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About whether or not she wants to remain an actress (2006): "I really don't know. Daniel and Rupert seem so sure. I don't know. I wouldn't want "Harry Potter" to be the last thing I do. Nothing is ever going to be quite on the scale of this. I appreciate that. And also I've come into acting in such a funny way. Most people who want to act have to sit through hours of auditioning and work their way up, whereas I seemed to have come straight in at the top, having had no experience at all. That's quite a strange position to be in, but amazing at the same time because it has given me so many options and choices. I definitely would like to try other films to see what it's like. I'd really like to try some theater, actually, because I think I would really enjoy that immediate response from an audience. I love making people laugh. I love to perform, but there are so many things I love doing (pauses) Maybe that seems ungrateful. I have been given such an amazing opportunity, but I'll just have to go with the flow and see what happens."

Queen’s 80th Birthday // 13 June 2006

Hello everyone o/

Remember the Queen’s Handbag play????I think we all do, so TLC were informed that the play will be pre-recorded and shown during the event. Emma may attend, but there’s nothing confirming that.

As soon as we get more news on that we’ll be sharing with you guys. And a little reminder that BBC will broadcast the event, so we’ll probably get a video from it. The Queen’s 80th Birthday will be on the 25th of June at Buckingham Palace.

And also I have to congratulate everyone who helped with the 3rd Issue of Watson Weekly cuz it looks wonderful!!!

[ Carol ]

Comments closed for this item.

139 Responses to “Queen’s 80th Birthday // 13 June 2006”

  1. Sandra says:

    Alright im the judge here! Girls! Calm down, for god sake damn it! Just calm down before somebody get hurt, what the?? Hey girls, both of u please calm down. Take a breath deep and relax a second ok? Good! Now let me talk.. This dont lead to anything! Leigha try stop insulting people and go on about life ain’t nothing but cheerleading and shopping, cuz it isnt! Trust me, i know alot about life.. I have been through drugs, working on stop with it, i have been through overdoses! So shut up about it. Nicole, please try calm down girl.. Don’t get all up and down on what Leigha says to u back ok? It will just get worse then. So can u two try come alone? And Leigha if u hate this site so much, im afraid i need to tell u to leave it straight away! We dont like reading about that shit, it’s not very cool when u insulting people. Nicole, i know u can calm down so please just try for your sake, for my sake, for all of us sake ok? // Sandra

  2. nicole says:

    point takin sandra ill drop it and leave it how it is

  3. Sandra says:

    Okay nicole. Thank u 🙂

  4. Joanna says:

    I really don’t see big differences from this website and the old one.. We still get daily posts (more than one, usually) and this takes a lot of time to the people who are working in here.There’s still some sections that aren’t opened, but they will, you just have to be patient..

  5. Ally says:

    Okay I agree with nicole, shopping and cheerleading isnt life. I also have been through too many bull-shitty things. My sister went through drugs and went to rehab twice, my brother almost killed himself three times before he enough sence and settled down. I have tryed to comite suicide, WHEN I WAS ONLY ELEVEN!, and that isn’t even the end of it. Trust me Leigha or whatever, you really dont know life.P.S. You’re the Cheerleading Captain? Please.

  6. Ally says:

    k I’m sorry I agree with Sandra. Sorry Sandra.

  7. Julia says:

    hiii!congrats on the site!I miss Jo but I think u r doing a great job.I just want to know how 2 see the gallery… I’m having some problems to do it! I click on it an nothing happens!Pleeease help mee!:Dbtw, I LOVE WATSON NEWS WEEKLY!!!!!

  8. NoFreedom says:

    When is the gallery and video archive going to be up!!!???

  9. Dave says:

    I swear! you blondes should get togther and ve a CAT FIGHT! oh yeah! I’d pay to watch that! I’m not sure who’s going to win but i’m gonna bet my money on Leigha !

