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About being a fan of the books (2005): "I was a huge fan before I even started being in these films and I would be upset if we made a film that didn't do the book justice."

NEW PICTURES! // 04 September 2006

Brand new pictures, the first posted of Emma at the Driving Lessons premiere! They’re watermarked but they’re the first! We’ll get more, later!

Isn’t she gorgeous? 🙂

We’ll keep you updated when more are posted! 😉

Edit: Rude comments about Emma in the comments will not be accepted. Please keep the comments nice. 🙂  You have to understand that Emma is only a 16 year old girl and deserves the nicest respect we can give her. 😉

[ Shannon ]

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114 Responses to “NEW PICTURES! // 04 September 2006”

  1. punk_girl says:

    she is so in trend! the outfit, the haircut! and it would be very mean to say she doesn't look nice, as she is so pretty and about the dress, i must say it's awesome! the shoes are ssssooo glamy…and the jacket is so vintage!!!

  2. black_angel says:

    i am agree with u, punk_girl!! the accesories are veeery cool, her haircut is trendy and nice!!! emma totally rocks 4 EVER !! kiss u, punk_girl!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  3. Sarah says:

    All I'm going to say is she's showing undergarments in both these pics and the after-party pics and she's showing what's under the undergarments too. You all are right, she looks 16 but 16 yr olds should be showing all of what she's showing.

  4. r/h fan says:

    emma's # ONE FAN: Thx for agree w/ me. I do like graphics and stuff. Why do u ask?? 😕

  5. D. # 61 says:

    She is so HOT

  6. D. # 61 says:

    HOT!!!!!!! HOT!!!!!!! HOT!!!!!!! HOT!!!!!!!HOT!!!!!!! HOT!!!!!!! HOT!!!!!!! HOT!!!!!!! HOT!!!!!!! HOT!!!!!!! HOT!!!!!!! HOT!!!!!!! HOT!!!!!!! HOT!!!!!!! HOT!!!!!!! HOT!!!!!!!

  7. Keana says:

    I don't get why everyone's saying bad things about her hair, and outfit! WHo cares if you would've picked something different??? I think some people are being way to critical. Her outfit is absolutely gorgeous, as well as her hair! And it's nice to look young, I'm happy for her new look! 🙂

  8. crookshanks;* says:

    omg, Emma looks so pretty, georgeous !! looks great and very girl (in her very own style of course) , very pretty, more than usual 🙂 love her outfit !

  9. Rach says:

    Emma is gorgeous. Her hair style rocks. OMG, she looks a woman now. she's ever more beautiful than when she was 13 years old. and goldi, GO DIE, emma rules.

  10. Rach says:

    *even 😛

  11. Stephanie says:

    I think Emma looks gorgeous! She's such a beautiful, clever, girl and she looks lovely in everything she wears. Those of you who are critizing Emma's outfit harshly ought to stay calm. Emma went to a PREMIERE not a fashion show.

  12. APRIL says:

    wow. Amazing truley amazing. people who disrepect emma in any ways makes me angry. emma is beautiful charming, i dont think she looks too skinny. Many people have fast metabolismz (sry bout spelling). She is well awesome. i repect emma so much. Please leave nasty comments to yourself. Us fans dont want to hear that. those comments are not wanted here! 😉

  13. angel says:

    I really do NOT think she looks like a child !!! she looks like a 16-year-girl, very very pretty and natural that's all !!! lol kisses !

  14. mw says:

    When I saw these pics I thought they were back from when she was 10, I'm like WOW!!!! I think shes stunning, but her dress is a little baggy. 🙂