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About child stars (2009):"I don't really like that label. Child stars don't follow the best paths... if you listen to the media. They always seem to forget Meryl Streep, Natalie Portman, Julia Stiles, Jodie Foster. I don't think I'm bound to fail. I'm not more messed up than somebody else. I'm not a drug addict. Sure, life's not going to be easy after HP. I'll always be a bit scared of becoming a "former child star". I'll probably never be as famous, as young, as well paid as I am today. But it will all depend on how I will see my own success."

New CBBC Interview // 20 July 2006


Today we had the first TV interview with Evanna Lynch (Luna Lovegood), and Emma’s on it as well, talking about Evanna, and here’s what she said about her:

Emma: "I have to say she is Luna, she’s literally Luna, I can’t tell the difference between her on camera and off camera".

To download the interview, just click with the right button and then "Save Target As":

CBBC Newsround Interview

What do you guys think???I reckon she’s pretty much like Luna, dreamy and as Emma said we can’t tell the difference from what we’ve seen on that interview.

[ Carol ]

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105 Responses to “New CBBC Interview // 20 July 2006”

  1. Riley says:

    FIRST! She is Luna to me too. I love her. I think she’ll be grand at the role.

  2. erica says:

    emma is so sweet… I agree luna will be great for her role

  3. sabrina says:

    yeah, she’ll be great at it…just as j.k. rowling depicted!THIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    #4!!!!!!!! cant wait to see her in ootp!

  5. Melodey says:

    I agree with Erica Luna is great she is extremley pretty she is really pretty perfect role. But Emma looks way prettier carol i have to tell you some thing i LOVE YOU SO MUCH THAT I WILL DIE FOR YOU!!!!!!!!! AFTER EMMA OF COURSE

  6. Valerie says:

    Wow. If that came from Emma, Evanna must be really good!! I want to see the Trailer already!!! Grr… When will Watson Weekly come up?

  7. Anne says:

    Yeah she seems just like Luna. When i first saw her she didnt look anything like her. But she talks so dreamy that its totaly Luna. Go Evanna.

  8. Joseph Walsh says:

    well i couldnt pass up the opportunity to be as close to comment number one as i ever have been. so here it is of luck to the site managers you guys blow my preverbial socks off almost as much as Ms Emma herself. listen to music, eat all the ice cream you can right now !! and movies are good. god be with you ladies and outee Xx

  9. Anonymous says:

    Wow, she sounds so tiny when she talks. If I didn’t know anything about her and only heard her voice, I would think she was about 8. I very curious how she will be in the movie. BTW, got the video, the quailty is fantastic. Much better than a typical video from newsround is.

  10. Melissa says:

    Evanna Lynch is literally the real-world Luna Lovegood. Everything about her screams Luna, he voice, her expressions…..DID YOU SEE HER WAIST LENGTH BLONDE HAIR????Evanna….I knew she’d be perfect! She’s a lovley child and I daresay she shall give the other actors a run for their money:smile:Go Emma!

  11. r/h fan says:

    Yeah, new interview! I’m eager to see how Evanna does in the film.

  12. Helen says:

    Wow OMG she’s REALLY the perfect person for Luna. Just as dreamy as her, and she the right Luna for me too ^^Can’t wait to watch her performance in OOP = )

  13. Azriel says:

    Evanna is absolutely perfect. I believe that she’s just like Luna because she’s always been a fan. A lot of times, whether we like it or love it, we absorb traits of our favorite characters when we love them so much. I think that’s quite the case with Evanna.

  14. Taylor says:

    SORRY FOR THE COMMENT BELOW, I DIDN’T MEAN TO DO THAT! Well, I love her, and I was just about to email you guys that video! I can’t wait to see her in the movie, I appilied to host a upcoming Evanna site! If I get the job, will defentily be an affliate! Hehe! Anyway, thanks for the quote of what emma said, becuase I really couldn’t understand her.Thanks!

  15. Melody says:

    She is exactly the way I imagined Luna to be only a lot more…I didn’t expect the actress to be so alike her character but she’s awesome and she gets to have an easy job then!!!

  16. Mary says:

    @MelissaI hope you realize that Evanna’s hair in the back is that long because she’s wearing hair extensions. Considering her hair length in January and that hair grows about a 1/2 inch a month, it’s impossible for hair to have grown that long in 6-7 months. Her natuaral hair length is probably how it is in the front.

  17. Ginna says:

    Myyyyyyy account whyyyyyyyyy???:'(…oh the video is fine

  18. tom says:

    emma your on my mind every second i think your like an angel your very very pretty!!!!!!!!! you go emma

  19. Meep says:

    Aww Evanna’s voice is so sweet! I can’t wait for the movie to come out…

  20. Gabriel says:

    Great update Carol! Evannna is so nice! And Emma, too! Good luck to you Luna, I think soon you’ll be more popular than Emma Watson:wink:

  21. ~Roni~ says:

    As Emma said, she literally is Luna. She’s so perfect and I’m so happyyyy lalalaaaa lol πŸ˜›

  22. Shane says:

    OH MY GOD! SHES PERFECT!That is exactly how i pictured Luna! Oh i cant wait to see this movie..shes seems so quiet and dreamy…i love it!! Cant wait for the movie!Shane

  23. martha says:

    she looks just perfect. even her voice, it’s like “where I am, I don’t know, who cares…” I hope she is good at acting too.but emma is still sweet.