  10. Lil says:

    ok i have now decided i think this site isn’t very good- at all!!!!!!!i’m sorry if i’ve offended you. i try to open things up, like the emma info and it won’t open- there’s nothing wrong with my computer either! it needs to be updated everyday, not just every 3rd day, everything, like funkyfashion needs to be focused on emma and emma only, the gallery hasn’t been posted on the site for too long, all the emma info need to be updated, the emma section also needs more stuff- i mean the whole site is supossed to be all about emma and here is this teeny-weeny 15 lots of things about her and half of them aren’t even complete yet!!!! ‘com on guys!?

  11. Lil says:

    i really do think the 2nd to last site of was the best!it had everything any emma fan could ever even ask for!! you so should’ve stuck to the violet, instead of the blue theme. i really do hope you guys improve and also change the colour theme. can you pleeeeeeeease put heaps of hermione stuff on the site as well as emma? just like on the sassy site, with the whole brain thing and…. hang on, sassy is a whole different site, run by different people! isn’t it???!!!…..

  12. Dave says:

    Lil, maybe you should try running a site. It’s not easy trust me on that. Right now, it is the worse time of the year when people are having their exams and at the same time having to deal with people like you who have absolutely no idea how pain in the ass it is… For me the site is good as it is and the colors are great! i don’t really see anything wrong with them.

  13. Ana Alex says:

    Dave, just for the record, i’m not blonde! duh! who says blondes and brunettes could not come together! losers!

  14. Lil says:

    dave, im sorry, i absolutely forgot all about the exams! i kinda went overboard with all the complaints and i didn’t really mean to say the site was terrible, i guess im simply a fussy person and the colour is fine, it’s just i prefer the old colour!? but even so it wouldnt be much to ask for them to focus the funkyfashion mag on emma and not other celebs and herself! good luck with those exams! 😉

  15. Dave says:

    Its okay Lil =) @Ana Hmm… did i call you a blonde? I was taking to those who were spazing at one another. Not you.

  16. Lil says:

    my full name is olivia.i live in new zealand- on the other side of the world to the u.k, it is the beginning of winter. you people in the u.k are so lucky it’s summer over there! next time you start to complain about how hot it is, stop and think about how cold it must be for us people in n.z!!!

  17. 爱EmmaWatson says:

    I’m chinese,I love emma very much

  18. annemarie says:

    Everyone who is take this site possible are okay!I’m verry glad that the site was not gone or something so we have to respect the people wo have make this possible!We have to be happy that they wanna do this!so say naving, not nice to them!annemarie (nice update!

  19. Sandra says:

    Dave: lol, u want to see them fighting? Well Nicole will have me on her said man, btw i fight like u dont want to know…. Been fighting alot these years, and for your information i have black hair 😉 Oh yeah one more thing Leigha, i need to say this again. Life ain’t just about cheearleding and shopping.. U wanna know what ive been through, well i wrote about the drugs already. So, i was close to start with prostitution but i never did that, but i can say once cuz i had sex with that idiot who gave me shit cuz i needed. I regret that shit! When i was 12 or 13 i traid to commit suicide like Ally. When i was either 11 or 12 i dont know. But then my brother got all over me, i talked with somebody who could help me so it later stopped. But do u know how much i screamed, i had to kick something to the ground so my mama could come. I was thinking inside “Papa papa papa, come and save me!” U really dont know how life really is, u just go on about life aint nothing but cheerleading and shopping. Complaning at other people insulte them, how would it feel if i cuss u out right now? I promise u would get scared, u would run to yo’ lil mummy like everybody else i have been cussing out. Or beated up! So just dropp all that shit do…

  20. Sandra says:

    Oh yeah one more thing. For some week ago, a guy get all over me. He was high and drunk! He dragged me to him, i said i didnt want to traid to drag myself away but i couldnt! He took his hand under my bra and shit, kissing me. Right then i was thinking “Angel Angel Angel, come and save me baby!”. Angel is my boyfriend who lives in Brooklyn, NY. I have met him though, i was thinking everything would b easier it i would been there right now! Really, u have no idea how life really is Leigha, so u maybe gonna think before u open your mouth about people and life. GOOD! Thanks.

