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About tug-of-war (2004): "On sports day I did tug-of-war. The girls at my school were all at one end of the rope, and the guys at my school all at the other end. Who won? The girls. Apparently it's to do with us having stronger thighs or something. We were good."

New Interview With Emma // 05 September 2006


One of the staff at Mugglenet went to the Driving Lessons premiere, and was lucky enough to get a short audio interview with Emma. Click on the link below to download it:

Emma Interview!

We’ll have Carol’s pictures and videos up soon so keep checking back!

Edit: Here, I typed up a transcript!


First question cannot be heard.

Emma: Ah, not at the moment no. I’m just kind of on a high after my GCSE results, and just finishing Harry Potter 5. So um, yeah, just nothing, nothing else at the moment. I’ve gotta get, got to finish this one so….

MuggleNet: And how did you do on your GCSE?

Emma: Uhm, I did well I think. Yeah, so…

MN: Are you and Rupert, are you good pals off set then?

Emma: Yeah, definitely yeah, it was really nice that he invited me so, um, I’m yeah, here to support him on his first film, well not, it’s not actually his first film, but um, yeah so, yeah, here to support him.

MN: Are you looking forward to doing your own driving lessons soon?

Emma: I’m actually really not! *laughs* I mean, I just have such a bad feeling about me and driving, I just don’t think I’m going to be very good at school. Um, but yeah, I suppose I’ve got a few years to go until I’m 17 before I can apply for my driving license, so, um got a little while to go yet but um, yeah I suppose the idea of a nice car kind of attracts me like, Rupert’s got, I just love Rupert’s car, he has a nice amazing black Mini, and it’s gorgeous, so yeah.

MN: What sort of car would you want then?

Emma: Probably a Mini as well actually! I suppose it’s really lame having the same car as him, copying him, but, I, yeah it’s my favourite type of car! *laughs*

MN: So I’m guessing your a few years too young to do the “Italian Job” then?

Emma: *laughs* Yeah I suppose so, yeah. Definitely.

MN: So is this your sort of film that you’d enjoy watching in your own time?

Emma: Yeah, well, I, I happen to know that Julie and Rupert are such a good comedy act together, so, I’m, I think it’s going to be hilarious, I can’t wait to see it. Thanks guys!

MN: Thank you!

[ Katy ]

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57 Responses to “New Interview With Emma // 05 September 2006”

  1. me says:

    I can't watch it. I only see some weird numbers… 🙁

  2. Mia says:

    Umm is it only audio?

  3. Chris says:

    No Emma news for ages, then BAM! loads of pics. Great job guys. Looking forward to seeing Carol's pics. 🙂

  4. Eliza says:

    It doesnt work… by me lolz.

  5. Hannah says:

    Yeah it should be audio only. Maybe someone could convert it to mp3 or wav format?

  6. mary says:

    Yeah, I couldn't download it here either. But I did at Mugglenet! Btw Katy, do you know if is going to be any transcript for this short interview? Lol I didn't quite understood what Emma was saying in the beginning; Very noisy ! :X

  7. Chris says:

    Mary, not sure what the question was but Emma's first reply was: "Er, not at the moment no. I'm just kind of on a highafter my GCSE results, and just finishing HP5. So erm, yeah,just nothing elseat the moment. I've gotta get, got to finish this one so…."

  8. Katy says:

    Mary, I don\'t know if there will be a transcript, but I could type one up…

  9. Harriet says:

    That's a sweet little interview. I think she underestimated her GCSE results a little bit " I THINK i did alright, I'm QUITE pleased with them" I'd be over the moon. I'm pleased with my results too, but way to GO EMMA !!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Raeper says:

    She was asked if she had any other plans outside of HP. She said at the moment no, she was enjoying her GCSE results and wanted to finish HP #5. Sort of an obvious answer. I think she was skillfully avoiding the question since we all know she isn't doing anything until after HP 5. I like that "at the moment – no." they should have asked her what about after HP 5 filming.