  24. Zlota says:

    Evanna is lovely. I really like her. She is wearing extensions (Like Emma too!!!! Except Em’s wears them outside of filming too), and her hair does look very Luna-ish

  25. Night Shadow says:

    Evanna is lovely ya she is really lovely ,even she is the shining starshe is the britest person i have ever seen, & according to mee Emma is always the best person ever

  26. jay says:

    hahah shes simply adorable

  27. Danique says:

    Emma talks SOOO fast!! πŸ˜› and I definitly LOVE Evanna! I think Emma’s right; she just actually IS Luna!! I’m in love with this interview, thank you so much!! πŸ™‚

  28. Nat says:

    I love Evanna’s voice… She’s so cute! She looked kind of shy. Didn’t she?

  29. Jo Knows Best says:

    JKR herself said Evanna was perfect for the role so noone should argue against the woman who created the character in the first place.Zlota, Emma does not wear hair extensions outside of filming (unless you have pics to prove it). Infact she hasn’t worn hair extensions since COS, except they did add a bit for the Yule Ball scenes in GOF but that’s all.

  30. ♥ Emmas #1 Fan - Rachi says:

    Before i didn’t think that she was right for the role, but now after ive heard her talk and seen her, wow! she is deffently like her charcter! And even in that interview, the way she talks, it seems like to is a million miles away! Lol. I see the difference between Emmas interview and Evannas. Emma’s completey relaxed and talking so fast and Evanna is a little shy. If that was me, i would be talking away, i wouldn’t be shy even if it was the first time i had been on tv! πŸ™‚ Thxx for the vid! x

  31. cool girl says:

    oh, Evanna is Luna for 10000%!!!! I’m agree πŸ™‚

  32. alyssa says:

    she’s def. luna =] she sounds like she’ll be great! im so excited for this movie. only 356 days left! πŸ˜€

  33. Sam says:

    I can’t picture Evanna acting. She just seems too shy and awkward. Hopefully it was just nerves from her first TV interview. Emma, of course, is out of her mind like usual. lol

  34. Martha^ says:

    i hope you guys dont think that preview Martha was me πŸ˜† xP’couse i dont like her too much..

  35. Natalie says:

    I always thought she looked like Luna and she sounded so like her in that Interview. I agree with JK, shes a perfect Luna!

  36. lixanna says:

    I love her voice…so dreamy! I can’t wait to see her as Luna, she does seem a bit shy but then again it is her first tv interview where as Emma has done it so many times she’s cormfortable in interviews now.

  37. hpfan says:

    She’s perfect. The only thing that I can say is she’s probably the same on-screen as off-screen becasue I can’t picture her acting different. What Evanna said about Dan Radcliffe is really cute. I love Emma’s quote.

  38. Samantha says:

    Well…she’s much better for the role than me! (obviously! lol) But, you know, at first I was like “What??!? Her hair…Luna’s is supposed to be dirty blonde!” But watching her in the interview, she is quite Luna. You can…I found in particular, Luna was in her eyes.

  39. Accio lottery win says:

    Emma talks quickly in interviews for the same reason Rupert says very little in interviews…nerves. Dan is the only one who seems completely comfortable with the media but that might be because his parents are in the business so he’s had plenty of first hand experience from a very young age. But lots of celebs are shy and uncomfortable with the media, no matter how long their careers are, it’s no big deal. The most important thing is what they are like in the films.Evanna, as JKR said herself, is perfect!

  40. Arschel says:

    Hey, i can’t wait for Order of the pheonix now, I’m more excited than ever at this point. The Luna casting was dead on the money. Should make the movie all the more fun to watch

  41. happs - Poland says:

    I must say that she speaks through one’s nose…hihihi

  42. tina says:

    She fits as Luna, but her voice is kinda annoying. O_o sorry!

  43. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    i just watched the vid for the first time… i think she’s perfect for the role! at first, when they first announced that she would be Luna a long time ago, i didn’t think she would fit but after seeing the vid i think they did a great job in casting her. she talks so quietly and dreamily and as for being shy, i would be too if it were my first tv interview. now i really can’t wait for ootp!!!! go evanna!!

  44. r/h fan says:

    I hope that helps!

  45. Anonymous says:

    Oh my god, she is so perfect! I wasn’t sure about her when I first saw her because she looks like Tom Feltons little sister and has a little too short hair but now that I have seen the video I think she is absolutly ideal!

  46. Jaana says:

    Oh my goodness! I’m now downloading the interview on my sister’s computer and I can’t wait to watch it! ^^ I’m sure Evanna is a lot like Luna… I mean, Jo Rowling said herself that Evanna is the perfect Luna. πŸ™‚ Argh, I wish this downloading wouldn’t take so long! xD

  47. Marcus says:

    i agree with Rowling and Emma watson she is perfect for the role:smile:

  48. Jaana says:

    Okay, I just watched the interview and MY GOSH! Evanna is perfect for the part of Luna! Honestly! The fact that she’s so much like Luna actually freaked me out a bit, in a good way of course. πŸ˜› But really. Woah. The casting people really made a perfect choice when they cast Evanna as Luna. πŸ™‚ Oh, and Emma was soooooo cute when she talked about Evanna! ^^ She was whirling around an swishing with her hands! Haha, so cute! ^^ Love it! Can’t wait for OotP now! πŸ˜›

  49. Liis says:

    WOW… Evanna is perfect for this role… her voice is perfect and i agree with emma… she is really like luna… it’s wonderful :D… i can’t wait for the… i really look forward to it!!! Greetings from Estonia!!!

  50. emily says:

    OMG SHES PERFECT! the last part freaked me out cause she acts so much like her… i was like WOAH:0