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About drugs (2007): "To be honest, I'd be too frightened to take drugs. I have enough in my life without looking for something else, and I hope that will always be the case."

More Info About The Queen’s Handbag Play // 15 June 2006

Thanks to HPFZ we have more information about the Queen’s Hand Bag play in which Emma will be playing Hermione (lol) as usual and along with Harry, Ron and Neville they will be "recommending a spell for the Palace to use in order to apprehend a thief. It is this spell that ultimately leads to them catching the crook." And the scene will be filmed on the Gryffindor common room.

Also I would like to ask everyone to vote for Goblet Of Fire on the Teen Choice Awards. The first "wave" of categories was announced and GoF is nominated for Choice Movie – Drama. Later on in July more categories will be announced. The results will be announced on the 20th of August.

[ Carol ]

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61 Responses to “More Info About The Queen’s Handbag Play // 15 June 2006”

  1. Olusia says:

    Nice lay 🙂

  2. annemarie says:

    2th nice update annemarie

  3. Molly says:

    haha thats so cute how emma is playing hermione AGAIN!! 🙂 3RD!!

  4. Prue says:

    sounds hilarious 😛

  5. Julia says: of the first :smile:Every time i read this thing i’m rofl :’)

  6. Chelsea says:

    i hope harry potter 4 wins in the drama choice!!!! awsome layout

  7. Agnieszka says:

    The Watson Weekly it”s her newspaper??

  8. Marc says:

    Hello everyone nice update:wink: Emma i love you.Marc:wink: your big lover

  9. Agnieszka says:

    Hey Marc!!!!!!

  10. annemarie says:

    when is the gallery finisch? (A)greets annemarie

  11. Ashleigh Taylor says:

    WOWSandra hasnt spread her dirty little pawprints in here!!!!!!!!! YESNice update. Hope HP wins! I will be voting on it!!! (Both times)And I have to hand it to you–the one thing that I liked about this site was the the pic of the day was changed regularly, and you have held up to that!!!Ashleigh

  12. CHABERNAUD Beno says:

    Emma i love you.

  13. Sandra says:

    Alright, stop the fighting! Btw, i saw that comment.. I dont need a life, or better taste on guys… Stop fighting, this aint a place to b fighting on..I would like to talk with u in private, give me your email. Im just gonna talk with u, help u understand what u do is hurting other people. But u havent offended me, but other people… So who need a life? I aint going to b fighting cuz i aint want to get kicked out, plus people around here knows that whatever i do is caring.. Stop the fightings..Carol, nice uptade 😉

  14. Sandra says:

    I need to make my own opinion again, please dont ban me this is nothing mean, matter of fact it’s something positiv:Leigha look girl, can we just not drop all this? Stop hack on one each other. I aint want this site to go rotten either, but Fred is the owner now, plus its aint easy to run a site. I’m thinking about helping Ally out with her site. Can we just drop all this things, try to come along? I ain’t want to b fighting, if i fight i do it in the real life. NOT over internet ^^ So what u say? Im telling u now, i appoligise for my things. But now it’s just your turn to play nice at least.

  15. Ally says:

    I agree with Sandra about all the fighting. We need to stop, it is just getting rediculise. And Leigha I am sorry if I hurt your feelings. I really am. And if you start to fight with me Leigha than, I am sorry. I am truly saying all of this from my heart. And Carol if you really are in these conversations, I am sorry too. It is not my buisness to make all of this hard for you, Fred and everybody else who is doing such a great job here. I know how hard it is to work on a site. And Sandra I do hope that you help me. It would mean the world.xxAllyxx

  16. anna says:

    hehe. that’s so cool, they acting like harry ron hermione and neville out the Hp story that’s so cool i want to see tnat!!

  17. Ally says:

    And I do hope that HP wins the award in the drama section.

  18. Sandra says:

    Ally just give me some days, right now im having a high fever and stuff. So im not that much at the computer, but give me some days then i will tell u 🙂 // Sandra.

  19. Ally says:

    I understand Sandra. I have been sick for a week now and I am not going to tell you what has been coming out of my mouth, and nose. Sorry that must have made you worse. But I hope you get better, and I can wait just email me at if you need to contact me.

  20. Sandra says:

    Hey ally, is that plus your screen name on msn? If it is, is it okay if i add u to my contact list?

  21. Em Rocks, DUH! says:

    That picture of the day is really cute ^-^ And I wished I would be in the guestlist of Queen

  22. Carol says:

    Ok so settle down ok???I do not wanna see any fights in here!!!I’m not gonna ban anyone, Ashleigh stop! I know you don’t like the new site, but we’re working on it.Sandra u already know what I’m gonna say, and everyone else, look we are here to give u guys information and not to create any fights or disagrements!Thanks

  23. bryan says:

    Nice update and the picture of the day is cute 🙂

  24. bryan says:

    If anyone was fighting then just forget it, done is donepeace all :Sp.s.I hate exams xDgot 1 more lefti hope that i pass 😉

  25. Sandra says:

    Carol: U know i dont like fighting like this, so im settle down.I have too horrible memories what happened to people over internet before, aight. With me can everybody count on 😉

  26. Sophie says:


  27. Ally says:

    Sandra yeah that is my screen name. you can add me.

