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About not spending her money on fashion (2009):"I don't really buy designer stuff. I have a few nice things, but I don't really have the occasion to wear couture too often. When I'm in a situation where I do need to dress up, I'm typically lent something-which means I have to give it back at midnight, like Cinderella. "

New OotP Set Pics // 04 September 2006

Heeey everyone!!!

Great Watson Weekly! And good news!!! First on set pictures with Emma, courtesy of Veritaserum, Emma was filming at King’s Cross station along with Daniel, Rupert, Bonnie, James & Oliver Phelps, Julie Walters, Mark Williams, George Harris, Natalia Tena and Brendan Gleeson, I added the pics that feature Emma to the gallery, you can see a few of them here:

If you wanna check out the rest of the pictures with other cast members, go to Veritaserum, they have also posted a report! Now I’m off to the Driving Lessons premiere!

[ Carol ]

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40 Responses to “New OotP Set Pics // 04 September 2006”

  1. Farshad says:

    can you say in whitch categort you've put these pics.? 😕 🙂 😉

  2. Farshad says:

    … got definition required 😛

  3. deak says:

    ahhh second comment, im so cool

  4. Irene says:

    Hi! I'm third! 🙂 Yhank you Carol for the update. very interesting pics… 🙂

  5. Viktor Krum nemesis says:

    Oh my God, from all the set pictures these are clearly my favourite ones! I always love the train scene in every Harry Potter film! The outfits are lovely especially the ones for the girls: Nimphadora, Hermione and Ginny! I love them so much! Tonks's skirt is so girly and cute! And it's great to have Watson Weekly back!

  6. Viktor Krum nemesis says:

    Oh Carol (this sounded like a song for some reason), there are some exclusive photos at The Leaky Cauldron Gallery from the 2006 Empire Awards that are not featured in Emma Watson Net Galleries! They are exclusive and in very high quality! The thing is most people is having trouble in seeing them! No one in my country can see them! So, could you please upload them at your galleries and credit Mary from The Leaky Cauldron/The Photobox Livejournal Community? The photos may be found here: There are really many!

  7. Irene says:

    wow! thank you Viktor Krum nemesis. real cute pics, but why i can't see bigger version???????

  8. Irene says:

    Also, i don't like the Pic of the Day (Girls Life Shoot) 😕 I think that here Emma has real ugly outfit and not very good hairstyle, hasn't she? May be it's natural (I love everything natural) and here no her fault, but it's looking terrible. 😕 I am not critic. 🙂 I love and respect Emma.

  9. Aura says:

    Cool pictures, the first ones with Emma from the HP5, one thing I don't understand…:sad: I don't see her wearing normally her bangs… Weird, Hermione's hairstyle is exactly like last year. 😕

  10. Viktor Krum nemesis says:

    Irene, I can't see them either but I believe some people can because many people at Emma Watson Net forum can see them! It would be so cool if they were uploaded here! I'm dreaming of those pictures for weeks! Oh, by the way, thank you for those that you send to this site! They were so great!

  11. r/h fan says:

    Nice photos! They are awesome!!! 🙂 Emma looks so pretty and Rupert looks so cute!!!!!! 😉

  12. r/h fan says:

    I love the photo of the day!!!! It's one of my favorite pix of her. Her shirt is really pretty and her hair looks amazing! Nice!!! 🙂

  13. Lisa says:

    Oh, so you´re going to the DL-premiere? How cool is that!? Hope you enjoy it and thanks for the pics, Carol!!!

  14. hogwarts_sweetie says:

    have fun at DL premiere and cool pics! cant wait for ootp!!! and cute potd!! ♥ that look!

  15. aurea_wingardium_leviosa says:

    😉 WoW !! photos,photos !!!!!:wink: photos live ^-^

  16. r/h fan says:

    Have fun at the DL Premiere!!!! 😛

  17. emma's# ONE fan says:

    That is so cool. I wonder what scene the are shooting? 🙂

  18. grace says:

    is it only that i am not able to find them or are there no pix of Ministry of Mayhem? I really want to see those pix if there are, can please tell me where to find them?

  19. grace says:

    and when will the VoW change?

  20. r/h fan says:

    I think they are shooting when they go on the train. Grace- where do u live? 🙂

  21. r/h fan says:

    Since they are at king's cross.

  22. julia says:

    nice to finally see some pics from the set ootp 😉

  23. emma's# ONE fan says:

    In the new edition of Watson Weekly, under the fan portrits, the one by Audry has all ready been poasted in an older edition of WW It is in issue # 3. I don't think that is very fair! 🙁

  24. r/h fan says:

    emma's# ONE fan : U are right. Did u submit any drawings??

  25. Louisa says:

    nice pics. thanks carol. i can't read the report at veritaserum. my computer won't let me into the site. don't know why.

  26. emma's # ONE FAN says:

    r/h fan, no, I can't draw to save my live lol, but still it is unfair to do that one again instead of someone elses! 😡

  27. emma's # ONE FAN says:

    Just saw the fan vidio of the week in WW, it is great, a lot of the same clips though, but it was good, I wish I could do that! 🙂

  28. r/h fan says:

    I can't draw either. LOL! 😆 Yeah, that's not fair. I wish I could make a video like that 2. 😛

  29. Louisa says:

    i just read on mugglenet that emma is going to be at the premiere of driving lessons along w/ the phelps brothers. hopefully carol will see her.

  30. emma's # ONE FAN says:

    lol r/h fan! They never seem to post the stuff I send in, or they never respond 🙁 😥

  31. r/h fan says:

    That totally stinks!! 🙁

  32. Julie says:

    They are filming on a Sunday?!?!? That's got to suck. I wonder if they always film 6+ days a week or if they are behind schedule or something like that. I remember for the first three movies Chris Columbus had a strict no filming om the weekends policy.

  33. emma's # ONE FAN says:

    Totaly r/h fan, have you ever sent in somethin?

  34. r/h fan says:

    No, I haven't. Let me know if they ever add any of ur stuff. — Julie, Those pix are from a few days ago!!! 🙂

  35. Harriet says:

    Brilliant, I can't wiat for more pictures.

  36. emma's # ONE FAN says:

    I will r/h fan I deffently will! 😉

  37. balck_angel says:

    finally, pics with Emma on the set!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  38. emmafan1 says:

    omg this is sooooo exiteing!!!! i cant wait for the movie!!!! ug 2006 is such a harry potter free year!!! no book and no movie! 2007 is going 2 rock!!

  39. r/h fan says:

    emma's # ONE FAN: Okay! 🙂

  40. skigurl says:

    emma's # ONE FAN and r/h fan: I drew the pic that was in Watson Weekly twice, and I just wanna say that I'm really SORRY!!! 😥 I didn't know they were gonna put that in there again! Sorry…