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About some fans (2007): "It is odd how normal courtesies don't seem to apply when people recognise someone. Maybe it's because they think they only have that moment to meet you. A lot of people call me Hermione and forget I am a real person and have another name."

New Trio Picture // 26 June 2006

The photo has been taken down since Daniel’s represantatives asked to protect this kid privacy. Thanks to Mark and TLC which informed us. Sorry guys.

[ Mayara ]

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106 Responses to “New Trio Picture // 26 June 2006”

  1. Cecilia says:

    You do strike a good point ,citkane, but I once again agree with Melissa. The Ministry of Magic is a BIG part of the book and plot itself, and that was when Hermione was “hurt”. So I feel that the producers/director WILL include some form of this into the movie. At least to bring about the TRUE and DEEP relationship between Hermione and Harry.

  2. Cecilia says:

    Even if it IS on a “friendly” basis level. 🙁

  3. Cecilia says:

    Hey, Melissa! I found a picture of Dan and Emma! ^_^….en.3204.1.htmlIt is at the London Premiere awhile back. 🙂

  4. citkane says:

    well, yes, what you tell makes sense to me, perhaps ur right

  5. Scramm says:

    Just block the kids face out, jesus

  6. MELISSA says:

    well i dunno the actuall website but it’s a news article soooo of course it still going to be on the netfor example you can see the picture on…. so there

  7. Scramm says: has it, they have brains and thought about cutting emma out and just posting that

  8. Tessa says:

    What are you people talking about? Harry and Hermione do not have anything romantic going on between them. And in real life Emma never and will never have anything going on with Dan.. she could do a lot better, not to sound mean to Dan, but it’s true. yupp

  9. Cecilia says:

    Yea, I don’t know though. It was just a thought. Maybe they will include that scene, or not. I hope they do though ^_^. I just saw another interview with Dan and Emma talking about the OoTP and Emma revealed about how she just filmed the scene where she blasts Ron with a spell and sends him across the room hitting the wall. And that he replied with “a sexiest remark” when she did that. lol

  10. Cecilia says:

    I totally respect your opinion, Tessa, because that is what you think and that is fine. But I sooo have to disagree. I am a true H/HR at heart. 🙂

  11. Cecilia says:

    It could happen in real life as well for Dan and Emma. ^_^

  12. Mike says:

    hey guys u here JK said that two characters will be killed next book she told this to the BBC

  13. katsu says:

    Here are the picture…album=403&pos=6Why it is so privacy ?

  14. Pibs says:

    hey guys i have no idea what r u talking about… which picture… and what its wrong with it… i mean, have Emma and Dan got anything between them???… can somebody tell me whats going on???, i went o holliday and missed alot i guess

  15. Cl says:

    I hope hermione won’t die in the last book… lol

  16. Jebus says:

    the photo is on a news website. Good luck getting that down.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Yo, Alex, or watever ur name is, i think it should be Alex the poser, stop saying that my gf is inmature i bet u younger than her, or not wait, maybe ur older but since u aint got no life u spend ur time here, :S damn that sucks, anyway, im out POSER!!!

  18. Julia says:

    Tessa, Emma will have a lot of trouble doing better than Dan, he’s a true gentleman. Don’t be so rude.

  19. Jaana says:

    I have to say, I totally understand why the picture had to be taken down. And yes, it still is up in the website where it was originally posted. I believe that the reason why it’s still there, is that they (at the website) had asked for the boy’s parents permission to post the pic. But anyways, it was a nice pic. :smile:I’m so sorry, but I have got to say my opinion to this R/Hr and H/Hr discussion that’s going on here… I think that in the books and movies, it’s Ron/Hermione who are the dream couple! 🙂 I’m a true Ron/Hermione-supporter at heart! 😆 But in real life, I think Dan and Emma would make a gorgeous couple! ^^ Sorry about this. We really should move this discussion to the chatroom….

  20. julia says:

    i donnu why the photo is privat.. But they look really nice 🙂

  21. Hermiona Granger says:

    This photo is on too. LOL

  22. Sheila says:

    I don’t understand, what’s with this boy? I think the pic is very cute, and I don’t understand, why this pic was taken down, is something wrong with this boy?

