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About the three cats that play Crookshanks (2004): "They're all trained to do different things. Like one of them can climb up the curtains. Another one if, like if you put a mark down, it will go to it. Another cat is just a really good one for holding, he doesn't mind being stroked and cuddled. They've all got different things they can do."

New Scan & More // 05 September 2006

Hello boys and girls!!

I’m back and also soon you guys will be getting all my videos and exclusive pics from yesterday! Believe it was awesome! And Emma looked great and was so lovely! 

Now thanks to Yanti for sending a scan of today’s Metro cover which features Emma:

For those who can’t see (read) the headline, it says: “Hermione helps her Harry co-star”

And also the Daily Record posted on their website a small report about yesterday where Emma talks about Rupert:

Harry Potter’s Emma Watson thinks co-star Rupert Grint’s just magic. The young actress turned up to support him at the launch of his new movie Driving Lessons in London last night.

That’s it for now, but keep an eye on the site, cuz I’ll be posting my pics and videos really soon!

Edit: Mugglethai has posted another new pic:  

[ Carol ]

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41 Responses to “New Scan & More // 05 September 2006”

  1. Marion says:

    how soon is soon?

  2. Carol says:

    today :p

  3. Kath says:

    She looked lovely as always 😉 thans you guys…for all, the website the news….amazing 😛 Byee… 🙂 🙂 🙂

  4. Elisabeth says:

    She's so pretty with this outfit! I'm waiting for videos and pics!

  5. hermione says:

    WOW!!! Emma is soooooo beautiful!!!

  6. Me alias Hermione says:

    I love the scans and Pics! :lol:Thanks Carol!

  7. J says:

    Wowwwwwwwww, she's wonderfull… Carol the link of the pic of the day is wrong, it's 14278 n not 14178!!!!!!

  8. Carol says:

    Thanks for poiting that out!!I'll fix it asap!

  9. Nassim says:

    I don't really like her outfit. I haven't really liked her outfits in the past events. Like the O2 festival, it was horrible. And this outfit makes her look too young. She needs to dress up as her age. But, that's just what I think.

  10. Mia says:

    Im looking forward to the images u took, carol…

  11. Kiwi says:

    i can't wait to see the picz you took and the video!!! :: refreshes site every 10 secondz ::

  12. Elizabeth says:

    I love her hair :smile:!! I don't like her dress that much (sorry), and her bra is showing :???:…

  13. Elizabeth says:

    When are you going to change the VotW?? I's been that one for a Month 😛

  14. daria says:

    This dress is strange, I do not like it.

  15. Mia says:

    Yeah..the dress is strange & the bra is showing…Also she did her hair blonde & it's totally doesn't match her eyebrows colour…

  16. Ronny says:

    She looks so different with this hairstyle and i love it it fits perfectly 😉

  17. Ronny says:

    okay exept the combi with her eyebrows

  18. Mia says:

    Yeah..the hairstyle is gr8 but the colours don't match

  19. Marion says:

    I like the new pics too. Thanks for them… I really don't want to bigger, do you have them in high-quality and not marked? Thanks to you from Marion

  20. Marico says:

    Love the new pics, love the site. Keep up the good work for!

  21. josh says:

    please let us know when the pics with the WENN marks come out with out the watermark

  22. noname says:

    ok, i totally loved the way she looked before she changed her hair and everything. oh well, i guess she just wanted a change.

  23. YaKuZa says:

    Oh my god, she is SO BEAUTIFUL recently! *hyperventilates* Hahaha 😆 Keep up the good work Carol.

  24. Sophie... says:

    wow shes so beautiful!! Sophie .x.

  25. Nico says:

    i don`t have words. Emma is so beautiful.

  26. Rachii-xo♥ says:

    :O! i love her hair tooo much xo

  27. Aura says:

    The picture of the day, I think is the best picture of Emma from the "Driving Lessons" premiere.

  28. emmafan1 says:

    that is soo sweet what she said about rupert. im sure rupert really aprreiciated emma and all came 2 support him.but seriously ill say it again emma looks AWESOME!!!

  29. balck_angel says:

    veeery nice this pciture!!! 🙂 🙂

  30. black_angel says:

    pictures, sorry! 😆

  31. annie says:

    Hmm… isn't 'magical'? oh well. I kinda liked Emma's outfit, pink&black is luv 😛 But what was going on with her hair? god it's almost blond! ps. do you know how to make them bigger? =1

  32. Cool_Alice says:

    She looks nice as usual 🙂 But I perfer the last style 😛 cuz now she looks so so kiddy 😆 and that's so sweet from her to help Rupert in this great day 🙂

  33. Kissa says:

    wow, she looks like britney spears, more and more

  34. Unknown person says:

    I disagree. She doesn't look more kiddy, she looks more her own age, 16. 🙂

  35. r/h fan says:

    That was nice of Emma to say. 😉 Nice update! 🙂

  36. emma's # ONE FAN says:

    That was nice of her, Cute picture and scan! 🙂

  37. shelly says:

    Oh my gosh, Emma used to look pretty, ugh, she looks way to much like a second britney spears now

  38. r/h fan says:

    She looks much better than Britney Spears. 😛

  39. S says:

    Emma is very pretty,if i can, like to be like emma, the best wthings for she 🙂

  40. orleans says:

    Emma,tu n

  41. orleans says:

    Emma,tu n