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About feeling safe on set for the first movie (2007): "I was extremely naive and in a way it was good to be really nervous. I came to realise that Maggie Smith was a pretty good actress, she was just really nice to me. I wouldn't have been able to come to the set if I didn't feel completely safe."

New Scans & BOP Poll // 8 July 2006


As we all know there isn’t many news around, so we are living on scans (lol), thanks to Sabrina & Vills (at the forums) we have some from Bravo, HiClub & Tiger Beat magazines, Vills told me that there’s nothing new on the Bravo & HiClub ones, they’re just bits and pieces from old interviews:

Also thanks to Vills for the tip, we know now that BOP Magazine is running a poll at their website about Emma’s style, at the moment 79% think it’s a fashion mistake, but we know it’s not!!So let’s start voting everyone!!

BOP Poll

[ Carol ]

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159 Responses to “New Scans & BOP Poll // 8 July 2006”

  1. Aga JaJa says:

    The scans are really cool 😀

  2. Agnieszka says:

    Emma not always look old!!!!!!!!! she young look i love her look!:smile:

  3. appu says:


  4. Agnieszka says:

    Whay not Galerry??

  5. Lise says:

    Yes, I was also wondering when the Gallery will open, I’m really impatient! Those scans are nice, even if there are old picture!

  6. Natalie says:

    Thank you to whoever deleted those horrible comments! Hope the gallery will be up soon, is everything OK?

  7. Carol says:

    Yes, it’s going great, I can’t wait to get this gallery done. But the person that was helping, well god know what she’s doing now. So I’m doing everything by myself. I hope that by Sunday the gallery should be ready!!!And I’m really sorry guys, but I’ve been so busy with exams and stuff, also I wanted to get like all the pics :p

  8. Carol says:

    No, we respect Emma’s privacy. NO private pics. Thanks.

  9. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    a babe, dont come to a fansite if you’re not a fan!!!!!

  10. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    and you too idiot!

  11. annemarie says:

    E V E R Y B O D Y !!!!!!V O T E F O R E M M A!!!See BOP Poll!!!!!

  12. Teresa says:

    o..i LOVE the picture of the day this time!

  13. aredo says:

    emma is always cool, and pretty. eres maravillosa y muy guapa.

  14. emma's#ONEfan says:

    Love the PoA London Premire dress, in the pic of the day!! My dad is in London! I wish I was too!:smile:

  15. Irene says:

    Carol, I want to wish you the very best of luck for your exams!!:smile:You’re good staff! You recpect Emma’s privacy – you’re real good! Congr! 😉

  16. happs - Poland says:

    if you dont have any scans or news…you can do something with Emmas gallery?……think about it !!!!!!!!!!!pleassss we are waiting for it !!!

  17. Susanne says:

    I agree with Happs….work on the gallery if there aren

  18. LolaKiwi says:

    Jo always had the winning banner up on time when she was here…not that I don’t like you guys, it just seemed like she always was right on time no matter what…

  19. Aisha says:

    How can you say that? Emma is nothing like that stay away! Emma is not like that my commentsget earased to but i never get mad so neither should you this website is made for us to love Emma if you dont like her please leave! Emma looks great its o.k. if your late with the news Carol i understand it’ll be ok soon Carol thank you though you are a good site keeper 🙂

  20. HAPPY says:


  21. Barb says:

    Profanity is a crutch for the inarticulate.Don’t feed the trolls. It’s what they like. Ignore them, let the mods do their job deleting the junk, and they will go away.

  22. Irene says:

    Happs! You’re right!If no any news they’re must to work on the gallery, are not they? 🙂 In spite of it I love your site. 😉 ————bye

  23. Aga JaJa says:

    We are still waiting for the gallery :D:D

  24. lala says:

    hey! I’m just testing this comentbox. But Emma is cool!!:wink::D I

  25. Natalie says:

    Can’t we just ban a babe from making comments, I mean shes so pathetic that she comes to a fan site of a pearson she hates.So a babe why don’t you just get on with your boring little life and leave us alone!

  26. Natalie says:

    sorry to all the emma fans for being rude in the comment but she is annoying!Anyway 65% of people think her dress is a fashion mistake so vote too cute!