  11. Mary says:

    Thank you so much 🙂 & Katy, for me it's fine if you don't type it 🙂 I just asked for it because its a bit noisy, but Chris was very sweet and wrote Emma's first reply, which was what I couldn't understand ^__^ ty! xx

  12. black_angel says:

    ver nice the interview 🙂 but im soo sorry i didn't see Emma… and it's just audio… 🙁

  13. ~Roni~ says:

    That's great!! It's so great to hear her talking about him like that and to see they're really good friends 🙂

  14. Martina says:

    Yeah I can't switch it on as well 😕 What's the matter guys?? Please help… 😉

  15. alyssa says:

    Um… it didn't work on my computer either, it just kept making the same noise over and over again? 😕

  16. r/h fan says:

    That was nice of Rupert to invite her. I'm looking forward 2 Carol's stuff from the premiere. 🙂

  17. r/h fan says:

    nice interview. 🙂

  18. im cleverer than you says:

    are you guys silly or something. right click and then click on \”save target as\”

  19. emma's # ONE FAN says:

    Cute little intervies, thanks! 😛

  20. r/h fan says:

    Thx for the transcript, Katy! 🙂

  21. r/h fan says:

    What's an "Italian Job"? 😕

  22. [ Shannon ] says:

    r/h fan, It's a movie. A very violent movie. 😉

  23. dook says:

    Italian Job is a reference to the movie, The Italian Job, where theives use Minis in their getaway.

  24. Alex says:


  25. Nimy says:

    I can't see 🙁 , just 1 second of sound 🙁

  26. Natalie says:

    Hi, that was such a cute interview. It's so nice that she was there to support Rupert….they must be very good friends! 🙂 Hmm…. I know this is a dum idea but I just noticed that the Harry Potter news section isn't really updated much. I would be willing to help if you like! With the HP section! 🙂

  27. r/h fan says:

    Thx for answering my question. 🙂

  28. r/h fan says:

    Nice pic of the day! 😉

  29. linny says:

    Aww, that was a nice interview. Something about Mrs. Weasley makes me upset. Ah. I remember in book 4. I think, GoF when there were all those rumors spreading about Hermione, I remember Mrs. Weasley giving a small amount of cake to Hermione instead of a bigger piece because of those awful rumors that she was going on with two boys. That wasn't very nice of her. Mrs. Weasley is a really nice character but I didn't like it when J.K. Rowling made her character do that.

  30. Anon says:

    Cool Interview!! When Emma said 'mini' did she mean mini van? and if she did what teen would want to drive that

  31. Katy says:

    No, Anon, Emma\'s not talking about a MiniVan, a Mini is a sports car!

  32. Tiana says:

    At the beggining the girl asked her about any movie projects other than HP…one more clarification, I think Rupert is copying Emma, because she stated a year ago in an interview that her favorite car was a Mini (BMV), by the way those cars are more common for girls not so much for boys!

  33. Kelly says:

    I love Emma's voice!! It is so sophisticated and pretty. Jealousss!

  34. Cool4ever says:

    She kept saying "yeah" a lot.

  35. Me alias Hermione says:

    I could not hear it but I read it! It is great! 🙂

  36. r/h fan says:

    I heard it and I understood it. I still read it tho. 😛

  37. Emma Watson says:

    I think the interview was very fun, and I think minis rock!!!! 😆

  38. Michelle&Felicis:) says:

    LOL Chris!! I was thinking the same about the emma news… they came all of a sudden 😆 For some strange reason I can't hear the interview. Thanks for typing it! She says "yeah" a lot lol And now she knows how to cut an interview… "thanks, guys!" wow, she feel more secure now.. well, after 5 years or so, you must get used to it in a way… yeah, minis rock lol!!

  39. Michelle&Felicis:) says:

    oh and she THINKS she did well on her GCSEs?? 😕

  40. Michelle&Felicis:) says:

    OMG i mean confident, not secure… bah… 😛

  41. Molly says:

    Wow im soo excited. 1 minute theres nothing, then bang there is soo much news and pics of her. yay!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  42. Aura says:

    Emma seems to be a bit confused… Maybe she had many things on her mind.

  43. MeAnubis says:

    Yeah so yeah you now, deinately yeah. yeah.

  44. Sera says:

    Well,Emma's learned a new word…'yeah'.How very clever of her.

  45. NiCo says:

    if you want to dowload the interview, try here, Ja, Emma, nice fancy for the Mini, is a gorgeus car. how much cost??

  46. Junior says:

    Carol i'm really not understanding it, please, can you tranlate to portuguese to me? 🙁

  47. Junior says:

    you has me add in your orkut… J

  48. Irene says:

    I can't watch it, too. I mean hear… 😥 why????? 😡

  49. Stephanie says:

    Emma is *a little* confused. She is very confused. Especially about the driving part. If the transcript is correct, Emma was a little tired in the interview. It says she said "years" before 17, but she meant "months"… she'll be 17 in April! LOL!