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About the Durmstrangs and the BeauxBatons (2005): "I think it's great to have the Durmstrangs and the BeauxBatons involved in this film, it brings a lot of colour. I think it's great for people to realise that Hogwarts isn't the only magical school, there's a lot of others."

3 New Pics // 06 September 2006

Hello Emma fans!! 🙂

I won’t be able to post my report today, cuz I’m very busy, but by tomorrow I promise it will be here! Also many more pics! But for now we have 2 pics of Emma signing some autographs on the first one and on the second one, talking to me! 😛

For those who missed the video, here it is: Exclusive Video!


Do not hotlink it! Thanks! Also don’t forget for our favourite girl!

Have a nice end of the day!

Edit by Katy: Thanks to MuggleThai  we have another picture!

[ Carol ] 

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48 Responses to “3 New Pics // 06 September 2006”

  1. Megan says:

    Your video never really showed exactly what she said. What did she say to you?

  2. christina says:

    oh carol…lucky you!!!!!!!!!!! 😉 🙂

  3. Mire says:

    she looks wow!!!

  4. j♥sweetheart says:

    she looks so pretty! everyone who has gotten to meet emma is so lucky!

  5. Harriet says:

    Emma looks great! There's loads of news at the moment because she went to the premiere, and I'm glad she did, because it's great seeing her in new outfits, and seeing how much she has changed, even after the GOF press release, she just keeps changing ( in a good way) It's really beautiful, for us, as fans to watch, but it must be amazing for the HP crew, and those who have known herfrom the beginning to see her, and Dan and Rupert grow up. It's really cool. Thanks guys! EVERYONE AT E-W.NET ROCK!!! AND SO DOES EMMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Me alias Hermione says:

    I love the pics! Thanks so much Carol & Katy :lol:!

  7. Cool4ever says:

    You're so lucky, Carol! What did she say to you? 🙂 It's a good thing Emma showed up at the premiere because we've got loads of pictures and something new to talk about. Her bangs looks so hot, but I'm not sure about her dress.:sad: But I still love her. 🙂

  8. Natalie says:

    awwweshum. :-]

  9. Lisa says:

    yeah I agree with you Cool4ever. I like the hair but the dress just doesn't fit… 🙁 oh well she still looks pretty what did she say???

  10. Nimy says:

    I would like to be so lucky like you Carol!!! Meeting Emma in such a good look! But what did she said to you? I love her hair and shoes, and the dress to, but not the jacket. However she's always fantastic!

  11. emma's# ONE fan says:

    Nice Pictures 😛

  12. Harrypotterlover says:

    Oh my gosh, emma is not as cool as she used to be

  13. alyssa says:

    Aww I love her new hair-do it's awesome! =] and Harrypotterlover, why comment if you dont like her?! this is for FANS.

  14. Harrypotterlover says:

    no, I am a fan, I just don't like the new haircut thats all

  15. Katy says:

    I love her hair and clothes 🙂

  16. UnFleur says:

    What did she say?

  17. Katy says:

    What do you guys have trouble understanding? When she\\\'s talking to Carol?

  18. C says:

    Good Job really!! 😆

  19. Mickayla says:

    Just like everyone else, what was she saying?

  20. Jennifer says:

    Oh, awesome update. I love it. Thanks for the new pictures. 🙂

  21. Michelle&Felicis:) says:

    omg Carol.. you're sooooo lucky how can you be so controled? i mean you sound like all calmed down-… i would be freaked out for days you know.. thank you for the update oh and yeah, so, what did emma say? i guess uhm yeah we all wanna know so yeah…

  22. fan1emmawatson says:

    hello, i want say i\’m a spanish boy but i can speak in english…ok…in the video, 2 girls say sometihings in spanish…if you want i traduce it, say me thankes.

  23. fan1emmawatson says:

    sorry…the 2 girls are talking in spanish all the video, if you want i traduce it, say me!!!

  24. Miriam says:

    i luv da video!!! altho there were a lot of screamin for emma lol 😛 but i didnt really hear wat she said…do u think u can tell everyone wat she told u?? we would luv to know but thats only if u dont mind 🙂

  25. Alex says:

    son mexas no?? 😛

  26. ANA says:

    What the hell did she say!!??

  27. Katy says:

    If everyone want\'s to know what Emma said when she\'s talking to Carol, she says \" I\'d really like to get in contact with her, to thank her for the iPod\" lol is that what everyone wanted to know?

  28. Kimmy says:

    Cool pics but kind of sad how you say ' exclusive' on those pics while they can be found at

  29. ella says:

    Kimmy – those pics are the ones that Carol took, so they are exclusive to

  30. Carol says:

    Kimmy my friend took those, but I have the bigger version ^^ You'll find them on the site, but I'm getting the bigger version o/ So it is exclusive cuz he sent me the bigger versions!

  31. Carol says:

    I'm waiting for the rest so I can credit him ^^

  32. Irene says:

    I have to say that i admire your job, Carol. You r real gret staff and you're so luckyy! 😛

  33. Irene says:

    thank you 🙂 And I want to say some words about PotD. I love the dress!(Gof NY Premiere). It's AF~! Cool. (thanks FF for info). It's real beauty. 🙂 bye

  34. Carol says:

    Oh thanks Irene ^^ That's very nice of you 🙂

  35. r/h fan says:

    Nice pix! 🙂 There has been like 20 updates this past week! Yippee! 🙂 All b/c of this premiere. Imagine how many they'll be in June and July! 🙂

  36. lalala93 says:

    omg. that video really put it in perspective for me. That being a celebrity maybe ISN'T all that special.. she just seems like a normal person. She also looked kind of stressed. 🙁

  37. r/h fan says:

    lalala93: I agree, she seemed stressed out! 🙁

  38. Bailey says:

    So,…are we going to get this stressed-out, 'normal' celebrity a christmas present? keep me (and us all) posted! Thanks for the pics and the video…awesome!

  39. She'll quit soon says:

    Emma said she'd really like to get in contact with someone…Jo possibly, or whoever was responsible for her birthday project gifts. Btw, I'm convinced Emma will quit the franchise after they finish filming OoTP. My 6th sense is telling me this will be the case and it's usually right. She'll quit to concentrate on her studies. Watch this space…

  40. ~Roni~ says:

    Awesome pics, thanks!! It makes me laugh that you can always see people handing her an old pic to sign on 😛

  41. S says:

    Your video is very,very good. 🙂 You have great happines 😉 My english is not good,sorry.I´m from Czech republic …Bye

  42. Julia says:

    Sorry if this has been answered already but who is that woman with her as she is usually with Dan?, is it Vanessa Davis?

  43. bizoo says:

    Gosh..she's so pretty ! 🙂 🙂

  44. Rachel.xo♥ says:

    Pretty girl.x

  45. Martina says:

    OMG, you are soooo lucky!!! 🙂 I'd love to Emma myself but I'll never have a chance 😥 cuz I live that faaaar… 🙁 I really love Emma…

  46. TugaGirl says:

    hey! wow, she is so gorgeous! the dress is so cute…really… and i love her fringe… actually, I have my fringe like her fringe… lol! it seams that she is copy me… lol! well, a big kiss to everyone who likes Emma, like me… p.s. this kiss is from Portugal, people… hehehe

  47. Cool4ever says:

    Hello, Carol? What did Emma say to you???? Emma is so pretty! 🙂

  48. MeMe says:

    Hello! In first picture she looks like not she! I don't know why. She has strange face features and hair and everything! łoł!