  21. Carol says:

    Ok I don’t have time to ban you all now or delete the comments, but next time I see ONE single fight about whatever it is. I swear to god I’ll ban whoever it is!!!

  22. Ashleigh Taylor says:

    Ana Alex, I like you. You agree with me on this. And that Carol at the top of the page– YOU ARE SO A PHONY!! YA RIGHT! How are we supposed to believe that it’s really you????SANDRA-CHILL! I’ve been through stuff too, but I dont want this site to go rotten, which I why I said that. I mean it all, but you need to CHILL!!!You’ve had problems. Lovely. WE DONT NEED TO HEAR ABOUT IT!!!! And going into detail and stuff…that is UNREASONABLE. Did I ever say that life was about being a blonde and cheerleading??NOThose are just positive aspects in my life, and I prefer to focus on those, rather than YOU who obviously prefer to get themselves into messes and then GRIPE about it. You obviously need better taste in guys. I know a therapist you can go to. Name is Sheila Mason. # 202-289-1990 ex. 45Give her a call. Help you get your life SORTED OUTSincerely,Ash

  23. Ashleigh Taylor says:


  24. Ashleigh Taylor says:

    And whoever DOUBTED THAT I WAS CAPTAIN…get a GRIP! I am, accept it. GO TO THE DANG WEBSITE IF YOU DONT BELIEVE ME! http://www.sandiegohigh/cheer/senior/ashleightaylor/captain/profile.htmlAnd here is a newspaper article about me being elected captainwww.sandiegohigh/tigerprint/newspaper/10484930191903.htmlHAPPY????

  25. Ally says:

    Dave if you were saying that I was one who was…what did you say? “Spazing out”, and that we were “blonde”, I’ve got something to tell you. I’m not blonde, I ahve orange hair, you jackass.

  26. Ally says:

    natural might I add

  27. Ally says:

    “I know a therapist you can go to.” So Leigha does that imply that you go to a therapist? Because if you do, that would explain your actions.

  28. Ashleigh Taylor says:

    No Ally I dont go to a therapist, although I think you should too. I was merely implying that some of us need to learn how to CONTROL their anger and not use vile language, and the fact that she was having those issues in her life. AshleighBTW- I deleted all of my email addresses so you guys can stop sending me spam. I have a new one, and I’m quite sure that Ana Alex will be recieving it, since she agrees with me.

  29. Sandra says:

    Nah, i got rid of all these issues in my life for a month ago.. Lol, i have no problems anymore… Like we said in thoes other comments, we stop all this madnesses NOW! What all of this things u say i dont have a good taste in guys. Oh my, i do! I need to fight just to have my boyfriend for myself. Btw, he only wants me so i dont really have to do that. lol XD So before u say something more u dont know about, get@life ok? Good, i aint going to b fighting over the internet for crying out loud.

  30. Dave says:

    How would i know? you might be lying. I’m just taking a wild guess. I’d still pay even if u weren’t blonde. Cat fights are priceless!

  31. Sandra says:

    About to control my anger. Hehe Ally, before people wanted to send me and my boyfriend away cuz of our anger. If u want we all three can go there and play so nice then go out again and still have a big mouth. lol! Sounds pretty funny 😉

  32. Sandra says:

    Dave: If u click on my website u will see pictures at me. Btw, i dont do cat fights, im talking about real fights. Ha ha 🙂

  33. Ally says:

    Sandra, does sound fun. Maybe we can make it four, so my boyfriend can come along

  34. Sandra says:

    yeah sure, ima talk with my boyfriend.. lol 🙂

  35. [ Shannon ] says:

    Sandra, these are not chat rooms. These comments are suppose to be for comments on the latest news posts.Please conduct these personal matters somewhere else. Thanks. 🙂

  36. burak alan says:

    you very much love big hayran you love love….

  37. barıs says:


  38. Ashleigh Taylor says:

    Ana Alex: bikinibabe415@aim.comAna Alex, send me an email. I like your opinions here.

  39. Ashleigh Taylor says:

    Sandra, Ally, and whoever else got mixed in: I h8 uDave why do you want to see a catfight you perverted monkey?