  28. Sandra says:

    aight i did 🙂

  29. Sandra says:


  30. nicole says:

    hey Sandra sounds like uve had a pretty tough life… and dont listen to Ashleigh i mean for someone who hates this sit “so much” she certainly hasnt left it..but yeah it takes alot to calm down when some people just dont understand..she will probably never know wut you have been im glad to say that all of this is in the past now and u did a good job of keepin your cool girl =Dpeace out sandra

  31. Miley says:

    Who else would she be playing? Ginny??? I can’t wait, more pictures!

  32. ...:::Monique Brazil:::... says:


  33. Cade Armstrong says:

    havnt been in here in a while XDEmma is still so hot XDif u have mirc hat go here./server -m -j #emma-watsonor JAVA chat go here and join #emma-watson…/chat/java.htmlCade

  34. Anna Caroline says:

    Oi! Tudo bem?Eu gostaria de dizer que amo o site e sempre venho nele!Quando ele tava fora do ar quase pirei…queria te pedir p/ fazer esse site em potugu

  35. Emma's#1 fan!(aka: Siena ) says:

    Hey, cute pic of the day!!!!! cant wait to see the pics from the play!!!!

  36. Sandra says:

    Nicole: Yeah i have, but my boyfriend really helpt me out, im very glad for that.. =) Hm, well what she says i dont care about. Cuz she really dont know how life really is so, well ill try keep my cool. Hehehe :smile:// Sandra..

  37. Samantha says:

    wowwiez! i hope u can dwld the play on the comp. I’d LUUUUURVE to see it!

  38. emma's # ONE fan says:

    cool. VOTE GoF!:smile:

  39. Nela says:

    Nice, and will there be any images of the event? It’s been a long time since the last time Emma attended something that we got images from…

  40. sisly says:

    OKay it;s sisly to the rescue. For all those arugeing..take your problem somewhere else cuz none of here give a damn about who’s a b*tch..okay. We don’t care about your silly stop ruining this space. back to the topic..Carol thanks for the update..i was confused on all this but now it makes sense. So thanks/

  41. Irene says:

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Emma will be playing Hermione!?! I hope Emma will be there! 🙂 PS: I hope Holland win on the FIFA World cup! (or Spain)See ya~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  42. Sandra says:

    Well sisly you’r right.. But what we gunna do so this lil girl understands?

  43. Sandra says:

    So everyone that just want to b fighting. Well leave this site now, cuz we ain’t wanna hear! Damn, if i would b one of thoes people that’s helping out with this site, i’d already kicked u out. I REPEAT! This ain’t a place to b fighting on!!! SO STOP IT!

  44. James7 says:

    Hey Ashleigh and Ana Alex I dont wanna play the gentleman anymore so ASHLEIGH AND ANA if you girls dont wanna get banned u better begin start talking NICE or else the big red animal will show its face and it aint nice. Carol I know that Fred is the boss but can you please make sure that these two “girls” I think they are girls get banned from this web. THey startet to talk dirty about EMma and now they talks dirty of every body else. Ashleigh and Ana stay away from this web if you dont have anything nice to say then dont say anything at all. You have right to say your oppinion but that doesnt mean dirty talking. I would like to discuess this little problem you two girls get. Well you are girls right?

  45. Sandra says:

    Now girls, do u understand your rights? Or do i have to repeat them again? Aight Carol i will stop now, this aint the guestbook. I will stop!

  46. Carol says:

    Ok I’m gonna say anything!!!!I’m sick an tired of this, ana and ashleigh u’re banned!!!I do NOT care about ur feeelings or whatever you shouldn’t even be here at the first place!Sandra I didn’t ban u cuz I know u were defending urself.So ok settle down, and talk about better things like Emma ok!

  47. Sandra says:

    The picture of the day is beautiful!Well of course, all pictures at Emmathey’r good. Carol: I do know how hard it is to run a site, what i know Jo didn’t do the site very good at the first time. But it wasnt finished, later it just keept being better and better. So, this one i have my feelings. When it’s finished it will b as great as the last one! If im gonna b honest, sites never get finished if im going to b honest, cuz it’s exists so much more things to do… I luv this site!! Keep up the good work on it! 😉

  48. Viktor Krum nemesis says:

    Fred, I’m really sorry but you shouldn’t allow these photos here! These people are being very rude with Emma!

  49. Sandra says:

    deux2: I have seen that picture before too.. Hm, well i dont know if its true. But they ain’t dating that’s what i know for sure.