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About Hermione in OotP (2007): "It's quite a powerful role for Hermione, this one. She's the one who makes everything happen. It's very similar to the role she had in the third one where she's just like 'Right, we're going to do this and you guys are coming with me.' (laughs) She's dragging them off everywhere so it's really cool. It's a powerful female role."

More HQ Pics & Exclusive // 05 September 2006

Hello everyone!

Thanks to HarryPotterTrio we have a few more pics of Emma:


As I promised here’s my video from the premiere, there’s different clips that I made, while Emma was giving interviews, signing autographs and when she was talking to me! To download it click on the link with the right button and the “Save Target As”: Exclusive Video!

In case any of you are Bonnie fans, I just posted my video at BonnieWrightOnline! Many more pics are on the way tomorrow and also my report! Enjoy!

[ Carol ]

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55 Responses to “More HQ Pics & Exclusive // 05 September 2006”

  1. Kalina says:

    I like Emma but her dress style is awful.Ina4e e sladurana!!!!!

  2. Nicola says:

    omg lil Emma is growing up soooo much and so fast i love her outfit for that premeaire very sweet! luv Nicola

  3. april.h says:

    wow. Amazing truley amazing. people who disrepect emma in any ways makes me angry. emma is beautiful charming, i dont think she looks too skinny. Many people have fast metabolismz (sry bout spelling). She is well awesome. i repect emma so much. Please leave nasty comments to yourself. Us fans dont want to hear that. those comments are not wanted here! 😉

  4. angel says:

    emma is so so so pretty i'd love 2 look like R but it's impossible !!! she's just fabulous !