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About how to be a good wizard (2007): "I guess just listen in class, you know, listen to the teacher, work hard, try hard."

Dan’s Birthday & New Old Pic // 23 July 2006


As we all now, today is a very special day, it’s Dan’s 17th birthday!!!!And I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say that we wish him all the best and a very happy & sucessful future!!!

Happy Birthday Dan!

Also I found a new old picture (at least it’s new for me), it’s from 2002 when Emma was in the US promoting CoS in the chat show called The View:

She looks so young and adorable! And don’t forget to vote for Emma, every day at the CBBC Poll:


Last but not least, we are accepting new affiliates, so if you’re interested just email us at: You must link back to us before sending the email.

[ Carol ]

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91 Responses to “Dan’s Birthday & New Old Pic // 23 July 2006”

  1. Julia says:

    Happy B-day Dan!She looks so small 🙂

  2. Natalie says:

    Happy Birthday Dan!I’ve seen that picture before but they all look so young!

  3. serialgamer says:

    That’s nice !Happy birthday Dan !

  4. a emma fan says:

    happy birthday Dan 🙂 Emma is so young in the pikcher! 🙂

  5. a emma fan says:

    Is Rupurt older en Dan and Emma?

  6. a emma fan says:

    I raiding a book abaot emma watson

  7. julia ro. says:

    nays a book abaot emma. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 very naysi hopps the book is verry good :thumbup:

  8. Emmafan12 says:

    I Love dan very much as an actor i think hes gr8!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Hope u liked it lol!!!!Many happy returns xxxLUV YOU

  9. Kate says:

    Happy Birthday Daniel ! 🙂

  10. Nimy says:

    Happy birthday to you Daniel! Have a nice day! 17 is a good age…cheers!

  11. ritu says:

    happy birthday dan.have a gr8 day. 🙂

  12. _narcissa_ says:

    Happy birthday to Dan!!! And yes, a emma fan; Rupert IS older than both Dan & Emma(born in 198:shades:.

  13. _narcissa_ says:

    I mean 1988. xD

  14. _narcissa_ says:

    The picture of the day is pretty, like always 😉

  15. catfish says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAN!!!! Have a lovely day and a splendiferous year to come -x-Such a cute pic they look so young awww:smile:

  16. r/h fan says:

    Happy Birthday, Dan! If you were a wizard you would be overage now! Maybe you are in Britain. I don’t know.

  17. r/h fan says:

    Also, I like that picture of Emma in 2002. She looks cute and adorable. Rupert looks real cute w/ his hair like that. Yes, I’ve been voting for Emma every day on that site. I’m real glad that she’s been winning!!! How many weeks has she won?

  18. legolas says:

    Happy Birthday Dan!

  19. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANIEL!!!!!! I have Dan’s autograph… he sent it to me in the mail! Isn’t that awesome? Now I have to get emma’s and rupert’s!

  20. andrada says:

    happy birthday Dan!!!i’m sure you’ll have a brilliant year,exactly in the way you want it :smile:…

  21. andrada says:

    oh,and emma does look young 😀 .hey to all the harry potter fans

  22. r/h fan says:

    hogwarts_sweetie, I have Emma’s autograph. She mailed it to me b/c I wrote to her.

  23. jermaiony says:

    happy birthday dan!!!!! I wait that you will be very happy!!!

  24. grace says:

    The Watson Weekly… does anyone know when its gonna come out?and yeah, happy birthday dan!!!!!have a gr8 life and a long one

  25. Claudia says:

    hey best wishes Dan:smile: guys who want know me?:smile:

  26. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    hey, go check out the gallery! new layout! well, new banner anyway. and I love the dress she’s wearing in the pic of the day… and the SHOES!!

  27. Jaana says:

    Happy birthday Dan!!!!! ^^ Hopefully you’ll have a really great day!!!! 😀 Wow, Dan’s already 17! O_O They grow up so fast, don’t they? 😛 Anyways, nice update and I love the Picture of the Day! 🙂

  28. Michelle says:

    Yes,Rupert is older than Dan and Emma.He’ll be 18 on August 24.So Emma’s the youngest out of all three of them.Dan’s the second oldest.Happy Birthday Dan!!

  29. Cheyenne says:

    Happy 17th Birthday Daniel!! 🙂

  30. Agnieszka says:

    Happy birthday Dan!!!!! ^^ I very like you. Dan is very nice boy!! In that photo we young 🙂 Old go !!

  31. Jennifer says:

    Thanks for the new post, I like that picture, they look so cute. Happy Birthday Dan.

  32. anonymous says:

    Just one question, why there’s no affiliates here with any of Rupert’s sites ??!!!!!!

  33. happs - Poland says:

    oh daniel…i so much like you…and i dont know even why !!!!!!!!

  34. Lise says:

    Happy Birthday Dan! Hope it was a great day for you and that you’ve recieved e lot of presents!Quite off-topic, but where is the new issue of Watson Weekly, I’m waiting for a new banner and a new Funky Fashion!

  35. ♥ Emmas #1 Fan - Rachi says:

    Happy Birthday Dan :smile::smile:

  36. Mary says:

    Wasn’t that picture the Picture of the day on this website like 4 days ago or something like that? If it wasn’t then the picture was almost exactly the same.Happy Birthday, Dan!

  37. emma's # ONE FAN says:

    WOW 17 already! Happy Birthday Dan! Cute picture!:smile:

  38. Smith says:


  39. Samantha says:

    I’ve been celebrating dan’s birhtdya for the past four days and counting down since the beginning of the month! whooooooo!!!ok, wheres…1.) the new banner comp. winner2.) the new video of the weekand3.) watson weekley?

  40. Samantha says:

    r/h fan —just like in the USA people in England come of age when they’re 18.

  41. Samantha says:

    is come of age the right words to use? well, in the USA and England you’re officially an adult at 18, not 17 unlike in HP.

  42. r/h fan says:

    Thanks Samantha, for the info!

  43. vanessa says:

    I want to desire happy birthday to you for dan, am of Brazil and I adored the site, I am much fan of the Daniel and emma, taste very of the brit

  44. me says:

    its not new.

  45. Valerie says:


  46. Paula says:

    Hi, I Brazilian…I love your site….Happy birthday to you for dan.I am much fan of the Daniel and emma…kisses

  47. Michelle&Felicis:) says:

    HAPPY BDAY DANN!! I LOVEEE YOOUU!!!darn, he’s sooo… grown up….dunnoo.. it’s so exciting watching him in the first movie and… look at him now… 17 years old… and REALLY good looking… damn.BEST WISHES for him.. he deserves it for making our days happier with his existance.The pic is beautiful.. if emma’s in it, it gotta be beautiful!!Thank you*Artichoke heart*

  48. halima says:

    hehe well happy b-day dan and also he look real cute in that picture.emma so pretty.

  49. Margaret Krishannen says:

    Happy 17th Birthday to you Daniel Radcliffe…i hope all the wishes of yours may come true at this young ages…Do your best for everything,be extraordinary,challenge your self as far as u can!GO DANIEL GO HARRY !!!!I hope u still being Harry Potter for the next tousand years!!!Best regard,Margaret Krishannen.

  50. Margaret Krishannen says:

    Thanks,You are entering the website of the most beautiful and Gorgeous girl >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>EMMA CHARLOTTE DUERRE WATSON.Best regard,Margaret Krishannen