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About Mike Newell (2005): "Mike really treated me like an adult and he refused to tell me what to do, he wanted it to come from me and he really challenged me and pushed me."

Queen’s 80th Birthday’s Video // 25 June 2006


Here we are everyone, thanks to we have the video from the Queen’s 80th Birthday. Emma had a new hair style during the show today. I’ll post the caps later ok???

To save it click with the right button and then "Save Target As":

The Queen’s Handbag Play

Thanks to HugeEmmaFan (at the forums) & here we have two screencaps from the show, yes Emma attended the party, but we don’t have any pics yet.

Nice fringe!!

Edit: BBC has posted some pics from the event and Emma is in one of them and GettyImages has some pics, but none of them are focused on Emma:

Also I’ve made some caps from the play, they’re not really good, but in case you guys wanna download it, it’s a WinZip file, to download it click with the right button and then "Save Target As":


[ Carol ]

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172 Responses to “Queen’s 80th Birthday’s Video // 25 June 2006”

  1. Christina says:

    Listen you! Thoshe ,who think that all she cares about is the’re so wrong! I mean..think about it! If she whants to look good doesent meens she cares only about fame! damn….I think every girl or boy..wants to look good ,specially infront of cameras!So first think as many times u can ,until u write this s***!!! Emma is great girl! I love her! P.S sorry for my english

  2. Alessandra says:

    Wow! Emma’s new bangs make her look LOADS younger. I like (what we can see of) the outfit she wore to the Queen’s birthday.

  3. nat says:

    I agree, how is Emma getting caught up in her fame? I don’t get where people are coming from with that??

  4. a emma fan says:


  5. Julie says:

    i don’t like her fringeshe looks better without hair on her face…

  6. spanish_princess says:

    emma is 5’5 (1,65 m) according to IMDb’s biography, but i think she looks taller, 5’7, maybe

  7. spanish_princess says:

    I do like her new hair styleshe’s different but she looks great! 🙂

  8. Kelly says:

    Hello,well if i was there i would be talking away to Emma.

  9. emma's#ONEfan says:

    It is very cute, i think!:smile:

  10. morgan says:

    I agree spanish princess, Emma looks at least 5’7″ because she is taller than Rupert. imdb probably has not updated their website, in fact I have heard that they almost never do. Anyways what is the delay with the pictures? Why aren’t there more? haha Just a little confused here.

  11. nat says:

    Does anyone have pictures of this event that they could send to me?

  12. Michaela says:

    Uhm well, I don’t like Emmas new haircut (fringe). She looks like she did when she was like about eleven years old. And now she’s like 16 or something.

  13. nat says:

    I like the fringe! It is just hard to see what it actually looks like when none of the pictures are even of her…

  14. Christine says:

    I don’t think Emma’s taller than Rupert. Dan, maybe. Emma could be wearing heels and Rupert does tend to slouch.

  15. argie says:

    I think that it is a really fresh new look and that it works for her!

  16. kari says:

    Sorry to be annonying, but does anyone have new pictures of the Queen’s birthday celebration? If you do send them to me at Thank you so much. And about Emma being taller than Rupert, I think she is. Rupert isn’t extremeley tall, I think he is about 5’7″ or 170cm, so Emma could be about 171cm or 172cm now. She does look tall. And I doubt she wore heels to the party because she never wears heels. I don’t think this would be a good event to wear heels to either because they were outside and stuff. Thanks again!

  17. EMMA'SFAN#NR 1 says:

    Wow, I love her new hair-style!It’s look great:smile:// Her biggest fan:smile:

  18. Golden says:

    I think Emma’s still about 5’5. No way she’s like 5’8. She probably looks taller because she stands straight (makes a big difference) and she’s skinny (skinny people tend to look taller).

  19. kim says:

    i dont fancy her new hairstyle, really.. it doesnt compliment her face that well and she has looked better before.. still love her to pieces though!

  20. summer says:

    I actually think Emma is taller than people think. I know Rupert slouches a lot, but in this picture he is standing up straight. And from what I have heard, Emma was not wearing heels, making her now taller than Rupert. Also, if she were only 5’5″, she wouldn’t look so tall next to Matthew Lewis. I am guessing Emma is between 5’7″ and 5’8″. lol, ok, next topic. I really like her hair. It looks nice. Although you cannot really see the three properly with these pictures. Does anyone know where I can find some more pictures? Thanks!

  21. Kendra says:

    Emma’s such a petite girl, I don’t think she’s tall. She doesn’t tower over Dan, who’s still about 5’5.

  22. summer says:

    Yes she is very thin, but I don’t think she is short. She actually does tower over Dan now and she also is taller than Rupert too. I am guessing close to 5’8″, at least 5’7″.