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About who would win a duel between her, Dan and Rupert (2007): "A tricky one...umm..If I say me it's going to sound really arrogant, so it's going to have to be one of the boys. Then if I pick eather one of them, then I'm going to be in trouble with the other one. So basically I just can't win, therefore..I have decided it would be a draw."

Note // 20 June 2006

Heeey guys!!! I’m here unfortunatly not posting any news, but I have a few things to say:

First: As we all know Emma’s having a break right now, so that’s one of the reasons why we are lacking news at the moment, and it’s not just you can go all over the internet and you’ll see that everything’s quiet at the moment.

Second: I do have some scans that Paty sent me, but I asked Jo and she said she already posted that before and I know you all are dying to have something new but those scans are really old and you’ve seen them before, so I’m won’t be posting it ok?

Third: Last but not least many of you have been asking about the gallery, yes I know you lot want to access the new gallery, altough me and Mayara still people, so we have exams and other things to do, we are doing everything we can to get this gallery done as soon as possible, but don’t worry I promise to you guys it will be ready within the next two weeks!!And I hope you will all understand that ok?

I think this is it for the moment, remember any news/new scans/fan photos/pics send it to: Also: We are NOT EMMA WATSON!!So don’t even think about sending us email asking for a reply or thinking that’s Emma, cuz we won’t reply and we have NO connections at all with Emma!!

And also the Queen’s 80th Birthday it’s just around the corner, so we should have more news & videos from the play soon ok???


[ Carol ]

Comments closed for this item.

61 Responses to “Note // 20 June 2006”

  1. 1150838280 says:

  2. Dave says:

    lol First! Ahaha! jokes..

  3. Laura says:

    Hum, ok… But you could make some site updates, new graphics, new audios, new sites… Other Emma pages do that as well!

  4. Carol says:

    Our site update it’s probably Watson Weekly ^^

  5. by_lover says:

    ok πŸ˜€

  6. _sarah_ says:

    i do understand it’s hard to get everything finished. i’m sure the gallery will be fantastic!! can’t wait to see it!!

  7. emmafan says:

    oh its ok! as long as the sit’s still here, im happy!:smile:

  8. ~Roni~ says:

    Cool. But what about the Watson Weekly? πŸ™

  9. ~Roni~ says:

    Oh lol and about the pic of the day, when you click to enlarge it shows a different pic than what is shown on the top of the page πŸ˜› [Sorry about the double post]

  10. Jette says:

    Ohh, don’t worry, we are able to wait that two weeks for the gallery πŸ™‚ i hope it’s gonna be a great gallery πŸ™‚ ohh of course it’s gonna be great!!

  11. Katie says:

    Hi,its ok if its not renewed that much,i still really like this website.

  12. Carol says:

    Are you sure Roni??cuz for me it’s working fine o/

  13. ~Roni~ says:

    Yeah Carol, it shows this pic:…06/200606_F.jpglol. It’s from the same event but still πŸ˜›

  14. Ana Maria says:

    I guess you’re posting this to put an end to all the questions right? Nice thinking there Carol. πŸ™‚ I understand that you guys are busy, after all, running a site is really hard work, just ask my sister Aaliyah who is co-webmiss of the Sweetest Thing! Lol.Anyways, to the staff, it’s OK that not everything is perfect (yet) on because the site did just reopen like 2 months ago so good luck with everything on the site.Love,Maria (Gabrielle’s off at basketball practice :wink:)

  15. Carol says:

    Oh thanks Roni!!I’m gonna fix that two seconds :p

  16. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    as always, emma’s hair is so pretty!! and that skirt is so cute in the pic of the day.~~~

  17. JuanDi says:

    Why its emma away?? tell me please, i’m from Spain and here there aren’t news…:sad: thanks!!!!

  18. terence says: site is great and its ok that you guys havent been posting any new scans the site’s been great since the opening,you guys deserve a break but not too long we still want some new stuff.and it was smart of you,carol to post this notice,considering i was one of those asking questions.its cool good luck on your examms!(i just got through mine)

  19. emma's # ONE fan says:

    okay, that is ok, but why not a Watson Weekly, that does not require news! And people that work on this site are saying that comments are NOT a chat room. So, I think that Carol should stp chatting with us. (she does work on the site, seh should know better.):sad:

  20. Sophie says:

    Heeey !!!i will respect that ! i’v got also exams rigt now so i undrestand you guys !! i knew it was somthing like thath and heey this site — is amasing —- they work hard on it and i relly apprisiate youre job are free time !!! And a new thing — Emma is also a girl — a human beiing — so if she have braek i think you guys have a braeke THANK YOU EMMMA-WATSON.NET Have a graet braek :smile:Sophie –xx–(btw : srr for the faults — you see i’m from belgain and i had just 1 jaer english(tomorow i’v got exams of english — wish me luck πŸ™‚ :s ))

  21. Carol says:

    emma’s # ONE fan no problem, I was just informing you guys, well Fred’s busy with the exams, but the magazine should be coming!!!

