOSS and I agree with Sandra. I would like to discuess this with you so please contact me in here. If you arent to afraid of getting out with your opinion. EMMA WATSON = GIRL POWER

  21. Ally says:

    Hey people out there. If you guys could help me. If you like the video on this page of my site and the little layout. Tell me!Ally…rry%20video.htm

  22. Ally says:

    If anyone doesn’t I will take it off.

  23. Sandra says:

    James7: My friend, please back off 🙂 Just chill, i have already talked with this girl. Just dont ok?

  24. Ally says:

    this was my current layout. I need help!…41590/home.html

  25. Ally says:

    James7 just relax

  26. Sandra says:

    Ally: It’s all good 🙂

  27. Sandra says:

    Ally: Nah i haven’t killed her. I just talked with her in a nice way 🙂 Hm, that was the strongest from my mouth. lol

  28. Ally says:

    good Sandra,wait what is good. the James thing, the layout thing, the video thing. Clear everything up. I am having anervous breackdown! I need help with my site. and I gave people here a sneek-peek. the message in the blog had my email in it! tell me I need to breath! Breakdown, breakdown! Okay wait a sec.*breathing*Okay I am fine. Sorry I have been sick, so I feel like I will throw up. Sorry again. You didn’t need that.

  29. Ally says:

    Oh god

  30. Ally says:

    oh god oh god oh god

  31. Sandra says:

    Well im very sick myself. Hehe, don’t worry. No i mean like ur website was good 🙂

  32. Ally says:

    gripping table

  33. Ally says:

    it is okay, it all past. And thanx Sandra

  34. Ally says:

    would you want to help me with my website Sandra?

  35. James7 says:

    Good film Ally even if that I seen it before he he.

  36. Sandra says:

    ehm, sorry im a bit confused? Hm, i dont know what i can help with?? Ehm, cuz i aint that “smart” like my boyfriend is.. hehehe

  37. nicole says:

    Ally, wut part of the south are you from??

  38. Ally says:

    Nicole:Texas, Alabama, Arkansa, a little of Mississippi, but currently I live in California. People make fun of me for the accent

  39. Ally says:

    Sandra: Maybe you could help me with some news of Emma, or Harry Potter

  40. Sandra says:

    Ally: let me think about it.. I aint sure yet.

  41. Ally says:

    k sandra no prob

  42. Sandra says:

    hehe okay 🙂

  43. Ashleigh Taylor says:


  44. Leigha Taylor says:

    Nicole: you spelled my name wrong. WHATTHE

  45. Sandra says:

    hehe anytime. 🙂

  46. Leigha Taylor says:

    I TAKE BACK NONE OF THISNONEABSOLUTELY NONEAnd Ally sorry if people in California make fun of you for the accent. Actually…I’m NOT! I live In Cali too. I’m in San Diego. A lot of people think that I am a typical stupid California blonde who wears bikinis and loves shopping (all of the above is true, however). But also, I HAVE an IQ, I think about school, I am on extracuricular activities (Cheerleading Captain and Green Day Fan Club), and I care about other people. Which is why I don’t want this site to go down the toilet. In case you missed my earlier…”opinions”, there they are, below. ~~~~~Listen Fred or Carol or Shannon or whoever reads this. I have been an avid viewer of the site ever since Fred reopened it. I had high hopes. I checked it the day it was supposed to open, before Fred even wrote the first entry. I have always been an avid viewer. I was an avid viewer when Jo opened up the site, stumbling upon it within the first week it was open. I am going to be quite honest with you, and that honesty is this: I don’t like what you’ve done with the site. Of course, it looks good on the exterior. But that is before you get into is an EMMA WATSON site, not a Harry Potter site. I don’t even GO into the Harry Potter section, because I so strongly disagree with it. I am glad I haven’t. And the Funky Fashion. You should not have ANYTHING but EMMA WATSON on there. We don’t CARE what INGRID likes, we care what EMMA likes. That’s a big difference. Ingrid is just a stuck-up prissy who thinks she knows everything about fashion, but really she doesn’t. She knows her opinions, and her opinions ONLY.However, there is ONE thing going for you, although, like everything else on the site, you will slack off on in time: Picture Of The Day. I was in constant contact with Jo about this, as she changed it every week or so. That is the ONLY thing that I appreciate about the site.Please feel free to contact me at my email addresses below if you have any questions or you can tell, I am American-based, and I have the freedom of speech).Yours Truly, Leigha Maria TaylorMore commonly known as Leigh, or Leigha.P.S., I also got a new email address.d1rty.l1ttl3__secret@hotmail.comBTWI HATE THIS SITEHATEHATEHATEHATEHATEHATEHATEHATEHATE

  47. nicole says:

    Ally, ohh ive always wandered wut California was like..but i live in Florida a lil town called Panama City (a.k.a the worlds most beautiful beaches)but thats cool that your from the south like me =]peace out

  48. Sandra says:

    Leigha Taylor: Girl calm down will ya?