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New Video & Scans // 27 June 2006

Hello everyone!!! o/

Thanks to Laura we have a video of yesterday’s CBBC Newsround, where we can see (briefly) Emma signing some autographs. To save it click with the right button and then "Save Target As":

CBBC Newsround

Thanks to & AnaOlsen, we have some scans, the first one is in French, and the rest in Polish:

Edit: Thanks to dook we have a Windows Media Player version, and I’m sure it’s working now.

[ Carol ]

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58 Responses to “New Video & Scans // 27 June 2006”

  1. Lauryn says:

    The video doesn’t work for me! :/

  2. lena says:

    i can’t download the video =(

  3. Carol says:

    Are u sure??Cuz it’s working for me.

  4. LC says:

    Hey Carol, I can’t download the video?!? What is going on?

  5. Lauren says:

    Can’t seem to download the video.

  6. heh says:

    the video doesnt work pals

  7. Lise says:

    I won’t try to download the video if no one can ^^. The French scan isn’t interresting, it’s talking about Narnia, and not really about Harry Potter.Nice picture of the day, it was the first time I saw it!

  8. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    Which movie is the pic of the day from? Really cool one, I’d never seen it before.

  9. Jennifer says:

    Thanks for the update. 🙂 I love the scans. Here’s something about the seventh book. Check it out.…in_060626232443click the website address, J.K. started to talk about the last book.

  10. Cl says:

    the video works but i didn’t see emma…and the first scan is about the GOF DVD… not important

  11. Cl says:

    in fact it’s about narnia lol… they just say that narnia and GOF are the two best dvd for christmas !

  12. dook says:

    Carol,I’ve uploaded the WMV version of the CBBC video at…nday_4x3_nb.wmvif you want to change the link. Clement, Emma appears for like 2 seconds signing autographs with Rupert. You only see her from the side.

  13. Jennifer says:

    video works for me, It showed Emma and them for about maybe 5 seconds.

  14. Carol says:

    Thank you so much dook!!

  15. Cecilia says:

    Dang, that was a short view of emma in that video. 🙁

  16. Samine says:

    the video doesen’t work for me, too? I know it’s not the right place to say it, but is anyone from australia?? I will do an exchange in oktober. Maybe someone writes to me. 🙂 your sarah

  17. dook says:

    Yeah, it’s pretty short.Carol, you’re welcome. And maybe you could emphasize that “briefly” a little more so people aren’t too dissapointed.

  18. Chelsea says:

    The video works for me.. nice scans

  19. ritu says:

    i only had a glance of emma n rupert,but it was ok.

  20. emmas #1 fan ♥ Scotland says:

    Nice Scans Cool Vids To :]]]

  21. kilio says:

    ohhhhhh man that was short emma’s view :sad:((((((((((((

  22. Cecilia says:

    Do yall think that the producers/director will include the part with Grawp? Hagrid’s brother? I hope because that would be awesome. ^_^

  23. fwopz says:

    HI! I am a fan of Emma Watson.

  24. Natasha says:

    OMG!!! I read on CNN and on in my newspaper that JK Rowling was hinting that Harry might die! She was hinting that 2 main characters would die. Nooo!!! Harry cant die!

  25. Ania says:

    Carol, I can translate these articles if you want (in polish). I know – I won’t do it good beacuse i’m only 14. But I can try…But I tkink…it isn’t so interesting.The second scan is about book and film HP and GOF (if you want to buy it what do you have to do).The third is about GOF premiere. One Dan’s fan had a banner “Marry with me”.The fourth is old – about HP and POA.The fifth is old, too (when she was 15). About what she do, that she want to meet Brad Pitt (she says that he is sweet man).

  26. Hannah says:

    thats interesting.. ya im not to surprised that they want dan to marry them lol nice scans though, kewl pics =]

  27. Princess says:

    omg r u serious Natasha? If 2 of the main characters are gonna die, im gonna be soooo upset that Im gonna hate JkRowling and never buy any of the books to come huh 🙁

  28. Natasha says:

    I know! The best series of all time cant end with the main character dying! Personally, i like a happy ending where harry kills voldemort and they all live happily ever after, but it looks like harry is going to die with him or die trying. I hope i’m wrong!!! She did say that one character got a break, but we dont know which it is… She was giving all of these resons why an author would choose for the main character to die, though, like so that no non-authors could write sequels. I just hope that Harry isn’t the one to die and that JK Rowling is just making us believe that he will as a bluff… O I HOPE SO!!!

  29. Hannah says:

    ya i saw it on tv today..but it said she hasnt given any info on who it will be

  30. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    she didn’t go either way about harry dying, so i wouldn’t get too worked up about it. i personally think the two deaths will be voldemort (duh!) and neville (because he has something to do with the prophecy, he has a large role, getting larger as they go along. i think he’ll get killed off). so sad! 🙁 (well, really only for neville, i’m happy voldy will die! :wink:)

  31. crookshanks says:

    i just saw da picture with da kid … but can anybody tell me whats da problem with that kid? please

  32. Cecilia says:

    People keep saying that JK Rowling will kill off Hermione and Ron. And I know she said that she will kill off two “main” characters , but I seriously doubt it would be BOTH of them. That would be just foolish to kill BOTH of Harry’s best friends. Maybe one of them, but probably not both.

  33. Daria says:

    jupii! in Polish! I must buy this newspapper 😀

  34. mmm says:

    I’d say Ron should die. haha

  35. Jaana says:

    Well, that really was one BRIEF moment we got to see Emma on that video…. xD Oh well… I’m still waiting to see some great pics from the Queen’s birthday. 🙂 I would absolutely love to see Emma’s whole outfit.

  36. hill says:

    i can see emma, but only 3 or 5 seconds…I hope wath her in a show on tv…

  37. LC says:

    Hey Guys, the characters she is cutting of is Surius and believe it or not, Dumbledore!!!

  38. deux2 says:

    Do we have any bigger versions of the video or any photos?

  39. Michelle&Felicis:) says:

    @LCuhm… yeah, we knew it was dumbledore hundreds of years ago, and we also knew it was sirius a THOUSAND years ago., that happened in the fifth and sixth book, we are not stupid!Gosh, we’re talking about the SEVENTH book here!!!!!!!

  40. Michelle&Felicis:) says:

    and wow, emma’s hair is very short!

  41. Lucus says:

    She looks great. Keep it up Em!

  42. priya says:

    my windows media player isnt working HELLPPPPPPPP WHAT SHOULD I DO

  43. crookshanks says:

    im still waiting 4 an answeer!! whats the problem with that kid?

  44. Sagar says:

    I can’t the download emms’s wallpaper pls send me EMMA’s wallpaper plsMy id is

  45. Molly says:

    wow talk about brief… i bearly saw her! hehe cute clippings though.

  46. elisabeth says:

    is someone gonna translate these text from Polish newspapers?!

  47. elisabeth says:

    yeah, I’ve barely seen her there… but never mind. Even in such a brief moment she looks really cute as ever 🙂 I’m waiting for some new photos or videos or anything… love watching it 🙂

  48. siddharth says:

    hey your link to download the video is not working please check i desprately want to downlod the video

  49. teensie tintin says:

    what did the pic look like?

  50. Sally says:

    Cool,Emma looks good in all of them pictures.