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About memories (2009):"I save some things from my childhood, with little memos about things I said or thought. I also keep boxes of memorabilia, including a piece of the Giant chess set. I have a lot of little things they let us keep."

New Scans & Untagged Pics // 29 June 2006

Hello everyone!!! o/

Thanks to Anaolsen we have some random scans from different magazines:

Also I finally got those two pics of Emma without the tags over it:

For those that asked, yesterday I went to the Just My Luck premiere but Lindsay didn’t turn up, only McFly. (lol)

[ Carol ]

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192 Responses to “New Scans & Untagged Pics // 29 June 2006”

  1. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    ooops, i just realized, it’s SATURDAY july 1st! Sorry! 😆

  2. Natalie says:

    Update again! lol 😛

  3. Jussi says:

    Excusez moi, but how ’bout the gallery? Been away for ages. And how about the calendar, can you continue doing that, please? I used to use them as wallpapers. I’d like to continue the habit. Otherwise the site is very cool and miss Watson is incredibly sweet!

  4. luckystar118 says:

    You guys have yet again proved yourselves worthy. I salute you. BTW, about Lindsay — that’s called beingA.) a diva orB.) a busy worker And I totally love McFly!!!! Their songs rule!!!!

  5. em says:

    Great update! Visit are new videos and pics of the week!

  6. Emmagirl says:

    ooh! ive just come back from scotland and im sooo happy:smile: that there is so much news/updates on emma! yay!:P

  7. TESSA says:


  8. Cecilia says:

    Wow, an update is taking quite a while. But that is understandable, seeing as not much is happening yet with the film. They have only just begun filming, but a trailer is to be released at the end of the year for OotP. You really went to Scotland “Emmagirl” ? Wow, that is awesome.

  9. Aisha says:

    new update!!!!!!!!!!!1

  10. JessS says:

    Is it just me or does Emma look a lot skinnier?

  11. Cecilia says:

    Yea, Emma does look quite a lot skinnier. Especially her legs. But maybe she has been working out and losing extra pounds for the upcoming movie because she said she was supposed to be doing a lot of her own stunts in this one.

  12. Lise says:

    I really like what Emma wears at the O2 festival! It’s cool and fun and I love that! Yes, she look skinnier than before…Those scans are great, even if I don’t understand them ^^.I hope there will be more updates, and that the new Watson Weekly will come soon :wink:(Aller les Bleus!)

  13. Stefanie says:

    I just want to ask: is there no new watson weekly or video of the week?Thx

  14. terence says:

    stefanie : workers are very busy with exams. i kept asking them the same questions too.we should cut them some slack after all theyve agreat job so far.:smile:

  15. Cl says:

    the picture of the day is very old !!!

  16. Carol says:

    And that’s what’s nice about it, it’s old, most people love the new ones, but the old one will always be the best ones >.< one day they were new as well

  17. Lise says:

    Emma’s so pretty on the picture of the day! I didn’t know this picture before

  18. Allina says:

    My name is Alina and I’m from Poland:DThis scans are form Polish magazine:D I have all of this. I’m collecting photos from Harry Potter films and I LOVE J.K. Rownling’s books! I hope that the U will update site shortly! I want new Watson Weekly and video, men!

  19. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    yes i looooooove the picture of the day (july 2)!!!! she’s SO cute and so is her outfit!! :thumbup:

  20. James says:

    Hey ppl,nice syt u got here. Em is such a gr8 actress! sum random guys were so dred in the premiere of GOF (i wont say as its 2 crude. all i want 2 say.byeJamezPS: is there ne1 english here?

  21. Camille-emma says:

    Yep im English! 😀

  22. Natalie G says:

    I wish we had more pictures 😛

  23. Lise says:

    Well, I’m not English, that’s why I don’t understand when you write like that “Hey ppl, nice syt u got here.” Can you try to write corectly for Emma’s fan speaking another language please?

  24. Natalie G says:

    That was a very rude thing to say, James

  25. Martha^ says:

    not yet Stefanie

  26. Jaana says:

    Gah! I’ve been away for days and NO updates?? O_O Wow… I was really looking forward to coming back and reading new updates but no. 🙂 I do love this site, don’t forget about that! ^^

  27. Jaana says:

    Oh, I forgot to say that the Picture of the Day is very, very cute! ^^ I love those pictures of little-Emma! 🙂

  28. Mariana says:

    Does anyone knows when they’ll start filming the next movie?? I mean the 5 one… cuz until now there’s nothing more that some pictures of the set and small things like that… i want moreeee!!!!!

