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About wearing colours (2011): "I try to avoid wearing black because sometimes it's the easy option. But I'm young, so it's nice to be able to play with color and not just wear black all the time. I can save that for when I'm older."

NEW PICTURES! // 04 September 2006

Brand new pictures, the first posted of Emma at the Driving Lessons premiere! They’re watermarked but they’re the first! We’ll get more, later!

Isn’t she gorgeous? 🙂

We’ll keep you updated when more are posted! 😉

Edit: Rude comments about Emma in the comments will not be accepted. Please keep the comments nice. 🙂  You have to understand that Emma is only a 16 year old girl and deserves the nicest respect we can give her. 😉

[ Shannon ]

Comments closed for this item.

114 Responses to “NEW PICTURES! // 04 September 2006”

  1. ~Roni~ says:


  2. sabrina says:

    oh my goodness….emma looks so much younger!!!! i don't know if that is a good thing necessarily seeing as how she is only 16!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Ashlee says:

    ~Sabrina~ Emma does not look younger, she looks older! I love her bangs! Emma looks gorgeous!

  4. mutya says:

    she looks like a child…

  5. Louisa says:

    I like the 2nd pic. she looks really pretty in that one. not really sure about the outfit though.

  6. Ashlee says:

    She does not look like a child!

  7. Nico says:

    1 question? this pictures,of where are?? Date pliss.

  8. Lea says:

    She looks really pretty. I lika her, yeah she looks very beautiful in the 2nd pic.

  9. Dragon says:

    wow…*is speechless* shes even prettier.

  10. [ Shannon ] says:

    Nico, they're from today, a few hours ago. They're brand new!

  11. Crystal says:

    She does look younger. But I like her hair. Not sure about the outfit though.

  12. Nico, says:

    definitive, in the second pic, she are so bautifull, really really pretty. you now why, `coss she is pretty

  13. ART. says:

    beautiful and Lovey 🙂 emma ¹

  14. KT says:

    She looks gorgeous! 🙂 the outfit is a bit…off..for emma but i love her fringe!!(sorry i'm english! :razz:) second pic is the best definitely..

  15. Nico, says:

    ah sorry for the quiestion,thanks Shannon.

  16. Kiwi says:


  17. Costas says:

    As pretty as always!!!!!

  18. Groid says:

    She looks so ugly ……… I actually feel sorry for her. She is also as skinny as an Auschwitz inmate.

  19. Florelia says:

    She's absolutely gorgeous!! Groid: wow you are hard with her. An Auschwitz inmate?? Seriously…

  20. Groid says:

    I just call it as I see it. She has lost way too much weight.

  21. caitlin says:


  22. claire says:

    groid, sorry but you are crazy. she looks stunning. and why are you on her fansite if you can't be nice about her? I think the second is my least faveourite! i like the ones of her smiling! but she looks great in them all and nice to have some new photos!

  23. HermioneP. says:

    Wow! In my opinion Emma looks like an adult in these pics. For the first time I saw new pictures of her and din't think "what a beautiful teenager", but "what a gorgeous woman". I almost fell of my chair when I saw them, as I hadn't expected new premiere pictures of her today.

  24. emma's # ONE FAN says:

    OMG, she looks so much older! It looks great though! Wonderful! 🙂

  25. sabrina89 says:

    gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooshhhhhhhhhhh she looks great, she's so sweet …i love her hair….and she doesn't look younger, she has just very natural style…and even if the dress isn't very….she looks beautiful

  26. emmafans says:

    supppeeeerrrrr very very very very beautiful

  27. glass_half_empty says:

    I just wanted to point this out… In the first pic, there is a little girl in a burgendy dress behind Emma. I'm pretty sure that dress is the exact same one that Emma wore to the NYC GOF premier but in a different color.

  28. Kit says:

    I prefered the old layout more… That is too.. sweet;D

  29. Sandra says:

    /ban the racist groid…. Emma looks beautiful, really she does!! I love these new pictures..

  30. Mandyy51 says:

    I'm glad she change her style! On GOF premiere in London she looked terrible, horrible, awful!!! Now she looks preety cool:D

  31. Ashlee says:

    Um, scuse me but um, Nicole Richie has lost to much weight Emma looks absolutely healthy…she is in no way to thin.

  32. emma's# ONE fan says:

    She looks like Hannah Montana a little bit lol (that is good though!) 😉

  33. SHANIE says:

    She did something to her eyebrows. They look soooooooooo trimmed 🙂 Like, last year it was trimmed, but it was thick (as in lotsa hair). On these pictures, they look black and fine (as in not bushy).

  34. emma's# ONE fan says:

    Next Funky Fashion should be on this make-up and hair and outfit!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  35. Yiz says:

    OMG! Emma you're stunning! I must say that she looked younger when I first saw the pics, and is her hair blonder? She looks just beautiful! I absolutely adore her outfit! I love pink! She looks amazing.

  36. Yin666 says:

    She looks young espacially the face

  37. Liyah says:

    She looks beautiful! I love the second picture. Her outfit is alright.

  38. black_angel says:

    OMGGGGG!!!! In this pictures Emma is soo sooo cool and beautiful!!! Her dressed, her hair, her make-up, ALL IS VEEERY COOOL!!! Emma, u're the nr 1!!! 🙂 😉

  39. Mary says:

    I think she looks very beautiful! I absolutely love her hair!!! Her outfit is cool and fashionable 🙂 Oh, I wish I were her…!

  40. Harriet says:

    OMG Ema looks fantastic, I love her hair, it's similar to how she wore it at the queens birthday party LOL. thanks guys

  41. Samantha says:

    She looks so cute!!! I wish she would go back to her side fringe though, I liked it better that way, I've just got mine I thought we could match. :-\ She looks younger though…like CoS Chamber L.A. Premiere!

  42. Lynn says:

    Simply gorgeous!

  43. Alex says:

    she's such a beauty!!

  44. Thayse says:

    OMG!!!!!!!What's this???Emma's different looks???Well…I love her hair,that's cool,but I prefer the other!!In this pictures Emma's so young,it's my opinion…but I love 2nd picture,so beautiful!! (Sorry!My english it's very small,because I'm speak portuguese,I'm brasilian!!)

  45. Ashlee says:

    Thanks for saying something about that Shannon!

  46. Alex says:

    Well actually dissagreeng to most of you I think Emma's outfit is really nice and looks great on her. Pink and black combination suits her beautifully. and her hairstyle..I mean She looks as beautiful as ever

  47. Emmalee says:

    She is so beautiful. OMG it doesn't even look like her. Personally I don't like her with bangs, but she still looks amazing.

  48. Rachel says:

    She looks gorgeous! She sure is growing up into an amazignly gorgeous woman.=! 🙂

  49. Alissa says:

    I have to say, the outfit is freaking amazing. 🙂

  50. Alicia says:

    Um.. well, I think her hair is wayy back to Chamber of Secrets. I liked where she was going w. it for the GoF Preimeires. But it doesn't look BAD. The dress is a little.. you know, but the leggings! Totally a hit! Cute shoes tho. But if it were me, I'd change the dress, jacket, handbag, and hair. But that's just me. I don't think Emma looks bad at all. Also, maybe she read what every one was saying about her eyebrows…