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About wearing colours (2011): "I try to avoid wearing black because sometimes it's the easy option. But I'm young, so it's nice to be able to play with color and not just wear black all the time. I can save that for when I'm older."

We’re Back! // 05 August 2006

Guess what? The site’s back! is now back online with a fresh new look. A special thanks to Marta and Jasmine for their hard work on the layout. Also we would like to apologize for the unexpected time it took for the layout to be changed. The site was experiencing some technical difficulties and we also experienced gallery problems.

However, the site and gallery are officially online and ready to be looked at! The only problems we’re having now are with the side links, they’re currently not working but we’ll have them working as soon as we can. Thanks to all of you Emma fans for continually being patient with us.

Now have a look around and enjoy the new layout! =]

And don’t forget to vote for Emma once a day!!

Vote for the SyFy Genre Awards
Vote for the Scream Awards
Vote for the CBBC Poll

And some more good news, Emma was nominated at the Australian Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards for Fave Famale Movie Star & Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire for Fave Movie! So make sure to vote for that as well, but before start voting you have to ‘get a nickname’ which is really easy, so go and do it!

Australian Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards

Thanks & and remember if you have any news/new scans/fan photos/pics send it to:

Edit: Here’s the (late) August calendar! Thank to our Graphics Cheif, Martha!


[ Shannon & Carol ]

Comments closed for this item.

119 Responses to “We’re Back! // 05 August 2006”

  1. Jasmine says:

    Yay! Comments are working now. lol..Cool layout 🙂

  2. Anonymous says:


  3. Natalie says:

    Congrats on the beautiful layout! 🙂

  4. Carol says:

    All thanks to you Jasmine ^^

  5. allen says:

    like the new layout… but think i feel more comfortable with the stuff on the left lol. great job tho

  6. ♥ Emmas #1 Fan - Rachi says:

    Absaloutly love the new layout!Think it is much better than the last one, good work !I voted for her 🙂 x

  7. Shane says:

    Nice new layout! glad the sites backShane

  8. Norwegian Fan says:

    Nice to see that you’re back:smile:I like the New layout, but I have to agree with allen that – although I have no idea why – I feel more comfortable with the stuff on to the left side :SElizabeth

  9. Taylor says:

    Wow the site looks great,you should keep it like this. Congratulations Emma!

  10. Me alias Hermione says:

    I think the layout is great! I also loved to see the Gallery again and all! Thanks for the update Shannon,Carol!:smile:

  11. Jennifer says:

    Love the new layout, thanks for the update

  12. Nic says:

    Very nice look. thanks to Marta and Jasmine, I LOVE YOU EMMA !!!!!!

  13. Mixu from CHILE lol =)=)=) says:

    *screams desperately* AWESOME!!!I love it!!! thanks a LOT!!darnnn….

  14. Anonymous says:

    i like it. nice and fresh!! :smile::smile:

  15. Pete says:

    Hey!It’s great to be back!Nice layout! Congrats!(I don’t know if anyone here remembers, or if there’s anyone here as “old” as me, but I’ve been an assiduous guest since JULY – 2005.) I saw the site when it was clear-blue (there was a banner for each day of the week), then the banners became definitive, then IN THE END OF OCTOBER it became BROWN! It was still brown when there started to be FOUR OPTIONS of banner for us to choose, then there came the hiatus. It came back blue again, and now, this nice beige with brown details. VERY GOOD! THANKS A LOT!Tchau, Adi

  16. Samantha says:

    it’s a very very nice layout. the only downside? i’ve seen these pictures SO MANY TIMES! but I still love the layout! better than the last i think…

  17. Aaliyah says:

    Nice layout guys! A lot nicer than the last one I must admit. Kudos to all of you especially Martha and Jasmine! 😀

  18. Jo says:

    Hello all :smile:I must say girls you did an AWESOME job on this layout, if i were still the webmiss i would send you each a cookie! lol..great stuff keep the the good work :wink:miss everyone and the day to day Emma stuff ..but your all doing fab!!

