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SyFy Genre Awards // 24 July 2006

Hello everyone!!

Thanks for everyone who reminded me that we can now vote for the SyFy Genre Awards (yes finally!!), just a little reminder Emma is nominated for Best Actress, Best Young Actor, GoF for Best Movie and Dan’s nominated for Best Actor. So let’s start voting!

Thanks to TLC we know that Goblet Of Fire is nominated for Best Fantasy Movie on the Spike TV’s 2006 Scream Awards, you can vote until 6 of October.

Vote for the SyFy Genre Awards
Vote for the Scream Awards


[ Carol ]

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86 Responses to “SyFy Genre Awards // 24 July 2006”

  1. 1153927800 says:

  2. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    omg FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. r/h fan says:

    2nd! This is the first I’ve ever been to first! I’ve already voted on both sites! Good luck Emma, Dan, and GOF.

  4. ♥ Emmas #1 Fan - Rachi says:

    Ive voted on both sites :smile:Good luck to Dan, Emma && Everyone in GOF Movie and the producers etc πŸ™‚

  5. Samantha says:

    whoo! voting!

  6. crookshanks says:

    yay im five ! :Dgood luck Emma, Dan and GoF i have to say they put difficult to Emma, VOTE for HER !

  7. Natalie says:

    I voted for Emma in best actress, Dan in best actor and Dan in best young actor because of his performance in the scene with Voldemort. And of course I voted for Gof! Woohoo!

  8. Cras says:

    How can someone say with a straight face that Emma is not beautiful?

  9. Brittany says:

    Sorry, but I voted for Natalie. She’s a better actress. I still love Emma (not that way!) though.

  10. Michelle&Felicis:) says:

    in best young actor, one fo them will definately wini mean, emma or danbut i think dan will.. i agree with Nataliehis performance in the graveyard and on is spectacular!!!!!!!

  11. Carol says:

    Honestly???I think Rupert should have been nominated!!!He’s better than Dan in my opnion…

  12. Jennifer says:

    I voted for Emma once, and Dan twice.

  13. --?-- says:

    yeah!! Gonna vote right now… =D

  14. Emma's#1 fan! says:

    Of course I voted for Emma, Dan, and GOF!!!!

  15. Steve says:

    Lets start voting!!!

  16. C says:

    I have a question Carolthe chat is on…?

  17. emma's#ONEfan says:

    I voted for Emma and Dan and GoF, and I will be sure to keep on voting! But, we need everyones help! Keep on voting people!How about a new Watson Weekly sometime soon please!:smile:

  18. r/h fan says:

    Rupert should have been nominated! He’s a better actor than Dan and he’s way cuter! πŸ™

  19. C says:

    Yes, Rupert is good actor

  20. crookshanks says:

    But he didnt do something great this movie, so maybe thats why he isnt nominated.p.s. he’s a great, good looking actor πŸ˜‰ !

  21. crookshanks says:


  22. Lise says:

    I voted for Dan, Emma and Gof, but for best young actress, I voted for Dakota Fanning – the work she did in ‘War of the world’ is fabulous.I’m so impatient to see the new Watson Weekly! Is it already ready?

  23. john says:

    Hey! This is completely out of topic, but i was wondering why the videos are currently not working and when they will be in function again. Please reply. Thank you:smile:

  24. Erick says:

    well really I`ve voted for Emma becsuse is the best actress for me and because I in love whit her !!!!I love you Emma Watson

  25. Gabriel says:

    Nice, update.:smile:I think that Emma is pretty, but she is NOT beautiful. :wink:I’ve voted for Emma, because she’s normal girl and actress. While Dan and Rupert … I don’t like them.May be, Rupert is great actor, but he’s just UGLY!! πŸ˜‰

  26. amelle says:

    I voted for natalie, ’cause she’s definitely a better actress than Emma!anyway it doesn’t mean i don’t like her just i agree with hugh: there are better actors so although I like her I dont vote for her.the best young actor: Dakota Fanning (?), she was great on ‘war of the world’ and the best actor: hugo weaving, v for vendetta :smile:I only hope they’re gonna win… πŸ™‚

  27. cemal says:

    good luck to emmy.

  28. r/h fan says:

    Sweet photo of the day!

  29. Daniel says:

    I love Emma watson!She is so cute!

  30. Gabriel says:

    And the picture of the day is so beautiful! I mean, Emma is beautiful on the this pic.I want to say, that this Emma’s outfit is so pretty. (like her):smile:

  31. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    emma looks so cute in the picture of the day! i ♥ that outfit and her earrings!

  32. keyhoor says:

    i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee emma watson.

  33. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    hey, i was just on and it says we are a new affiliate there! didn’t know that!

  34. Mc Gonagall says:

    I voted for emma, she’s definitely the best young actress. and she’s really cool. i like everything, really everything about her.bye

  35. emma's # ONE FAN says:

    I love the picture of the day, the hotel one…it makes me want to make a Graphic! LOL!:smile:

  36. krummbein (german word for cro says:

    i really like the picture of the day!! Shes so pretty on it.

  37. biggest fan ever says:

    don’t you think emma is a very nice girl?????????????

  38. Lise says:

    I love the photoshoot of Linda Rosier! Emma’s really very pretty on those pictures.I’m also waiting for the new Watson Weekly, pleeease, is it ready or not? I hope everything’s ok about it. I want a new banner, and new video, and new Funky Fashion, and new games, and everything πŸ˜†

  39. Melodey says:

    i like the picture of the day!

  40. r/h fan says:

    hogwarts_sweetie : how did you make that heart???

  41. r/h fan says:

    Gabriel: Rupert is not ugly!!

  42. Rocky (AKA Raquel) says:

    Emma Will Look Realy Good Going Out With Daniel Radcliffe!!!!!!!

  43. Jaana says:

    I voted for Emma! ^^ I think it would be absolutely fantastic if she would win! πŸ™‚ She really deserves it. I think she’s really talented and I know she’ll go far in this business. I don’t think the role of Hermione will be har last and I have to say, I can’t wait to see Emma in a different role. πŸ™‚ Oh, and I love the picture of the day!

  44. crookshanks says:

    i agreed that Natalie is better actress than Emma, that Dakota Fanning is great in War of the Worlds, but i still vote for Emma ^_^. Good Luck Guys !

  45. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    for the heart, make the sign for and & then WITHOUT a space, type the word hearts then again WITHOUT a space, put a simicolon ;like this& hearts ; except no spaces.♥ ♥ ♥

  46. Rose says:

    Hi cesar!

  47. Aura says:

    Yeah… ♥ interesting… :smile:… I hope Emma will win…