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New CBBC Interview // 20 July 2006


Today we had the first TV interview with Evanna Lynch (Luna Lovegood), and Emma’s on it as well, talking about Evanna, and here’s what she said about her:

Emma: "I have to say she is Luna, she’s literally Luna, I can’t tell the difference between her on camera and off camera".

To download the interview, just click with the right button and then "Save Target As":

CBBC Newsround Interview

What do you guys think???I reckon she’s pretty much like Luna, dreamy and as Emma said we can’t tell the difference from what we’ve seen on that interview.

[ Carol ]

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105 Responses to “New CBBC Interview // 20 July 2006”

  1. _narcissa_ says:


  2. elisabeth says:

    First when I saw Evanna’s photos I didn’t like her much. But now after I saw that interview i have to say: gosh, this is how Luna should look like! she seems to be quite shy also… anyway, its her first movie so its normal isnt it? Evanna’s fantastic and she’s gonna make perfect Luna, as everybody say here. I also have to admit that she even might do better than emma in that movie and shade her! she’s gonna reap laurels, I’m sure of it. The pic of the day is lovely :smile:Waitin’ for the new issue of Watson Weekly!

  3. caitlin says:

    WOW!!!!!!!!!! Evanna seems goooooooooooodddddd!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. crookshanks says:

    she’s so cute, very kind, lovely and a bit shy seems to be but thats logic. She does do look like luna, i mean the hair it kind of look like luna for me, she’s goin to be such a great luna!p.s. she looks so different from the picture.

  5. Savannah says:

    one word… PERFECT! she’s just like Luna, she is Luna! Way to go Evanna. You’re gonna be perfect for the role.