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Gallery Problem & Scan // 29 July 2006

Hello everyone!!!

I think some of you already noticed that, but we are having some problems with the gallery, but I’ve contacted the host so hopefully soon everything will be fixed!Thanks for your patience.

And thanks to Maria for sending this scan from Yam magazine:

And remember to vote for Emma!!

Vote for the SyFy Genre Awards
Vote for the Scream Awards
Vote for the CBBC Poll

Also we are accepting new affiliates, so if you’re interested just email us at: You must link back to us before sending the email.

And on Sunday we’ll be getting the calendars back!!!


Edit: Thanks to Sheila & "Prof. Umbridge" we now know that the question beside Emma’s pic says: "Which actress has won an oscar?"

[ Carol ]

Comments closed for this item.

23 Responses to “Gallery Problem & Scan // 29 July 2006”

  1. Anonymous says:

    first! great update!

  2. sertac says:

    First! Great Update!

  3. r/h fan says:

    2nd!! Nice update! I’ve seen the scan b4 and I’ve been voting on all those sites everyday! I hope Emma wins at least one SyFy award. I also hope GoF wins for the Scream awards. I went everything 2 win!

  4. r/h fan says:

    Oops! After, I added my comment I noticed that I was 3rd not second. Sorry ♥

  5. r/h fan says:

    The photo of the day works. Nice photo, but it’s really old.

  6. mik says:

    great update???the gallery isn’t that so great???:sad: :sad:let’s hope it comes back soon!!!

  7. sertac says:

    let’s hope it comes back soon!!!:sad::sad:

  8. elizabeth says:

    I loved Emma in first movie, she was fantstic! well, she still is, but her performance as Hermione granger was quite better then, as for me.great update ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. caitlin says:

    no mind about the gallery

  10. Danijela says:

    Yo Carol, it’s a great uptade you’ve got there. Keep up the good work, you doing just good. =)

  11. ~Gabriel~ says:

    Great update Carol! In spite of the gallery!:smile:—-irene:wink:

  12. Jennifer says:

    Thanks for the scan, I have not seen it before, and I hope the gallery problem is fixed soon.

  13. Prof. Umbridge says:

    that question about dumbledore is really easy ๐Ÿ˜›

  14. Carol says:

    Prof. Umbridge: And what does it say on the Emma one??

  15. hey says:

    i think the emma part said which of these plays does runnen already have an oscar… or which of these plays does runnen will win an oscar. I THINK.. If I do have it wrong I’m sorry. :]

  16. Rose says:

    Thats nice

  17. Sheila says:

    It means which of these actresses has already an oscar.I hope the gallery is going to work soon.

  18. Prof. Umbridge says:

    Carol, they ask: which actress has won an Oscar

  19. scarlett says:

    thnx 4 the scan!

  20. maria says:

    Thanx 4 the scan..i hope they’ll b a translation in english!!!

  21. ♥ Emmas #1 Fan - Rachi says:

    Thxx for the scan!&& i voted again ๐Ÿ™‚ x

  22. emma's#ONEfan says:

    Thanks for the scan. Don’t forget to vote! I can’t wait until the calanders!:smile: