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About the end of HP (2011): "Change is always scary, but I feel very excited, and I feel like I'm entering a new chapter and getting a fresh start. I'm looking forward to just being a normal young woman again. It has been quite hard and pressured making the Harry Potter films. I'm so happy to be out having fun with my friends. It will be nice to take a break and step back a bit. It'll be the first time I'll be able to look back and properly enjoy the success we've all had. It's been incredible."

New scan and more // 27 August 2006

Hello everyone! =]

First of all, we’d like to give a warm welcome to Christel and Katy who are now joining the staff team as newsposters. =] As you can see, Christel already started posting and Katy will be soon. You can read more about them and all the rest of the staff on our newly updated staff page! Find out why the staff loves Emma, what kind of music they like, which Harry Potter book is their favorite… and much more!

We’ve also updated the Emma Facts page and thanks to Neve, we’ve got some great new facts for you all to read! =]

Martha added about 90 graphics, including avatars, wallpapers, banners, make sure to check that on the Media section!

One last reminder about job openings, we’re still hiring for the Weekly Watson but we need people who are good at graphic making. If you are still interested in working on the WW and you enjoy graphics making, send in a sample of some of your graphics to

And thanks to Neelam for sending this scan in, it’s from the Metro newspaper where they talk about Emma’s great GCSE’s results:

If you have any news/new scans/fan photos/pics feel free to send that to

And don’t forget to vote for our girl!

Australian Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards
UGO’s Versus – Class Presidents
Scream Awards


[ Shannon & Carol ]

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73 Responses to “New scan and more // 27 August 2006”

  1. dook says:

    siddharth, there’s nothing on the site that would disable the right click menu, so it may be a problem on your computer. You might try restarting your browser, or if that fails, restart the computer.

  2. Richard says:

    Is it me or the forum is down?????????????

  3. Molly says:

    would someone please change the video of the week??

  4. ~Irene~ says:

    Yeah Naro. I saw a lot of new pics with Emma in the this great gallery. It was real cool. thank you:smile:The photo of the day real nice (ELLE GIRL shoot). I love the dress and the hat.:smile:

  5. Lizzie says:

    I REALLY want the mew Watson Weekly!

  6. naro says:

    SIDDHARTH:i had the same problem & i solved please do press left click on the writing”rigt click & choose….”no.2 u will be asked to save or open the video,choose save & it will be downloaded & ucan see it later.

  7. naro says:


  8. EmmaFan says:

    some one have new pic of emma?

  9. r/h fan says:

    The photo of the day doesn’t work.

  10. EmmaFan says:

    aha, ^^

  11. Lise says:

    R/h fan, I can’t see it either…

  12. Lise says:

    Now I can see it! Great picture, even if I don’t like her outfit… She’s so pretty!

  13. EmmaFan says:

    hm.. did some one write to emma when she was 16?

  14. -Irene- says:

    Hey! Great pic of the day!:smile:(Sony Ericson Empire Film Awards) I love her outfit!! It’s too cool! 😉 And her make up is delightful and :lol:bye

  15. Mena says:

    OMG, that’s really her!!!

  16. glass_half_empty says:

    Hey! Did you guys hear? Emma’s nominated for a Relly award for Best Junior Achiever!

  17. r/h fan says:

    I can see the POD now. Emma’s hair and make-up looks awesome!! Yeah, I knew about the Relly thingy. 🙂

  18. Samantha says:

    what interview did she say that? Did you mean the magazine One? I can’t understand that language!

  19. ~ Nara ~ says:

    hi, please help me with someting, im thinking about to contect emma watson, and i need help, what should i'll write?

  20. vicky says:

    OMGSH! i cant believe emma watson is so SMART!!!!! she got all a's on her GCSE's!!!!! thats amazing!!! how can someone be so smart???

  21. vicky says:

    How can someone be so smart on their exams???like im a good student and all but i ALWAYS screw up on the exams!

  22. angel says:

    the scan is rather old isn't it ? well, anyway, emma stays the prettiest girl in the world !!

  23. r/h fan says:

    No, the scan is only a few days old.