  22. terence says:

    i think its great you guys still come out with a watson weekly even if your so caught up in exams.(its such a stress!)keep up the great work!:smile:

  23. terence says:

    i think its great that you guys are still comming out with the watson weekly, enen if your caught up in your exams.(there so stressful!).well good job on the site and good luck on your exams!

  24. terence says:

    sorry for writing that twice i guess i didnt see it earler

  25. emmawats0nfan1 says:

    ug its sooo annoying when hp is slow. i was serching up hp book seven romour and i found some really interesting ones about luna scary tho.

  26. Turtle says:

    erm…what about the banner competition? don’t you have a winner?

  27. Caro says:

    Heey, it’s very sad that there are no news at the moment.. I do hope that the watson weekly comes soon! Cause it is a new week already.. Maybe this is rude, but I’m kind of annoyed by all the “ok?”:s at the text.. i mean there were five of those.. ok?? ok?? ok?? but i love the site!

  28. Carol says:

    haha I didn’t noticed the oks, sorry!

  29. emma's # ONE fan says:

    haha I didn’t noticed the oks, sorry!Carol

  30. Cecily says:

    Nice picture of the day ^-^Gallery

  31. dook says:

    emma’s # ONE fanNo, chatting is talking about your weekend, the movie you saw, your boyfriend. Talking about news updates, or the lack of updates, links that don’t work, or other things on the site, is not chatting. And maybe you should think twice about telling the staff how to do their job.

  32. Carol says:

    Thanks dook o/

  33. dook says:

    You’re welcome Carol. And don’t worry about the oks, ok? It’s an update, not a legal document. (I’d put a smily face, but that never works for me.)

  34. Dani JoAnn says:

    Great Job…..I have to say this is my favorite Emma site….DaniJoAnn

  35. Carol says:

    haha yes, I wanna put some smiles faces on the posts as well ^^

  36. dook says:

    πŸ™‚ I just noticed the πŸ˜†

  37. emmas #1 fan ♥ says:

    :smile:its annoying how there is no news, but its fair enough as she is doing the movie and having a break so x

  38. Julie says:

    what about ” watson weekly” and the layout???

  39. Sandra says:

    Lol Dook, thanks for letting as all know πŸ˜†

  40. Carol says:

    Me neither!!Yaaay :thumbup: Actually I knew they existed but I couldn’t find them haha

  41. Jaana says:

    Hey, don’t you guys worry about the gallery. πŸ™‚ At least I know I can wait. Good is worth waiting for, isn’t it? ^^ And I totally understand that news are a bit slow at the moment. Emma can’t be in many different places at the same time. She doesn’t have a timeturner, unfortunately! πŸ˜† I’m just waiting for the new Watson Weekly edition! πŸ˜€

  42. James7 says:

    Well u guys say that the gallery will be excenlent so I just hope that it’s worth waiting for.

  43. emily says:

    you should do like fakes or look-a-likes.

  44. anonymous says:

    mm thanks for the update carol! i dont really care about the gallery that much right now, but if you could it would be great if there was a watson weekly, i like the funky fashion ingrid is awesome!! and ah i forgot her name!! = but ya the new girl is pretty kewl too =] -me

  45. Ania says:

    Sandra, what do u think about picture of the day? :smile:(=I aplogize for errors=)

  46. Jessie says:

    are we going to get watson weekly the week is almost half over?

  47. JuanDi says:

    Heyyy i ask again!! anybody can tell me why emma have taken a break? the film its finished? its a holidays?? please telle me, thanks!!

  48. Sandra says:

    JuanDi: Cuz she needs it maybe? She is like us, she need to take some brakes too. // Sandra

  49. Carol says:

    Yes and also cuz she had to take her exams. And it’s a well deserved holiday!!!

  50. Sandra says:

    breaks’ sorry for spelling wrong.. lol