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About not having a stylist (2009):"No, I don't have anyone. I dress myself. For me. It's something that I really enjoy. It's a genuine thing. I really love fashion, I think it's a way to express yourself and it's really fun. I think it's a subject that it shouldn't be taken to an extreme of saying "Clothes, they're stressful!"."

Emma & Hermione Bank Notes // 16 June 2006

Hey everyone!!!! o/

Thanks to UniversHarryPotter for the tip, you can get Emma’s or Hermione’s bank notes like those ones:

You can purchase them at VCoins. But I think they’re sold out at the moment.

And remember if you have any news/new scans/fan photos/pics send it to:


[ Carol ]

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108 Responses to “Emma & Hermione Bank Notes // 16 June 2006”

  1. Luz says:

    i know emma’s Hi5!

  2. jan says:


  3. Anonymous says:

    Is it just me that can’t see hte image gallery?

  4. Lise says:

    I love the new picture of the day! Gallery is not open yet, so be patient (like me ^^). But where’s new issue of Watson Weekly? I really want to read it it’s always so good!

  5. Ally says:

    Hi everybody! Sorry I have been gone! I really like the bank notes.xxAllyxx

  6. Charlotte says:

    I miss Watson Weekly! Where is it?!

  7. Boii says:

    really… what do u use the bank notes for? I mean… is it just for fun? Because, I think it’s a bit silly… but yea, emma’s cute.

  8. Senna says:

    I use my bank notes @ Diagon Alley! lol no i think it is a really funny idea!