  27. yiota says:

    well i have to say that she is good actress but she’s just 16.i don’t like how she dressing…

  28. Carol says:

    I know Natalie, too bad I can only ban a certain amount of people. and I already banned them :p but wait until she comes back, cuz I know what I’m gonna do ^^

  29. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    CUTE picture of the day; Katie looks AWESOME!

  30. happs - Poland says:

    i understand that you can have some work at school(but now – holidays) or work…but pleaseee do something..

  31. Carol says:

    Well it’s not like I’m doing nothing.I am, actually I’m already uploading everything to the server.

  32. happs - Poland says:

    i dont understand you…why are so argue…babe never comes back….oh..whatever…never mind

  33. Valerie says:

    Cant wait for the next update!! And Watson Weekly

  34. Agnieszka says:

    I from Poland to

  35. Martha^ says:

    aga wsiec siec cicho i nie rob obciachu :/

  36. Aga JaJa says:

    ja tesh jestem z Polski i zgadzam się z Marthą , “imienniczko” Polska chce zachować twarz 😀 więc jak chcesz komenty zostawiać to nad anglikiem popracoj bo moje imie obrażasz :/ :D:D Lov’ya :*

  37. Martha^ says:

    Łukasz (sorry that my reply is so late xP) but your comment could be deleted ‘couse youve wrote sth ‘bad’ in it.. btw i have no idea what agniaszka wrote in her 1st comment 😉 so dont worry & dont bother about it 😉

  38. Martha^ says:

    oo.. dobrze ze to napisalas aga bo ja myslalam ze to sama osoba pisze :lol:im happy that you wrote it aga ‘couse i thought that one person writing these comments (agnieszka & aga jaja) 😆

  39. Martha^ says:

    * is writinghahaa sorry^ xP im spaming :ph34r: sorry guys 😛

  40. Aga JaJa says:

    I think that Emma’s dress in a picture of the day is cool 😀 She looks so cutie 😀

  41. Aga JaJa says:

    Martha 😀 aby zachować twarz 😀 od teraz moj nick będzie samo JaJa 😀 What a shame … hihi:D

  42. Agnieszka says:

    Same się obrażacie co myślicie że tak wolno innych orażać

  43. Agnieszka says:

    Il;e wy macie lat?

  44. Agnieszka says:

    Emma gardzi Polakami a wy tu jeszcze jej laurki slecie

  45. Agnieszka says:

    Liże się z chłpakiem na imprezie pije piwo ok pewnie w jesteście talkie same

  46. Martha^ says:

    1. emma nie obraza polski/polakow etc2. to ze sie ‘lize’ na imprezach i pije (a nawet niech sie schla!) to co ciebie to obchodzi?3. interesuje cie ile mam lat? 17. 4. a mowie do ciebie zebys siedziala cicho bo twoj angielski jest tak porazajaco fatalny ze.. bez komentarza

  47. Aga JaJa says:

    zgadzam się z Marthą 😀 kurczę jak ci się coś nie podoba to po co wogole komentarze zostawiasz ?! :/:/ mam 16 lat jestem ten sam rocznik co Emma i wiesz co ci powiem “imienniczko!!” wiem co znaczy napić się piwa i pocałować z chłopakiem w moim wieku 😛 !!! :/ a pozatym kiedy ona obrażała Polak

  48. Agnieszka says:

    Nie nie przynoszę wiesz ja też jestem z rocznika Emmy jest ładna ale to nie pozwalajcie sobie komentować mojego anglika!!!!!1

  49. JaJa says:

    HA HA HA no zwariuje za chwilkę 😀 będe go komentowała bo jeśli masz tyle lat co ja to po tylu latach szkolnej nauki J. angielskiego powinnaś umieć pisać i mowić w tym języku przynajmniej na poziomie podstawowym !!! więc proszę cię … piszesz że Emma pije wogole a sama się JAK WIDAĆ NIE UCZYSZ !!! ZASTANOW SIĘ NADC SOBĄ !!! i nad tym co piszesz ! Prosze cię !!

  50. Natalie says:

    This isn’t really important but I was on deviantART just now and I came across this amaizing vector of Emma Watson, you have to check it out: NOTE THAT I DID NOT MAKE THIS!