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About being stalked at her school (2007): "That stalker stuff was exaggerated. To be honest, my friends were more freaked out than I was. I'm used to it. My friends were quite shocked by how blase I was about it."

New Screencaps & Video // 21 June 2006


Thanks to TLC we have more screencaps of the advert for the Queen’s 80th Birthday play (The Queen’s Handbag) with Hermione, Ron, Harry & Neville:

Also thanks to TLC we have a short clip of the commercial. To save it click with the right button then "Save Target As.."

Queen’s 80th Birthday Commercial

Also I know Emma’s not on it, but thanks to Ain’t It Cool News we have the first poster of OotP:

Hopefully we will have one with Emma soon!

[ Carol ]

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71 Responses to “New Screencaps & Video // 21 June 2006”

  1. Kat_DS says:


  2. Kat_DS says:

    Congrats, guys, with first pics from 5-th film)))

  3. sharleen says:

    cool poster, his haircut kind of goes against the whole messy jet black hair thing though…

  4. Someone says:

    Oh man, Daniel looks so silly!!

  5. Natsuko says:

    It is outrageously funny! HAHAHAHAHA!!

  6. Carol says:

    To be honest I would love if she could get the bushy hair back. But I don’t think they’re doing it.

  7. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    wow, dan’s hair looks so wierd!!! and emma’s hair does need to be bushier.

  8. emmas #1 fan ♥ says:

    cannot wait to watch this now !! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  9. emmas #1 fan ♥ says:

    Also i think Dans hair looks a bit . . different! lolbut i like Emmas hair, its well nice x

  10. Anonymous says:

    omg dan looks different:smile:

  11. Alex says:

    Emma looks weird…

  12. Witherwings71 says:

    Ah what? Small matter of England Ecuador that day. Hey I wonder if Dan Rupert and Matthew chill out and have a beer in the garden with Wills and Harry Pothead watching the game>?

  13. Michelle says:

    Lol, Emma doesn’t look weird!Dan & Matt are the ones who look like freaks!Whoa.. Dan looks so skinny with that short hair..

  14. Aleena says:

    gah…I won’t cry..the hair…god the hair…OKAY BUT CAN YOU GUYS ALL LISTEN UP! IT’S NOT HIS FAULT! IF YOU WERE ALL FANS YOU’D KNOW THAT HE HAD TO DO DECEMBER BOYS AND HE NEEDED TO CUT HIS HAIR SHORT FOR THAT!! god.and seriously, I loved his messy hair too…it was so sexy..but I’m not getting all dramatic and stupid like all of you! hey congrats on finding those pics, that’s amazing…oh and emma rocks, so stfu haters!!

  15. Amy says:

    well at the birthdayplay dan really dosnt look good but at that ootp pic he looks much much better and grown i think. hu i tjink iam in love with him again without that terrible long hair fromn gof

  16. Sandra says:

    I need help with something.. :SCan somebody here speak espanol?If someone can, do u know what “No es Edgar” means? Ehm, please gotta know if it is “It’s not Edgar” or whatever. My boyfriends parents cant speak english.. HELP ME??? :S:S:S:S

  17. Sandra says:

    Btw, Dan looks great. But i liked his old hair better, but he had to cut it just because of doing December Boys. I have been a fan to DR longer, it was how i got a fan of EW too… Now u know.

  18. JuanDi says:

    hey Sandra, i can speak spanish, im from Spain, and its means the same you are thinking; “its no Edgar”. I hope you help me now hhehe i would like to know what its Queen’s 80th Birthday play i read alot about it but i dont know what its exactly, thanks! 🙂

  19. Sandra says:

    Well the queens 80ths birthday. It’s her birthday, i think :S Im swedish. I dont know how to help so much hehe..Thank u sooo much anyway girl 🙂

  20. Sandra says:

    Sorry i missunderstood u. Hm, im gonna try figure it out ok? Im from Sweden, so some words i just understand and cant explain, but ill try.

  21. Sandra says:

    Hm i think its means something about the queens 80th birtday’s play. Like her birthday and play. Something, dont know exactly how to put it. But something like that i think 🙂

  22. JuanDi says:

    Thanks anyway Sandra, only a last thing, i’m a boy ^_^

  23. emma's # ONE fan says:

    To be honest I would love if she could get the bushy hair back. But I don’t think they’re doing it.

