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About Dumbledore (2007): "From the beginning I felt he [Snape] was going to do something big, and I really think he is evil, and the reason why he came back is because Dumbledore trusts people, he trusts them too much, and sometimes it's not that good. We see Dumbledore as if he was perfect, he seems like the character from "To Kill a Mockingbird", in that he relies blindly on people... and yes, forgive me for involving my English classes, but yes, he trusts too much, that's what I think that was the message."

Queen’s 80th Birthday’s Video // 25 June 2006


Here we are everyone, thanks to we have the video from the Queen’s 80th Birthday. Emma had a new hair style during the show today. I’ll post the caps later ok???

To save it click with the right button and then "Save Target As":

The Queen’s Handbag Play

Thanks to HugeEmmaFan (at the forums) & here we have two screencaps from the show, yes Emma attended the party, but we don’t have any pics yet.

Nice fringe!!

Edit: BBC has posted some pics from the event and Emma is in one of them and GettyImages has some pics, but none of them are focused on Emma:

Also I’ve made some caps from the play, they’re not really good, but in case you guys wanna download it, it’s a WinZip file, to download it click with the right button and then "Save Target As":


[ Carol ]

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172 Responses to “Queen’s 80th Birthday’s Video // 25 June 2006”

  1. Jaana says:

    First!!! :DDD Yay the video is here! I started loading it…Let’s see how long will it take to download… 😆 I can’t wait! 😀

  2. soup says:

    omg that was soo good…dans hair isn’t as bad now that i see it…but nevilles is defintely not my personal favorite…very nice though…emma perfect as always….and ron with an abundance of facial expressions

  3. woah says:

    emma got bangs? thats right nice fringe!

  4. Jaana says:

    Argh, Hermione had earrings. >.< Ah, well. At least they weren't that outstanding like some HUGE bling bling earrings. 🙂 I bet the Queen loved it too! ^^

  5. Jaana says:

    And Emma’s new fringe looks GORGEOUS!!! She looks stunning! O_O I can’t wait for more pictures! 8D I’m getting all excited now. 😆

  6. Valerie says:

    I loved it!! Dans hair isnt so short as I thought is was in the other clip so that is better but Rupert was like AHHH!!! I LOVE HIM!! And Emma was perfect like always! I love her hair!

  7. Claire*T* says:

    i loved the sketch it was great!!!I love Emmas new Hairstyle and yea omg Hermione wearing earings in school 😮 !!!!

  8. Jennifer says:

    O wow i LOVE her hair when she’s with the queen. She looks amazing. ANd what’s with the vid? I wanna know what happens:}

  9. shauna says:

    I call “fringe” bangs haha in canada they are called bangs** Uhh only have the video is there :S

  10. Sarah says:

    yea I did not like Neville’s hair at all

  11. Natalie G says:

    That video was adorable! 🙂

  12. Hannah says:

    Cool sketch! ^^ Isn’t there something more? Love Emma’s new hair cut, she must have got it like yesterday

  13. Nat says:

    I’m looking forward to see what Emma was wearing!

  14. MARY says:


  15. Anna says:

    I like the new hair…*downloads video*

  16. karolina says:

    Hey Hermione is wearing earings! oh well…and waht’s going on with Mathew’s hair?! he looks weird, I love the new emma’s hairstyle! she looks very grown up! GORGEOUS!!

  17. Cecily says:


  18. Ina says:

    New haircut at last. Rupert looked great, Queen too 😉

  19. mrtbjk... says:

    that’s the hair style that i wanted…she looks beautifull…at least she turns like her first time…cool..thnks for all of them..u doin’ great job =)

  20. Kat says:

    the video is brill (omg the voldy with handbag remark – lol) and hermione shouldnt wear bling earrings – nuhnah! but emma looks awesome with the queen (even though the quuen looks grumpy) – i wanna see what shes actually wearing though, and yay rupert smiles randomly at john ross – finally a smile! lol i hope we get more of the hp stars soon at party at the palace – it was really good – and yay emma has her fringe back! woohoo – fringes rules – ‘bangs’ is a silly word.

  21. Nimy (Ni) says:

    OH, Emma has got fringe… it’s strange I prefer her hair with curls and no fringe, but she looks cute 🙂 She used it when she was young.GO EMMA!!!

  22. Vinny says:

    god save the queen

  23. sece_09 says:

    EMMA LOOKS ABSOLUTELY SUPERB!!! She’s breathless!!!

