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About feeling safe on set for the first movie (2007): "I was extremely naive and in a way it was good to be really nervous. I came to realise that Maggie Smith was a pretty good actress, she was just really nice to me. I wouldn't have been able to come to the set if I didn't feel completely safe."

More HQ Pics & Exclusive // 05 September 2006

Hello everyone!

Thanks to HarryPotterTrio we have a few more pics of Emma:


As I promised here’s my video from the premiere, there’s different clips that I made, while Emma was giving interviews, signing autographs and when she was talking to me! To download it click on the link with the right button and the “Save Target As”: Exclusive Video!

In case any of you are Bonnie fans, I just posted my video at BonnieWrightOnline! Many more pics are on the way tomorrow and also my report! Enjoy!

[ Carol ]

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55 Responses to “More HQ Pics & Exclusive // 05 September 2006”

  1. pyro says:

    i have a question for Carol, who was emma talking about when she said "I would love to get in contact with her", in your video?

  2. Natalie says:

    WOOOO! More pics! 🙂 and a video!

  3. aurea_wingardium_leviosa says:

    🙂 More picks!!!! 🙂 Her dress is very pretty and thhe hair is very long!!! :-O The video is great!!!!!!!

  4. Cool4ever says:

    Her face and hair was sweet and pretty, except her outfit. I thought she could do better and the style wasn't her. But she can still wear whatever she wants. I just hope she's a bit more careful. But Emma's still fabulous! 😉

  5. Katy says:

    We do not allow links to other sites in the comments! If you want to promote your site, put the link in the E-mail (Or homepage) box. Thanks!

  6. Me alias Hermione says:

    I love the pics! It is so great to have so many updates each day! Thanks to all the staff and congrats to Dook! 😉

  7. r/h fan says:

    Nice pix and video!! 🙂

  8. Airis says:

    The people who are speaking spanish in the vid are so much stupid!! I know because I am spanish. At first they insult emma because she dind't go where they are and after they are like oh my god you are amazing!!

  9. emma's # ONE FAN says:

    can't wait to watch it, i have to later! 🙂

  10. Adina says:

    i love her new haircut!!! ahh she looks so good! 😆

  11. daniel says:

    ok. I'm waiting to view this video. Hours later I saw this new style I'm in love with her again, my shock was cuz THIS WAS a BIG change but now…oh… I love emmy 😆 Note: but i prefer her old style. i admit.

  12. April says:

    What is Emma saying when she is speaking to the camera?!

  13. Michelle&Felicis:) says:

    OMG i'm downloading it right now… 55% hehe 😛 Oh Airis, are you serious? tambi

  14. Michelle&Felicis:) says:

    the truth is, Airis, I didn't understand too much lol! Tell me, what do they say? hehehe:lol: The video is awesome. Emma is sooooo beautiful of course we all know that 😛

  15. Chris says:

    Is it just me, or does the vid only last about 10 seconds? Not sure whether it's downloading properly? She's just crossed the road, said something to the tall woman, then it stops. Is that it? Help anyone 😕

  16. dook says:

    Chris, it\’s not a long video, but it is about 50 seconds long. Maybe try downloading it again.

  17. Irene says:

    Wow! cool pics and video! thank you Carol 🙂 I love her outfit, but i hate her hair. They're so unhealthy! 😛 It's not very good. see ya

  18. Chris says:

    I would also like to know who it is Emma wants to get in contact with? That is of course only if you know.

  19. Airis says:

    They are saying: ni puto caso,no nos hace ni puto caso (caso is pay attention and puto can be translate like fuck)so she is saying something like she didn't pay attention to us. After she say(believe me ,in a despective way) esta cabreada la chica (the girl is angry–but ironic). Later when finally she go to the place they are, she say: hola?? me esta dando un telele(I think that is the most stupid expression I have hear in my language—like hello?? I am freak out -)They also say. pq es tan mona?–why she is so cute?? You can say at first they insult her because the poor emma are in the other way with the interviews and later they change her acctitud and adore her, so much hipocrit I can say. Sorry for my english!!

