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New CBBC Interview // 20 July 2006


Today we had the first TV interview with Evanna Lynch (Luna Lovegood), and Emma’s on it as well, talking about Evanna, and here’s what she said about her:

Emma: "I have to say she is Luna, she’s literally Luna, I can’t tell the difference between her on camera and off camera".

To download the interview, just click with the right button and then "Save Target As":

CBBC Newsround Interview

What do you guys think???I reckon she’s pretty much like Luna, dreamy and as Emma said we can’t tell the difference from what we’ve seen on that interview.

[ Carol ]

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105 Responses to “New CBBC Interview // 20 July 2006”

  1. Jennifer says:

    She makes the perfect Luna, I’m happy she got the part. She’s just how I pictured her to be.

  2. happs - Poland says:

    i have a question ?please translate me what said Dan : she is lovely, and she is … – I dont uderstandplease help me… ?!

  3. sanni says:

    she kinda looks like i imagined luna would look like (except her hair ;o )….but her voice is really annoying :S like a five year old kid or summit..

  4. Lora says:

    She seems so sweet, I can’t wait to see her in OOTP!

  5. Michelle&Felicis:) says:

    GOO EVANNAA!! YOU SHOW ‘EM!!She’s PERFECT! thank youu evanna’s father!!!thank you SOO much for the video =*Artichoke heart*

  6. Godfrey says:


  7. Michelle&Felicis:) says:


  8. Michelle&Felicis:) says:

    i mean… banner :/

  9. Carol says:

    Michelle&Felicis:smile: it’s not ready yet ^^

  10. Bryan says:

    ile stick with emma as my number 1# fan :smile:but she’s nice

  11. sunkissed180 says:

    oh my josh…. i think that was the best clip ive seen of all ot them…emma is so talktive compared with the rest dan looks like he wants to be asked a better question my thoughts of course…she will be very good for the part of luna …she is a little to quite for luna….in space like her…but to quite..but that can be fixed with fame….wait till the primere…and the paycheck that she will remember she is reciving…srry for my english…

  12. a babe says:

    i think the site ran out of emma news..come on brig some good ems news like when jo is here

  13. Molly says:

    wow thats EXACTLY how i imagined luna to be like in the books… its scary… ๐Ÿ™‚ she’s so sweet!

  14. r/h fan says:

    I like the photo of the day on July 21.

  15. Rey says:

    I like the part where Lizo just passed by her the queue when he taped his report. Who would’ve imagined?

  16. Steve says:

    lol! shes the right one for this role!

  17. Alex says:


  18. Martina says:

    I have to say that Evana have the same character like Luna! The same voice ! she really good for Luna,but I wanna be Lunaaa ;(

  19. Misha says:

    It think it’s a bit odd that she is already like the character. I mean, even Emma who always says she is so much like Hermione has differences.It seems like maybe she didn’t used to be like that but became very obsessed with the books and gradually, without realising, became more like Luna. Tust me, I’ve dont it lol… I was obsessed with school when I first started reading about Hermione but let’s keep that between you and me :-p

  20. jermaiony says:

    hello! I

  21. Anonymous says:

    I strongly agree with Emma, she’s really Luna! I think it was a nice and good choise! Can wait to see a trailer of OoTP ๐Ÿ™‚

  22. Anonymous says:

    can’t* soz lol

  23. hallo says:

    She’s the best for Luna’s role!!!

  24. mik says:

    wuu amazing..that’s exactly how i had pictured luna’s voice!!!when i first saw the pictures, i wasn’t convinced but now..wuu..I HAVE TO SAY..PERFECT…can’t wait for OotF..

  25. Natalie says:

    Did anyone else know she was 14? I thought she was 16/17 when I saw pictures of her but in that interview she did seem a lot younger.

  26. susan says:

    what happen natalie?

  27. appu says:

    well j.k. rowling has made a perfect choiceevanna is lunabut she seems so shy.i can’t wait to see her act

  28. Em Rocks, DUH! says:


  29. happs - Poland says:

    I love the picture of the day…they look very nice…loke always of course…

  30. Lise says:

    I agree with you happs, the picture of the day is beautiful, and the trio is awsome!

  31. natalie says:

    ” who

  32. emma's#ONEfan says:

    Very cool! she is perfect for Luna!:smile:

  33. Sandra says:

    She really deserve the part like Luna Lovegood, she’s really Luna. =)

  34. Camille-Emma says:

    i would just like to say that i AM NOT emma watson. dont worry , im not crazy. . .. ive had a few people add me to msn and send me emails,thinkin that i am. Ive asked them why this is and they say its cause of my email address (JEANSANDTSHIRTGIRL@HOTMAIL.CO.UK) i didnt understand why at first but its cause there is some icons that say “jeans and tshirt type of girl ” but just cos my email addy says that does not mean i am her.i doubt she even knows there is icons sayin that!! and also because my name happens to involve ’emma’ .so please please please if anyone else heres this is her addy, i can assure you that it is not!! camille-emma xxx

  35. a emma fan says:

    luna is very cool in the book :thumbup:

  36. happs - Poland says:

    i think the picture of the day is one of the best picture of emma…really…she looks just perfect…

  37. r/h fan says:

    Nice pic of the day!

  38. Eirin says:

    I’d like to be Luna myself… but, i live in Norway, so it would be a bit differcult to spend so long time in an other contry, and it would be differcult to come there.. anyway, Emma’s the BEST!! allways, anyways…

  39. Sandra says:

    Emma looks gorgeous on the picture of the day =) But she always do though.

  40. sweet, sweet girl :) says:

    OOOH, SHE IS PERFECT, P-E-R-F-E-C-T!!! with a capital P!! wow! she is just like luna. she seems like a really friendly person. i’d like 2 meet her!:smile:))

  41. James says:

    I really like her i think she will play the part of luna very well she is very dreamy like luna in the book. loving the pic of the day emma looking great as ever. keep up the good work guys!.lovin the site.

  42. Sheep :) says:

    Evana is just brilliant!!! I think she’s just perfect for the Luna’s part! Cant wait until the movie :smile:… Emma was gorgeus too! ๐Ÿ™‚

  43. Emma's #1 fan!! says:

    yea she isperfect for luna!

  44. pompom... says:

    omg omg omg omg omg omg omg can’t wait till the movie she is so perfect perfect perfect perfect!!!!

  45. kim says:

    its like she just jumped out of the book.. EXCELLENT selection

  46. Kelsey says:

    She’s absolutely perfect! she looks like I imagined Luna, she sounds like I imagined Lune, and when she talks it’s all dreamy-like. She’s perfect!!

  47. Aaliyah says:

    Off topic but…has anyone seen the picture of the day? It’s gorgeous!

  48. Michelle says:

    I saw this interview and Evanna was sooooo cute in it.But her voice is soft like Katie’s voice.I can’t wait to see Evanna in OOTP!!

  49. Eunice says:

    Evanna is perfect as Luna, the way she speaks sound so dreamy!

  50. Lise says:

    Yes Evanna seems to be Luna exactly, I agree with Emma ^^But I have a question (quite off topic). Is the new issue of Watson Weekly ready or not? ’cause I’m waiting for it!