  23. sash says:

    hey guys, does anyone know where i could read that news article? thanks!emma watson rawks!

  24. Maayki says:

    Guys, look the thing is that this picture is not private, but they asked. I guess because of everything that this is going throught you know. if maybe they alloud the sites to publish this, then I’ll post again ok?

  25. Marc says:

    Great pics:wink:so beautiful girl so cute:D

  26. REM says:

    it was an adorable picture… but i understand why they want to protect the little boy in the photo.

  27. kilio says:

    hej guyss ple tell me if they will be any picures from queens party!!! plssssssssss i can’t wait!!! i’m afraid that there won’t be any pic 🙁

  28. Nimy says:

    When are you going to put the gallery and the video of this week?The picture of the day was the picture of yesterday…I understand the privacy of the kid 🙂

  29. terence says:

    im confused,dan asked who to protect what from what?

  30. Michelle says:

    This picture of Dan,Emma and Rupert with that cute little boy is adorable.Emma looks great and Rupert and Dan look great too.

  31. LC says:

    Hey, anyone wants to chat?

  32. Hannah says:

    he was adorable =]

  33. Lauren says:

    Have to agree with you!

  34. natalie says:


  35. grace says:

    did anyone save it?please could you send it to e-mail address is

  36. grace says:

    thanks katsu or whoever.that pic is great and dan and emma look marvelous.but,yeah,i understand why they had to take it down.

  37. faye says:

    where is the pic on cos i cant find it can someone tell me please because i didnt see it plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  38. grace says:

    I totally and absolutely agree with melissa and cecilia and all the others cuz I’m a big harry/herm supporter.i knew ron and herm were going to get together but still.harry and hermione work magic together.maybe i want harry and hermione to get together cuz i am a dan/emma shipper and i want it to be that way in the movies too.they look so good together.i would have said that evn if they had been REAL bro and sister cuz they look very cute together.i don’t very much care if there are any feelings between them but if there are,WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!how would be as though the wish sleeping in my heart has finally come into the spotlight and been fulfilled.yeah,and i have a whole really cool collection of photos of them together.if anyone wants them my email’s LANJGAPS@rediffmail.combut think guys,how would you feel if you were one of them and someone thought like that about you and if there really wasn’t anything betweenyou and your co-star?really,just think about it once.but i like seeing them together cuz its a feast for your eyes and the above one is a thought that’s often crossed my mind and makes me feel guilty.and thats one of the reasons why i don’t REALLY ADORE my conscience

  39. emmas #1 fan ♥ Scotland says:

    I understand why they took it down, oh well =]]]

  40. heh says:

    hej guyss ple tell me if they will be any picures from queens party!!! plssssssssss i can’t wait!!! i’m afraid that there won’t be any pic

  41. Cecilia says:

    Aw, thank you grace^_^! I definetely agree!!

  42. Harriet says:

    I respect that, and i suppose the picture did violate the kids privacy a little. Thanks for the notice!

  43. crookshanks says:

    my mom just told me that she saw on tv that J.K. says that she will kill TWO characters… principal characters meaning Ron or Hermione :S.. because i think that Harry will die…

  44. crookshanks says:

    n im totally ok with jaana, in Harry Potter is Ron and Hermione for ever, but i think it’ll be nice that in true life Dan and Emma hooked up’ll be really so cute.. they will be one of the cutest couples ever!

  45. crookshanks says:

    maybe she kills Hermione and Ron and let Harry alone:sad:

  46. crookshanks says:

    i didnt see da picture :'(

  47. crookshanks says:

    n 4 da ones that said that Harry and Ron was wearing da same outfits that they used in PoA they arent.. well at least Ron’s sueter is green now.. n it was orange before.. n Harry is da same shirt but im not sure is da same jacket, but im pretty sure that Emma is wearing different lol x)she looks pretty like always n i like her new look.. Rupes looks good and Dan well.. no comments lol x) (but that hair cut was 4 “December Boys”)peace & Love all!

  48. Taty says:


  49. Tom says:

    your a pictures are great looking your stunning!!!! from Tom

  50. crookshanks says:

    yeah shes thin bcoz shes tall…but she still looking great though.. just imagine her fat…hmm…NO…lolx)cya all!