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About dressing the way she wants (2007): "In interviews like this and when I'm working on Harry Potter I can dress myself, but the stylists on those shoots have a strong view of what they want you to look like. So sometimes it's a bit of a battle between what they want you to be and what I really am, so I'm like, 'Please take off the eyeliner', or 'Please don't put me in those awful shoes', or whatever it is."

Emma & Hermione Bank Notes // 16 June 2006

Hey everyone!!!! o/

Thanks to UniversHarryPotter for the tip, you can get Emma’s or Hermione’s bank notes like those ones:

You can purchase them at VCoins. But I think they’re sold out at the moment.

And remember if you have any news/new scans/fan photos/pics send it to:


[ Carol ]

Comments closed for this item.

108 Responses to “Emma & Hermione Bank Notes // 16 June 2006”

  1. shrutika says:

    that’s coooooolllll……!!!!!!!! πŸ™‚

  2. terence says:

    uhm,the video archieves under media wont open. is it still under construction?it be cool to see other videos than the video of the day

  3. Nicola says:

    How come the gallery doesn’t load up ever? are they not finished yet?lov Nicola

  4. em says:

    Great update! Visit are new videos of the week with Emma at Tokyo Press Conference and after Regis & Kelly show in which she signs for fans!And pics of the week in high res!

  5. Sandra says:

    Nicola: The gallery aint finished yet. They still working on it =) I like the picture of the day, really cute picture. πŸ˜‰

  6. Nicola says:

    thanks sandra,i thought i was that just making sure that it wasn’t my computer playing up!love Nicola

  7. Ania says:

    Do u like picture of the day ? ? hmmmm…..:

  8. Ania says:

    * pleeeeeeeeeease sorry;p πŸ˜‰

  9. mela says:

    Here’s my website about Emma ==>

  10. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    where are they in the pic of the day??? just curious!

  11. cory-marie says:

    wow! i havn’t been on the site in a while but sice then, emma has sure grown up! p.s go to my site

  12. emma's # ONE fan says:

    ummm, how about an update soon??!!??!!:smile:

  13. Olusia says:

    lol πŸ˜€

  14. princess says:

    awhhhh this news are lame, no new news……I guess I’ll send you guys some news, first I have to scan them, i have like more than 15 pages PLUS posters from 2 magazines, but I don’t really have time, so MAYBE TODAY, byeee x0x

  15. Sandra says:

    u welcome Nicola. πŸ™‚

  16. madmaddie7 says:

    whoa. haven’t visited this site in 2 months!! it soooo diferent!!

  17. barıs says:

    Sweet words that I want to give youvery beatıful and sugar:smile: i love you (see you)

  18. Carol says:

    That would be really nice of you princess!!Yeah unfortunatly we don’t have any news at the moment!

  19. Lauren says:

    great updates…:smile:

  20. taylor says:

    hey. i haven’t been to emma watson net in so’s changed so much! What happened to Jo? Did she just decide to quit or something? Anyway, good job on the site xoxo

  21. ~Roni~ says:

    What’s going on with the Watson Weekly? I really wanna see it lol πŸ˜›

  22. Watson FTW says:

    It is a pretty idea i have to say,but how much will it cost ?

  23. **emma** says:

    hi emma ı am very love you ı am turk

  24. **emma** says:

    hi friends

  25. **emma** says:


  26. Sandra says:

    Like the picture of the day. Very cute πŸ™‚

  27. johanna says:

    The updates are very good! πŸ˜€

  28. Jessie says:

    when is watson weekly?

  29. swedish girl ;) says:

    where is the wtson weekly????????????????????????????? :wink::wink: love it!!!!!!

  30. barıs says:

    emma talk to me ı need u loveyouemma@gmail.compls talk to me

  31. Ania says:

    Yeahh…Sandra, that’s right – picture of the day is really great:D I like it – so cute:smile:

  32. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    i love it too… her hair is so pretty!!

  33. emma's#ONEfan says:

    @ least give us a Watson Weekly! PLEASE!!!:smile:

  34. Alex says:

    Update Pleasa …

  35. Lil says:

    oh com on’ already updating peoples!i keep coming back to see if there’s any new updates-it’s the 20th of june already, the last one was 16th……..!

  36. Lil says:

    i’m soooo happy!!! :smile:Yesterday i bought myself a stripey black/white tee like emma’s and a black sequin flats! today i bought a red top like emma’s one on the g.o.f dvd interview!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. Lil says:

    …..oh and i also bought black 3/4 pants, like the one’s em wore on the womens wear daily photoshoot!!

  38. Lil says:

    ok people…type “i” if your favourite harry potter film is the prisoner of azkaban.i

  39. Lil says:

    I totally cannot wait for issue #4 of Watson Weekly!!!!!!!!!!!!!I really hope this weeks magazine doesn’t revolve round other celebs and ingrid!!!………….

  40. caitlin says:

    TIME TO UPDATE!!!!!!!!

  41. Sandra says:

    Yeah Ania, that’s right πŸ™‚ Everything about Emma is great..Oh time for uptade.. YEAH! Can’t barely wait.. hehe

  42. Sandra says:

    I mean, when u uptade.. I can’t barely wait for new news πŸ™‚ Been a time..

  43. BEn says: has loads of emma avatars whooh

  44. Pete says:

    HI EVERYONE!!!It’s great to be back!I missed this site a lot.Lol! Very funny bank notes!Tchau, Adi

  45. PrincessP says:

    Heyy! I totaly think that is you really don’t have any new news to post, I mean you could go on official websites of cool magazines, that monthly(some of them) has news with Emma and the others. And if you do go on those kind of websites, thre are teeny magazine kindish interviews, if you get what I’m sayiong, and you could search in their archives writing the kew “emma watson” or whatever. okay, byes x0x

  46. Jay says:

    You’re not allowed, to put links to private photos on here, are you? I think somebody is gonna get banned.

  47. [ Shannon ] says:

    Jay is right. PRIVATE PICTURES ARE NOT ALLOWED. Posting private pictures of Emma can result in being banned from the site AND from the forum. Come on guys, just don’t do it.

  48. Mikaela says:

    Go Ahead …

  49. Nish says:

    Man I wish the gallery worked again.

  50. Mikaela says:

    Show the guys something new, so bann me i don’t care!