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About being a fan of the books (2005): "I was a huge fan before I even started being in these films and I would be upset if we made a film that didn't do the book justice."

More HQ Pics & Exclusive // 05 September 2006

Hello everyone!

Thanks to HarryPotterTrio we have a few more pics of Emma:


As I promised here’s my video from the premiere, there’s different clips that I made, while Emma was giving interviews, signing autographs and when she was talking to me! To download it click on the link with the right button and the “Save Target As”: Exclusive Video!

In case any of you are Bonnie fans, I just posted my video at BonnieWrightOnline! Many more pics are on the way tomorrow and also my report! Enjoy!

[ Carol ]

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55 Responses to “More HQ Pics & Exclusive // 05 September 2006”

  1. Kalina says:

    I like Emma but her dress style is awful.Ina4e e sladurana!!!!!

  2. Nicola says:

    omg lil Emma is growing up soooo much and so fast i love her outfit for that premeaire very sweet! luv Nicola

  3. april.h says:

    wow. Amazing truley amazing. people who disrepect emma in any ways makes me angry. emma is beautiful charming, i dont think she looks too skinny. Many people have fast metabolismz (sry bout spelling). She is well awesome. i repect emma so much. Please leave nasty comments to yourself. Us fans dont want to hear that. those comments are not wanted here! 😉

  4. angel says:

    emma is so so so pretty i'd love 2 look like R but it's impossible !!! she's just fabulous !