  24. Ben says:

    Cool video! And Hermione gets to save the day with her idea for the spell 🙂 Go Emma!

  25. Maayki says:

    BRAZIL o

  26. Pete says:

    Is that just it?Isn’t there any more footage?Or… the second part (with the end of the story) was performed live in the birthday?Anyway, Emma looks fantastic!!!

  27. Pete says:

    Her acting is BRILLIANT as usual.

  28. Helen says:

    When I first saw her hair, I was like ‘Woah!’ cause it took me straight back to the first time they were shown in the public. She looks younger I think – with the fringe that is. But yeah, it’s nice to see something new! 🙂

  29. hayley says:

    i love her hair!! i miss the way she used to have it, JUST like this!

  30. alyssa says:

    yay that was amazing! i love emmas hair, and dans not that bad with that haircut when hes moving haha and rupert looked gorgeous. ahh so exciting. happy birthday queen 🙂

  31. Ali says:

    She cute her fringe! Ohmigosh, I was surprised…shle looks surpurb!

  32. terence says:

    what the heck vinny!your so called comment takes up the whole dam computer screen!any way emma looks fantastic as usual.her hair is diferent but a definate good diferent

  33. EmmaLynn says:

    haha some one slready said this but when i saw the pic it remonded me of when she was like 10! she looks cute tho, and sum1 said theyre from canada and call fringe bangs, im from New York and we call them bangs too. and yea, she mus have got her hair cut like yesterday bc like 2 days ago at the music festivl, she didnt have bangs, unless they were tucked was cute, i think ruperts acting got a lot better, just seeing tht small clip. driving lessons problobly helped him a bit! cute

  34. Leslie says:

    loved the video.especially the part about voldemort carrying a so funnny.hahahahah.i thought they all looked good.hermione wearing earings doesn’t sound like it would harry opinion though.theres no more we don’t get to see what happens?

  35. Leslie says:

    oh i don’t really like her new fringe/bangs.(i call’em bang)but she looked good in the video.her bangs make her look like when she was 10 or 11.just my don’t hate me for my comment on her fringe.

  36. terence says:

    people are talking about a new video and are downloading it , um the video here is still the same? do certain places get the video first?

  37. nicole says:

    thats not the whole video is itis there more?

  38. nicole says:

    hey look i found this pic! love her hair! shes so cute!! :DDpeace&♥

  39. ey says:

    I’m really done of this vinny!!

  40. dook says:

    terence, the video people are talking about is in the update, where it says The Queen’s Handbag Play, not the video of the week.

  41. Mixu from CHILE lol =)=)=) says:

    OH MY GOSHh!!!!!!the pics are great, but HEY NICOLEYOUS IS EXCELLENT!!!emma looks greaatt omgg omg omg!!!!!!!!!cant wait for more pics!!! this is too much for mee….!!AARGHR

  42. Ashleigh Taylor says:

    NICOLE is in here? “Peace out Miss Leigha Taylor” I still have not forgiven her for that.Seriously.YOU ARE NO GHANDI DONT TRY.Man Queenie looks old (I’m not British, I’m from California, I can comment like that). When is she going to kick the bucket?? Who has the throne after her?Ashleigh

  43. Ashleigh Taylor says:

    I reread my comment from a minute ago and it doesn’t sound like Nicole did very much, just by saying ‘peace out miss leigha taylor’ but I didn’t write the context of what she was saying. In case you were wondering. She said A LOT worse things. Her, Sandra, and Ali all ganged up on me, very RUDELY I might add. I am currently looking at the affiliaties, and not ONE of them is good so far. Honestly. And I thought THIS site was bad. Ashleigh

  44. Marie says:

    It’s such an honour that Rupert and Emma get to sit in front of the Queen.

  45. Mixu from CHILE lol =)=)=) says:

    what on earth..??ok that was so off topic…I NEED MORE PICSnot thaat i’m THAT desperate…i’m just so bored 🙁 sorry..

  46. extranjero says:

    nevilles emo!!!!

  47. Helen says:

    OMG the play’s very nice!!^^ I like the Herm in there, but not Dan lol…xDDD

  48. beckii says:

    I liked the clip, it was cool! dan looks so grown up…but while the guys were being silly, Emmy’s so serious! Doesn’t “mione loosen up by the fifth book? geez…crack a smile at least…*sigh* anyway. loved the new look!

  49. nhi says:

    wow…thanks….i really like emma showing her bands like that…it looks really pretty….

  50. Chiching says:

    Is there any more? Can’t wait!!