  29. jazzerz says:

    Lol, Omg i’m so proud of Emma.but, i’m so effing sad i can’t be on the chat sucks.:sad:

  30. jorge says:

    Why Watson Weekly #4 hasn

  31. Natalie G says:

    Mariana, they started filming in February 🙂

  32. Cecilia says:

    Not much is happening in the “wizarding world” right now so that would explain why there hasn’t been an update in quite a while. But taht’s okay. A trailer is to be released at the end of the year for the Order of the Phoenix,so that should be fun.^_^

  33. Cecilia says:

    I just finished watching Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone and I could kinda notice how spazzled Emma seemed when she talked. Which is understandable because she was quite new to the whole “movie” experience and so was Rupert. Daniel seemed quite coped together in the first movie, mainly because of his previous movies,so he was used to it I expect. Emma basically had to kinda “teach” herself how to perform since she had previously had no practice in performing in an actually movie. Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that Emma has come a long way since then and she has done famously and I for one am very proud and impressed. ^_^

  34. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    i think emma has been brilliant in every movie!!! and she was so cute in the 1st one. she’s perfect for hermione. 🙂

  35. Lizziespence says:

    WHEN WILL THERE BE MORE POSTS?!?!?!i am running out of things to do!

  36. Stylectrix says:

    The problem with this site is that they aren’t as involved with Emma as Dan Radcliffe’s fansite is involved with him. This means they get all their news from secondary sources and quite often we see it here AFTER we’ve already seen it on a number of other sites. It never used to be that way but since Jo left…sigh. I still like this site though, but I it doesn’t feel quite ‘together’ yet.

  37. bryan says:

    I want more updates, news, pictures’s,uum and much morebut ille think the maker of this amazing site has a prette good excuse to not Update,right ?~!!!right ??~!!right ???~!by the way,has any of you ever saw emma in real?so yes,: then why u didn’t take pictures, instead of asking for them, make them :smile:ohw well im gonna watch the “Video of the week” againpeace all

  38. Carol says:

    hahah yeah I’m gonna start creating news, I CANNOT DO THAT!!!If there’s no news around, I can’t do anything!!!It’s not our fault!

  39. a babe says:

    Hey u know I Luv the site..But I like Jo 4 being the webmaster better cause u know now Fred hasn’t update anything….Jo have always update ems new ok

  40. bryan says:

    ooh i got a question for you all who live in England what is the best place to spend a holiday ?like,Schotland ?London ?Burningham ?plz postif u live in Englandor if you’d spend ur holiday therei did some looking on google and i found out that London is pretty coolis it true ?since my Mom and Dad kinda like’d England (after i told them how cool it should be) the dicided we might go to england there for a few weekslast summer we went to France that was so cool all those little house’s and in the middle a big cathedral so, cooland alot hot girls there to,the beach there was great so nice and warm on the sand “not thinking about what the weather would be in The Netherlands”just very relaxingso plz give me information about england :smile::smile::smile:

  41. bryan says:

    wow thanks manI know where im going to “London” i just hope my Mom and Dad will like it towhere is emma shoppping most of the time ?so i can test my “I lost my dog” act on her 🙂 hehe only jokeanyway thanks for the information 😀

  42. bryan says:

    you wont be seeing me for the rest of the daycause I’m working on a remix with a friend of my that know since 1* grade

  43. *Christel* says:

    Yah i agree, London is the best city by far, even if i never went there, i just know it loll, thats why i wanna move there, somehow…but montreal (I live like 25min from there) is a great city too…althought if u speak french, it helps loll.

  44. bryan says:

    this is gonna be the longest comment box ever ?it took my computer 6 minutes to get to the bottomthanks for the information about emma i wonder who that bodyguard ismaybe its Arnold from the terminator films xDdont worry if shes in london ille find her ille bring my dog :smile:maybe it react’s on pictures toanyway the remix is comeing together pretty nicely i still got some work to do about it and then it will be awsomeso happy sunnyday xD

  45. Kylie says:

    Hey,wow cool pictures of Emma.Lindsay Lohan is the star of the film and she didn,t turn up,lol.

  46. caitlin says:

    PLEASE UPDATE!!!!!!!PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  47. Christina says:


  48. bryan says:

    emma is so sexy

  49. deux2 says:

    Why are there no new updates??

  50. Samantha says:

    Emma Watson is a really reall good actress. I just found this website when I was looking for Daniel Radcliffe stuff. He is the Coolest! I really think Ron and Hermoine should hook up! Oh Yea that would be Freakin A Man!! HaHa.. see you all later and can’t wait for July 13th, 2007!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Much Love & Peace To All, Samantha AKABIGGEST HP FAN EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!