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On Maggie Smith and Rupert Grint dancing in GOF (2005): "It's very, very funny. I mean, what a fantastic mixture! Maggie Smith and Rupert dancing... It's brilliant, it's absolutely brilliant! And they do it so well..."

New Screencaps & Video // 21 June 2006


Thanks to TLC we have more screencaps of the advert for the Queen’s 80th Birthday play (The Queen’s Handbag) with Hermione, Ron, Harry & Neville:

Also thanks to TLC we have a short clip of the commercial. To save it click with the right button then "Save Target As.."

Queen’s 80th Birthday Commercial

Also I know Emma’s not on it, but thanks to Ain’t It Cool News we have the first poster of OotP:

Hopefully we will have one with Emma soon!

[ Carol ]

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71 Responses to “New Screencaps & Video // 21 June 2006”

  1. Mandy says:

    EWWWWW Dan is so ugly in that poster..that was cruel of whoever released that. Unless it was the best one then just..poor guy. He needs a new haircut. Uck…But Emma looks gorgeous, as always..just not like Hermiomne.

  2. PrincessP says:

    i love the pictures, hey mandy…how mean, emma always looks cool, its still ehr when she plays hermione you know dou…right?LoL

  3. Stylectrix says:

    I don’t think I’ll ever understand why someone feels the need to call someone ‘ugly’ or say ‘eewww’. To me it shows a lack of intelligence if that is how someone needs to express themselves. I think ‘ugly’ is how someone behaves, not what they look like. So a lot of people have a problem with Dan’s hair or Matt’s hair…it’s not the end of the world. This skit does not have an official WB stamp on it, it’s just a bit of fun. The little kids invited to the Palace and Her Majesty will probably love it. That’s all that really matters…the rest is just so bloody trivial.

  4. Marc says:

    beautiful picture’s but why must danial in the mid and not emma:wink:greetz

  5. emma's#ONEfan says:

    i love the picture for Friday! It is wonderful!:smile:

  6. emma's#ONEfan says:

    But, what about Watson Weekly?!:smile:

  7. alyssa says:

    Oh gee, Dan looks real weird with that short neat hair. I do hope its not like that in OotP!! && Are there going to be flowery edges the whole Queen Birhtday play?! I hope not. Cause I can’t see Rupe or Emma. =[

  8. i ♥ blue bell says:

    i thought dan’s eyes were green. because harry’s eyes are green. did he have colored contacts or something for the movies?? or am i just crazy???

  9. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    friday’s pic of the day is so pretty!

  10. michelle says:

    this is great!!!!but why does hermione wheres earings from Chanel?????????????????

  11. ~Roni~ says:

    Watson Weekly, where are you? 🙁

  12. Sophie says:

    hermoine is a mugle — so maby she buyed it in mugle – world — Sophie .x.

  13. nicole says:

    nice update =Dand they all look nice no matter wut hair style they havePeace & ♥

  14. Wiktoria says:

    Super strona POLSKA

  15. Aaliyah says:

    I’ve seen the video clip and it was excellent. Best 11 seconds of my life… 😆 Dude seriously, Hedwig was adorable in it. And Dan’s line strangely cracked me up a bit. :thumbup:

  16. betsy says:

    yaayy! first OoTP poster!!!

  17. frida says:

    im sorry but i think that this poster is not real because if you didnt noticed he doesnt even has the scar and is suposed that in the books when they cut his hair it growed in one day and the tittle is not complete if you see it carefully the letters of the movie name are strange im sorry if i worte something bad i dont know english very well ^_^

  18. Anonymous says:

    Ew! Dan’s hair makes him look ugly! He looked best in PoA, I think. Or GoF. It’s pretty close….(Hey Dan, let your hair grow out! It makes you looks sexy!)

  19. dorian tisdale says:

    i can't wait till the fith movie! 🙂

  20. ZAFER says:

    hi Emma I love you my msn massenger address thank you b

  21. panficka says:

    English only. No abusive comments towards the staff, or other visitors. No posting of links to private pictures, or sites that contain private pictures. No spamming or posting just to advertise a site (you can put your homepage in the email box if you like).