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6 New Pictures & More // 04 September 2006

Two more beautiful pictures thanks to

We’ll have all of these and more posted in our gallery tomorrow. 🙂

Remember, keep voting for Emma:

Ugo Versus – Second Round
Australian Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards
Scream Awards

Also, the staff of is happy to announce that staff member, Dook will be taking over the position as our webmaster. Congrats, Dook! 😆

Edit: Another big thanks to Amanda at, we now have 4 more, beautiful pictures:

[ Shannon ]

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66 Responses to “6 New Pictures & More // 04 September 2006”

  1. nassim says:

    I personally don't like the whole outfit and hair. The hair style and the hair color make her look so much younger, I thought the pics were taken three years ago. Her hair needs to be a little bit shorter and with the curly hair that she has, and her hair color should be darker. Her hair color now doesn't match her eyebrow color. I mean if you're going to die your hair an different color, die your eyebrows too. And the dress looks horrible on her. I mean the dress in general is horrible. She needs to wear something that fits her and show her curves. Plus the dress color was horrifying. No one wears tights anymore unless you're in kindergarden or younger. The shrug that she had was okay, and so was her purse, but her hair and outfit was horrible. 🙁

  2. Joely says:

    wow Emma looks great! I love her dress. Her hair is great too! xx

  3. grace says:

    yeah, i moticed that too.that her bra is showing but didn't like to say was showing in the GoF london press conference where she wore a blue dress.

  4. Kris says:

    She looks really pretty in these pictures. Not to sure about the bag though… It it just me or is her hair lighter? Is that natural or does she color it?

  5. nico says:

    hmmm well she's definitely beautiful I can tell you that, but what is up with the stuff that she is wearing lately. Those really are mistakes, then at least get some normal clothes or either a pretty dress. I mean come on look at the pictures of the prisoner of Azkaban NY Premiere, something like that just has class and makes her look extremely beautiful. Her arms also seem a bit hairy, but I don't care I still think she's cute.

  6. grace says:

    mmm… i agree with nassim though, i mean, i wouldn't say it so..maybe, she had to have that haircut for the movie, i think, so…it probably isn't her fault. but the dress is. but she looked good when she went for the queen's 80th birthday thing.i wish there were pix showing the whole of her outfit.i would love to see that!!

  7. Casia says:

    The out fit is lovely and her bangs are fabulus! I love her new style, the previous was boring. Bonnie was lovely too, she and Emma dressed almost the same way! But Bonnies previous hair was better. Emma lost wait, i think it too.

  8. :D says:

    emmas gone a bit umm.. exuberant wid her choices lately. :???:first the wierd granny carpet at the O2 wireless fest, now this. but her hairs ok. Emma ,u have changed!!! 🙁

  9. em says:

    emma i cant keep up with your "phases" u change too fast! stick to ur style, we luv u as u r! 😉 xxx

  10. emma's # ONE FAN says:

    congrats Dooke, what happened to Fread? Anyway…nice pictures, VOTE EMMA 😉 🙂 😉

  11. Sarah says:

    Her bra, clevage, and underpants are showing. You should never wear black undergarments under something light pink. I was especially disappointed when I saw both her and Bonnie had worn black tights. I think Bonnie could have worn flesh-colored tights and she would have looked great because she was wearing a gray dress. And yes Emma had gotten thinner.

  12. linny says:

    Her hair looks fantastic!

  13. emma's # ONE FAN says:

    Sarh…why are you lookint at that stuff?! 😕

  14. Janice. says:

    I think her hair is really nice. I also think she pulls the outfit off really nicely. Overall, she looked wonderful to me. I don't think she's lost too much weight, the dress was quite loose which didn't help enhance her shape like a lot of the other clothes she chooses to wear.

  15. sandym says:

    Oh my gosh, Emma has gone way to far now with her clothing choices. I mean She is way overdoing it. One word or a few, she was way cooler a long time ago

  16. Hiltje says:

    She looks awesome..her outfit rocks!!! And btw: I don't think you can say her outfit is good or's just HER's Emma-ish 😉 I just love her for being who she is..and staying true to herself! I'd like to see her for real you know 🙁 But who knows..maybe one day I will 😉 🙂