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About working for People Tree (2010): "I haven't had any fashion training but I am an artist. I paint, I draw and I had a great team to work with. I designed the collection for myself and my friends; they're the sort of thing we wear - the difference being they're ecologically sound. I became completely engrossed. I tried on the clothes, I worked on the catalogue and my friends and I were models. We all worked for free."

Dan Mentions Emma & GoF Wins // 22 August 2006

Hello to you all. =]

First off we have information on the interview Daniel Radcliffe and Katie Leung did about kissing each other for the infamous kissing chapter in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Dan mentions Emma, saying:

“It’s all slightly hysterical today because I’ve been back for sort of a month and a half filming but it’s Emma’s first day. And Rupert had about a month or so off, so everyone’s sort of a little bit hysterical that is why we were laughing.”

It’s nice to know that Emma has recently started filming. =] Read the rest of the article in here.

Also Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire for “Choice Movie: Drama” at the Teen Choice Awards 2006! Thanks to everyone who voted!

Have a nice day! =]

[ Shannon ]

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55 Responses to “Dan Mentions Emma & GoF Wins // 22 August 2006”

  1. Linny says:

    Can’t wait for Harry Potter OotP to come out.

  2. EmmaFan says:

    hi, all what’s up? my friend is gonna see emma live soon, :Dhehe and what are u all doing?

  3. fadumo says:

    i just love the site…! if some1 now emma’s email adress or msn… plz sign my gusetbook in my own site… and no poser of emma plz cuz thats make me weird !!!! 😉

  4. fadumo says:

    hi ! i just love the site…! if some1 now emma’s email adress or msn… plz sign my gusetbook in my own site… and no poser of emma plz cuz thats make me weird !!!! :S

  5. paige says:

    hey i didn't see the interview yet , could any one tell me where to find it .It just sounds so interesting. Can't wait to see the two lovebirds kiss!! LOL :razz:so emotional 😥 any way enough said see ya