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About the Mango t-shirts she bought for Rupert's birthday: "I had to go for large. *sigh* He's got so broad."

HQ Pics // 11 September 2006

Hey guys!! 🙂

Another quick update just to let everyone know, that I uploaded some untagged (bigger) HQ pics from DL premiere, here’s some:

To view the rest just click here. And if you wanna use them please credit ^^ Thanks!

And as usual a little reminder to vote for our girl! 😉

Scream Awards
K-Zone Awards
Ugo Versus – Third Round
Australian Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards

Thanks & have a nice week! 😆

Edit by Katy:

As many of you know, today marks the 5 year anniversary since the September 11th attacks in America. We all send our sympathy to the family’s who lost someone on that tragic day.

[ Carol ]

Comments closed for this item.

50 Responses to “HQ Pics // 11 September 2006”

  1. Agnieszka says:

    Hello I'M first 😀 oo Emma i like you 😀 😉

  2. Katie says:

    🙂 great 🙂

  3. Fab says:

    I'm third.. Yes, third. And who's going to be the fourth??… I don't care..! I just don't care

  4. tassia says:

    hello carol.. i live in brazil!!! :wink:.. do you speak portuguese? do you have msn? kisses..

  5. Chris says:

    Great pictures Carol. Thanks for that. Emma looks gorgeous as ever. 🙂

  6. Tina says:

    DL only made in UK this past weekend £18,000 that is between $20,000 and $25,000 WOW that is really bad!! but for some reason I think DL will do better in the States, I think the HP guys have more fans in the States that in UK, I read someone's comment about the DL premier and there were between 150 and 200 fans.

  7. Sigh... says:

    Tina, the UK population is only about a fifth of the US population so OF COURSE there are more HP fans over there. And Driving Lessons is a small independent film so OF COURSE it won't have the takings of a big budget studio film. Plus it will only be in the cinema for a short time because it's being shown on ITV1 (a terrestrial tv channel) in the UK soon so why would people pay at the cinema when they can see it free in a few weeks time?

  8. Tina says:

    But I was expecting more than $20,000 for its opening week, considering that there weren't any bluckbusters movies opening this week.

  9. Marion says:

    Hi How do I know wich pictures were in the gallerie befor and wich wern't?

  10. dook says:

    £18,000 is actually about $33,500. Still not a lot, but maybe it was only released in a few theaters. And like Sigh said, people are probably thinking to wait a few weeks and watch it for free.

  11. Mia says:

    Tina (also known as Pattysan around here LMFAO), you weren't expecting anything, you just want the film not to have sucess… Handle with it, the film is really good! *_* 😀

  12. Tina says:

    Mia, check my IP please, I live in UK oh and I know patty but I don't ship d/e 😛 I'm all for r/hr. And about DL did I said something wrong about it, I just posted how much money it made this weekend!

  13. Neil says:

    yeah, the driving lessons film wasn't expected to be a great success over here, and it's not, but i've seen it, and it is great

  14. r/h fan says:

    Where do u live, Neil? Nice update! Vote Emma! 🙂

  15. r/h fan says:

    Nice PoD! 🙂

  16. r/h fan says:

    I like the VOW. Dan's face was funny after he choose the ball. 😛

  17. Nimy says:

    Very good pics. Emma's always so beauty!

  18. Marion says:

    Hello How can I tell wich pictures are the new and better ones in the gallery?

  19. Neil says:

    I live just west of london r/h fan, why you ask?

  20. C says:

    The pics are very very big 😕

  21. Cool4ever says:

    Great pictures, thanks! 🙂 Emma is so beautiful! 🙂

  22. Natalie says:

    I think those belong to Mystique. Unless you have image accounts… which you probably don't.

  23. emma's# ONE fan says:

    Very nice. Bless all who dies in Septemember 11 and their familys, and the heros! 🙂

  24. r/h fan says:

    @Neil, because u saw DL. I wanted to know where u saw it.

  25. Amy says:

    where's fred?

  26. Viktor Krum nemesis says:

    Oh my God, you just made my day! Emma Watson Net clearly rocks my socks! And no, Natalie! I'm afraid the Mystique webmistress resizes the photos and these are in their original size and quality! Thank you so much and if I use them be sure that will be loads and loads of credit!

  27. Me alias Hermione says:

    :smile:Thanks for the big pics! 🙂

  28. Michelle&Felicis:) says:

    Wow.. I love huge pictures 😆 i can see every single detail in Emma's face, so that's cool. This site rocks, always up-to-date amazing! Not that I only just noticed lol, i've been visiting it siince… well, i dunno, but the first time i came here, the layout was RED 😕 😆 LOL

  29. r/h fan says:

    Thanks for the edit Katy. That's really sad. I remember that day.

  30. Britta says:

    I just wanna say that it's awesome to have 9/11's 5-year anniversary acknowledged by people so far away. It's really important to us Americans.

  31. Ana Alex says:

    Cool you appreciate her better!! love her!! 😛 * 9/11 Never Forget!

  32. Kris says:

    Wait a second. Is Driving Lessons going to be released throughout the States? *God Bless America! And Thank You to the Heroes of 9/11! **Where were you when the world stopped turning on that September day?

  33. Marion says:

    Hello I totaly remeber 9/11. I lived in America when it happened. I was in school and so on at that day. Over thanksgiving we visited friends in New York. I now live back in Germany. I downloaded the three pictures but I couldn't make out any difference. Marion

  34. Marion says:

    ok they are bigger, sorry but how do I make the ones out that are bigger now?

  35. grace says:

    🙂 :smile:GREAT!!!! 🙂 🙂

  36. r/h fan says:

    Nice pod. 😛

  37. kety says:

    hello! i'm from israel and i love emma to!

  38. Tina says:

    Hey! im not the same tina as that one, who wrote this morning. She's bad, isn't she? i mean, it is not my fault that my name is tina too. hope there comes a new update very soon!!!! 🙂 🙂 Already looking forward to it. @ Britta i am from germany and in my school, we had one minute silence today too. We're all with the families of the deaths. 🙁 😥 bye

  39. Aura says:

    The picture of the day is cool, but I saw it full, why did you cut it?

  40. naro says:

    hi everybody it s naro again.i am going to go to school on thursday.i wont open the site to much coz my sch. is so hard.i am really really sad to leave u guys.

  41. naro says:

    please anybody explain to me the DL,is it a film or what?

  42. Ania says:

    9/11. It's hard to believe that it happend.:(

  43. ChaCha says:

    And 11th september is my bday 😆

  44. PennyKenny says:

    🙁 11th september… Anyway, Emma is nice in the pics, but blond hair aren't ok for Hermione :\

  45. Neil says:

    9/11, the day that wrecked the world, my frends mum was on that second plane, may she Rest In Peace :cry:=(

  46. kety says:

    😥 in israel every body was sed today. we r realy sorry for the people how died..

  47. Neil says:

    oh, and for your info r/hfan, i saw it in london, and every1 who lost some one in 9/11, i feel for you 😥 😥 😥

  48. r/h fan says:

    Oh, thanks Neil. 😛

  49. Nastya says:

    Write me in e-mail!!! On Russian or English language!!!( I`m from Russia )

  50. pixy says:

    hey… um… sorry to be weird or anything… but did anyone else notice that Emma's dress was hem… hem… falling off? Nope? okay, just me 😉