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About OotP (2006): "It's definitely an epic, it's much more of a complicated storyline, it's just darker."

New Scans & BOP Poll // 8 July 2006


As we all know there isn’t many news around, so we are living on scans (lol), thanks to Sabrina & Vills (at the forums) we have some from Bravo, HiClub & Tiger Beat magazines, Vills told me that there’s nothing new on the Bravo & HiClub ones, they’re just bits and pieces from old interviews:

Also thanks to Vills for the tip, we know now that BOP Magazine is running a poll at their website about Emma’s style, at the moment 79% think it’s a fashion mistake, but we know it’s not!!So let’s start voting everyone!!

BOP Poll

[ Carol ]

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159 Responses to “New Scans & BOP Poll // 8 July 2006”

  1. Martha^ says:

    agniesza.. dostaniesz bana jak tak dalej pojdziesyf tylko robicie :/

  2. Aga says:

    To ja jestem agnieszka i tu nie dostane bana i ja nie pisze już na tym trefnym forum prucz tego ktoś inny się tak podpisuje 😛

  3. Martha^ says:

    to jakim codem IP jest identyczne? kogo ty chcesz oszukac?btw to nie jest forum, a bana mozesz dostac jak tak dalej pojdzie.

  4. Jucie2 says:

    HEHE!!! I’m so STUPID! I posted about the gallery not working not knowing that it wasn’t up yet!! SORRY EMMAWATSON.NET!!! Hehe. FORGIVE ME!!!

  5. happs - Poland says:

    hej who did delete my post ? 🙁

  6. Aga says:

    Wyobraż sobie że mam rodzieństwo

  7. Martha^ says:

    bo mnie to obchodzi. skoro masz rodzenstwo – to sobie je pilnuj.its not any damn chat so PLEASE stop writing offtopic! ‘couse i’ll ban. clear?

  8. r/h fan says:

    I don’t like that outfit on the bop poll. Those scans are cool!

  9. thayanne teixeira (brasil) says:

    hi.i from braziliam,and spik ingles+,-.i love harry potter and emma.kiss.thayanne & maiaranos amamos o brasil.