  24. Patty says:

    Whatever happened to Harry’s supposed to have messy hair and Hermione’s hair is supposed to be bushy? Have the hair stylist completely given up on trying to make them like they are in the books?

  25. ...:::Monique Brazil:::... says:

    …::hi for everybody::…I think Emma is so brilliant..and I relly like her…well..I really like Emma..Rupert and Daniel……Kisses for everybody… xauzim galera

  26. Tessa says:

    I agree that the news posts are lacking something. Likewise with Watson Weekly; it’s not very informative and sometimes it is unrelated to Emma. The fashion advice is not good at all. But the fan art is pretty awesome.

  27. PrincessP says:

    how awesome, I wish I could watch the actual videoclip, how cool would that be. teeheeee 😛

  28. Anonymous says:

    I don’t think that Emma should play the part of Bethany.Bethany is a stupid haole girl that doesn’t really diserve the fame taht she got.P.S. I am so evil on that topic because I live in Hawaii, and I know how stupid she is.

  29. bryan says:

    Emma play crazy surver girl,or,Emma play on harry potter,That aint a hard question now is it.Go for harry potter ofcourse,how ever i’d liked to see Emma getting on that survboard, and ofcourse live, but u never know with all the shark’s around thereooh i dont care what she does maybe Emma has that, well surver look, I’m sure what ever she dos its gonna turn out great, right?

  30. Ana Maria and Ana Gabrielle says:

    Maria and Gabby: whoa, Dan’s hair…

  31. Jaana says:

    Well, I have to say, Dan’s hair looks a lot more better in that OotP poster than in the Queen’s 80th Birthday play. He looks so much older! o_o But I still have to say, I miss the longer messier hair… 🙁 But I understand that he had to cut his hair for the role in the December Boys. I’m still a bit iffy about the fact that Emma seems to be wearing earrings… :S I’m really hoping she’s not wearing them in the movie. Anyways, can’t wait for the OotP film! ^^And by the way, where is Watson Weekly? :'( I miss it!

  32. HackerMars says:

    Hello,We all like Emma And I think you should change your explorer(english) Because yours just is English and we will look it very difficulty .So i think you should change it..

  33. Tracy says:

    Hi,do you know the way you said Emma is not going to be on it does that mine shes not going to be at the Queens party.

  34. mOla says:

    sunday at six than is it on tv, i guess. on bbc 1. x

  35. ~Roni~ says:

    I really want to see the whole thing they filmed for the Queen’s birthday.But what about the Watson Weekly? 🙁 🙁 🙁

  36. alyssa says:

    i cant stand dan’s hair like that. why did he cut it?? why!!? it looks gay. no offense, i still love dan but REALLYY…

  37. Kat_DS says:

    At the picture of the day Emma is so sweet)))

  38. pink says:

    what’s all the fussing about dan’s hair? he still looks absolutely HOT!!! btw, you can watch an advertisement for the play “the queen’s handbag” on http://www.danielradcliffe.deit‘s pretty short but better than nothing, isn’t it???emma of course looks absolutely pretty like always and rup looks absolutely cute!if fuss about other people’s hair it should be neville’s!!! it looks terrible!!!kizz!

  39. Samantha says:

    is the whole video gonna have little pink flowery things around the edges?

  40. [ Shannon ] says:

    I just wasted 20 minutes of my time deleting comments and banning people. This is getting ridiculous, guys. If you don’t stop all this chatting/bashing other people/bashing staff members the comments will have to be disabled.

  41. emma's#ONEfan says:


  42. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    hello, everyone!cool poster!! can’t wait for one with emma!! ♥

  43. Claire*T* says:

    WOW! great poster! Dan does still look hot! dont diss the hair!!

  44. dan radcliffe fan girl says:

    oh my gosh, he looks so much older! I love his hair in this picture, and it’s a great shot of him. Is is just me, or do his eyes look blue?

  45. This is a says:


  46. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    yes his eyes do look blue but that may have to do with the whole color scheme of the poster. dunno!

  47. lele says:

    ahh dan is SOSOSOSO HOT!!!1

  48. t o m says:

    ahhhhhhhhhhhh emma is so fit

  49. Miley says:

    I can’t wait! There will be new Emma pics then! Yes!And, people, Dan has always had Blue eyes!