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About how many kids Ron and Hermione will have (2007): "(Laughter) ummmmm. Well I don't know...Weasleys do have big families. I'm not sure how Hermione will feel about that (Laughter)."

We’re Back! // 05 August 2006

Guess what? The site’s back! is now back online with a fresh new look. A special thanks to Marta and Jasmine for their hard work on the layout. Also we would like to apologize for the unexpected time it took for the layout to be changed. The site was experiencing some technical difficulties and we also experienced gallery problems.

However, the site and gallery are officially online and ready to be looked at! The only problems we’re having now are with the side links, they’re currently not working but we’ll have them working as soon as we can. Thanks to all of you Emma fans for continually being patient with us.

Now have a look around and enjoy the new layout! =]

And don’t forget to vote for Emma once a day!!

Vote for the SyFy Genre Awards
Vote for the Scream Awards
Vote for the CBBC Poll

And some more good news, Emma was nominated at the Australian Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards for Fave Famale Movie Star & Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire for Fave Movie! So make sure to vote for that as well, but before start voting you have to ‘get a nickname’ which is really easy, so go and do it!

Australian Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards

Thanks & and remember if you have any news/new scans/fan photos/pics send it to:

Edit: Here’s the (late) August calendar! Thank to our Graphics Cheif, Martha!


[ Shannon & Carol ]

Comments closed for this item.

119 Responses to “We’re Back! // 05 August 2006”

  1. Jorge Gonzales says:

    Hey someone can say me where emma study? (School not country)

  2. Harriet says:

    Love the new layout. And the news is as good as ever. I have been away for a long time and there’s A LOT of commenting for me to do!Thanks guys!

  3. ~Irene~ says:

    Hi! I love the pic of the day! Em is so pretty on it!!And I have an idea!: summer – yellow design, autumn – !brown!, winter – white, spring (my season) – !!!!light blue!!!!.:smile:bye

  4. Aaliyah says:

    Replying to Jorge Gonzalez: I believe that Emma studies at Headington but she’ll be moving to Bedales School in Hampshire for her A-levels, according to the UK Daily Mail

  5. appu says:

    y dont update the videoits boooooooring to see the same again

  6. Norwegian Fan says:

    The August calendar is really beautiful!!:D Btw are there going to be any more music videos?? I really liked the first one!! Keep up the good work:smile:

  7. Norwegian Fan says:

    Oh, and could you indeed post the rest of the calendars in the gallery?? I would really like to have the rest of them too:smile:ThanksElizabeth

  8. r/h fan says:

    I like the photo of the day. Her hair looks terrific! I ♥ those beautiful earrings! I also like her dress and the way she did her nails back then.

  9. Maria says:

    Hey! Great layout!!I have some pics of Emma from photoshoots, here they are :…n/links_n29.htmPlease credit if you post them! Thanks!

  10. happy days says:

    the layout is AMAZING!!!:smile: and the calendar is really pretty too! the wait was worth it!

  11. riya says:

    i think i read somewhere that the only thing that Emma has bought with her “film money” is a laptop and the premiere outfits..interesting..

  12. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    I’m sad… the ♥ (heart) thing doesn’t work as well on this layout! it looks funny!

  13. Carol says:

    Thanks Maria!

  14. Inmaculada says:

    la pagina esta muy bien.Me gustaria saber cuando se estrenara la pelicula de Emma watson. es muy guapa. un besooo.

  15. crookshanks says:

    i like alot more the other layout but this one is pretty, but there is something that i dont like … but it looks good anyway 😉 is good the site back !

  16. Melissa says:

    I dont particularly like this layout. It seems too flat. I dont mean to be rude, just honest.

  17. grace says:

    good job but i think i was…and many others-comfortable with things on the left hand side.and the news column is kinda narrow and there’s a lot of space on both the i think the colour blue(not the previousone but the first one)suited this site better. and the brown one which was when jno was here.sorry guys but i think things were much better when you had jo. &hearts:sorry, but acc. to me thats how it is.

  18. grace says:

    sorry meant to do this ♥and not &hearts:

  19. Fatima syed says:

    i luv emma’s face really she’s very beautiful i like her acting very much i can just say tht KEEP IT UP! EM really ur nice person