  19. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    wow… it feels so fresh and new!! awesome!! But I agree, I liked it better when the navigation bar was to the left. Good work!!!

  20. Billy says:

    I WUV U EMMA!!!11one

  21. Sa says:

    It’s cute. glad you guys are back.

  22. Ali says:

    Will there still be banner competitions even with this new layout?

  23. Diogo says:

    Cool!! ^^Beatiful layout! ^^Thanks for the hard work on the site!This is the best about emma! ^^

  24. [ Shannon ] says:

    Thanks Jo! =]&& I’m glad everyone else likes the site. =]

  25. Elnaz says:

    it is wonderful.just change the picture on top of the site.thanks

  26. Anno says:

    Censorship? Wtf! The layout is ugly. Not to be rude.

  27. ~Roni~ says:

    The new layout is really beautiful, great job guys!

  28. monique says:

    Yes. the new layout is beautiful.

  29. emmawats0nfan1 says:

    ogm everything looks awesome! good job!

  30. Caroline says:

    Well done guys, this new layout is wonderful ! I LOVE it ! It’s beautiful, elegant, fresh… Just great ^^

  31. Lise says:

    I love the new layout! It’s really beautiful now!

  32. sece_09 says:

    why did u changed the layout?….the blue one was cool also…

  33. Shiryu says:

    Very nice new layout. I only miss the quote that would change every time. Any chance il will come back eventually ?Otherwise a great job !

  34. Carol says:

    Shiryu: Yes, hopefully someday soon that will be back!! ^^

  35. Marta^ says:

    Ali , why not? ^^thanks guys *hug*i rly appreciate your comments.. these good and bad ones :smile:main credit goes to Jasmine! If not she i dont know how it’d look like… muaaa ;*

  36. Jaana says:

    Wow. The site looks amazing! O_O You guys did a wonderful job! 🙂 I think we all wil forgive you guys for the downtime since the results are this fantastic! ^^ The new layout really gives this site a fresh, new look. Good job! :thumbup: And to dakotafanningfan, what are you doing here if you’re not a fan of Emma? Didn’t you realize that this site is an Emma Watson FANsite? If you have nothing better to say than insults, just leave please.

  37. sevda says:

    love the new layout 😉 and the site lokks great..good job!

  38. r/h fan says:

    Yeah, the site is back up! I’m so excited to explore. I ♥ the new layout.

  39. r/h fan says:

    I like the photo of the day, but her undies are sticky out. LOL!

  40. ♥ Emmas #1 Fan - Rachi says:

    I love the jacket she is wearing in the pic of the day :]Love the earings to! x

  41. ♥ Emmas #1 Fan - Rachi says:

    Oh one think i notice that i dont like on the layout is that on the left side, theres quite a big gap, but on the right, theres a tiny one. Part from that i love it :]

  42. Elke says:

    actually, to be honest.. i think the last layout was much better.. this one is nice, but kinda.. boring? i’m sorry guys, i like the last one more!

  43. Lise says:

    Great calendar! Love it (like the new layout ^^). But I don’t know if anyone has notice that the columns on the right are not working well. When you click on “emma” for example, you have the old layout.

  44. S says:

    Pretty lay 🙂

  45. Martha^ says:

    Lise, you didnt read the news.. hm?

  46. emma's#ONEfan says:

    I love it! I have to take a closer look around! 🙂

  47. Martha^ says:

    Elke you dont have to apologize :smile:i know that not everyone will like this lay.. so dont worry^

  48. emma's#ONEfan says:

    Does this mean that there is no more banner compititions?Also, when will there be a new Watson Weekly?:smile:

  49. monique says:

    OMG love what you guys have done with the comments box. and lovely calender also.

  50. Martha^ says:

    emma’s#ONEfan: we dont know yet.monique: you dont like comments now? xPthanks btw 🙂