  20. Nimy says:

    Emma is wonderful on the video, specially when she's close to the camera, talking to the fans 😉

  21. aurea_wingardium_leviosa says:

    Airiiiss!!! are you spanish?? 🙂 yo tambieeen!!and my english is very bad too! and i am a freak too..:???:

  22. Ella says:

    To Chris and Pyro. I believe the person Emma is saying she wants to contact is Jo (the ex-webmiss of this site) 🙂 People on the forum say that Emma wants to thank her for the ipod.

  23. I was there says:

    Did everyone notice the Warner Brothers rep who is always around when at least one of the trio makes an appearance somewhere? A lot of people mistake that lady for Emma's mum but she isn't. She's a PR person for the trio. She was escorting Dan at the GOF world prem.

  24. Airis says:

    The spanish girl is saying that is her sister!! I didn't know who she was. Thanks!

  25. Didine says:

    Hello I'm french ! I don't understand that Emma say to you -_-' Please write to me, I really want to know that she say and why ^^ I someone can answer, it would be really nice. Bye and thank you for the vid

  26. ~Roni~ says:

    Great video, Carol!! And I'd like to know who does she want to get in contact with, too 😛

  27. Ella says:

    Roni, I explained above – she wants to get in contact with Jo.

  28. Sandrine says:

    Did Emma also receive our profile (where we write our taste and so on) with the ipod? Thank you so much for the video!

  29. Tina says:

    Hey! i really love the video! 🙂 and her new haircut too!!!! Shes so pretty! i bet it is not easy to go along there and answer all the questions and be photographed the whole time – and always smiling!!!! But of course she did perfect!! Shes so great! But i didnt really like the dress … 😕

  30. Aura says:

    The video is great! 🙂

  31. jermaiony says:

    why in the video talk in spanish??? this page is in enghlis, then , ehy talk in spanish? a spanish..

  32. jermaiony says:

    why in the video talk in spanish??? this page is in english, then, why the talk in spanish??

  33. Ana says:

    hi! Emma´s photos are greatSS bye!! 😉 😛 😆 🙂 😕

  34. bh says:

    cool 🙂 emma must be tired out from all that posing! 😕 😆

  35. yamini says:

    damn! i luv her hair!

  36. bh says:

    ps her bag in blue is on…check it out, its cool 😆

  37. Someone says:

    She is beautiful

  38. black_angel says:

    i think her bag is a Ralph Lauren creation. 🙂 🙂

  39. black_angel says:

    woow! in this video u heard just: EMMA!! EMMAAAAA!! 😆 😆 lool

  40. black_angel says:

    lool joking! 🙂

  41. Airis says:

    Ey jermaiony, many people likes emma, not only english. I think the people that you hear speaking spanish was there to see her,but they are not the people who make the video

  42. Adrian says:

    Emma is beautiful as always,I love her! 🙂

  43. baby says:

    Do you guys realise that you can see her bra in ALL of the pictures??? A bit rough for a 16-year old on a premiere…

  44. lol says:

    u can actually see that emma has spilt something on her dress. but she looks great anyway! 🙂

  45. mika_pietra says:

    she was very pretty… loved the outfit, but not the hair.. anyway, she looks great para las chicas que hablan espa

  46. daniel says:

    oh. the video was GREAT!. thanks for it. Emma's beautiful. This web is international, so the visitors can be english, american, brasilian, etc. etc, it's fantastic that we stay together to support emma. Yo soy mexicano jeje, as

  47. Bailey says:

    Baby…that's not her bra. She's probably wearing a tank top or something underneath. The black shows purposely to match the sweater, the tights, shoes and bag. (at least, that's what I think)

  48. jermaiony says:

    Yo soy espa

  49. Ronny says:

    I'm In english please so that everyone can read it i'm just riminding 😉

  50. fadumo says:

    hi everbody !!!! I love her new pics 😉 but i couldn't hear wot she said in the video !! 🙁 cuz everbody yelling "emma" that's y i can't hear but i think she said " i dont hve time" or something like that..! if some1 now wot she said plz plz email meee on : or sign my guestbook on : bye and hve fun ! 😉