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Advice to teens (2011): "Try and be true to who you are, and do your best to feel comfortable in your own skin. You're alright exactly as you are."

Calendar Competition & More // 14 September 2006

Hey guys and dolls!  😆

Today we decided to start with the “Calendar Competition” since there’s no banner competition anymore, every month you guys can design a calendar send it to:! The best one will be posted on the last day of each month ^^ So go on and start designing, the staff member will be deciding which one deserves to win! The calendar for this month should be the October one and we’ll accept entries until the 28th! You can either make one 800×600 or 1024×768!

Talking about graphics I’ve added a few avatars & banners on the Media Section!

And don’t forget to vote for Emma! She’s currently losing to Rupert at the CBBC Poll, so keep voting! And also vote for Hermione at the UGO Versus – Class Presidents!

Ugo Versus – Fourth Round
K-Zone Awards
Australian Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards

That’s it for today! Have a nice day!

[ Carol ]

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48 Responses to “Calendar Competition & More // 14 September 2006”

  1. VOTE FOR EMMA says:

    A BIT O.T, SORRY. BUT KEEP VOTING FOR EMMA GUYS, SHE'S FALLEN BEHIND RUPERT. I may try Hermione morphing into her animagus (an otter).

  2. Agnieszka Emma says:


  3. sarah says:

    thats what i thought!!! lol… xxx sarah good update 😀

  4. Amanda says:

    Hey everyone!!! I love this website, it's very famous here where I live (Brazil), Emma has many fans overhere!!! bye 🙂 😉

  5. Forums? says:

    What's up with the forums? I can't get in.

  6. Amy says:

    how big do the calanders need to be???

  7. Carol says:

    Amy: 800×600 or 1024×768! ^^

  8. Tina says:

    What do this signs mean? ^^ 😕

  9. Carol says:

    It means this: 😆

  10. Neil says:

    wow, i gotta enter this 😛 😆

  11. r/h fan says:

    Good luck to all who enter!! 🙂

  12. r/h fan says:

    I like the pic of the day! What year was it taken? What photoshoot is it?? 😕

  13. Samantha says:

    *singvoice* The baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanners don't show uuuuuuuuuup!!!

  14. Samantha says:

    Oh yeah, and I won't enter the wallpaper contest cuz I hate making wallpaper. I liked the icon contest better.

  15. r/h fan says:

    Scream awards doesn't work anymore.

  16. Louisa says:

    @ r/h fan: the photoshoot was from Teen People magazine back in 2002 i think. KEEP VOTING FOR EMMA!!!!!!!! SHE'S BEHIND RUPERT BY ABOUT 1%. DON'T LET HER WINNING STREAK END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😛

  17. Me alias Hermione says:

    :lol:Vote for Emma! 😆 Thanks Carol!

  18. Mike says:

    Calendar contest huh? Do we get to vote or is it the staff? Try and make a contest were we get to vote. Should be an easy script to write. Ask the programmer. This way we get to see everyones work. How is Jo anyway? Does she still post to her site or is she more in a director role now? Hope everything is great Joann. Your staff is excellent. Cheers M

  19. r/h fan says:

    @Louisa, Thanks! @Mike, I think the staff votes for it.

  20. r/h fan says:

    That's what it says on the main page.

  21. C says:

    this is great! 😛

  22. dook says:

    Mike, Jo stepped down back in March and no longer works on the site. You can still find her on the forums though. So I guess you could say they are my staff now, although I like to think of us more as a team. And I agree, they are excellent. 🙂

  23. Fab says:

    Hey, Carol, where are you from?

  24. big boss says:

    by the way still has the old entry banner. you might want to fix it up. 😉

  25. r/h fan says:

    @Fab, Go to the staff page to find info on her. @big boss, if you type emmawatson with a – it'll be a new one. Get what I mean? Type it 🙂

  26. r/h fan says:

    HP is losing for fav movie and fav thing! Vote for those things 2!

  27. Fab says:

    Thanks r/h fan.. I will go there. But it was just to talk a bit, make conversation, or something like that..

  28. Fab says:

    Hey, there's a lot of people in the staff!!! But I think you should name Jo, who first created this site…!!!

  29. emma's# ONE fan says:

    Vote Emma. Cool competition! 😆

  30. Lukas says:

    🙂 I love emma… I live in Brazil.. Everyone….Emma has many fans overhere!!! One day I've got to see Emma… Bye! 😉

  31. r/h fan says:

    @Fab, Ur welcome! 😉

  32. Anamika says:

    ggood update. 😛 so bored 😛

  33. Neil says:

    ok, so hows emma doing now in the contests? 😕

  34. KEEP VOTING FOR EMMA!!!! says:


  35. ana says:

    Great banners and avatars made so far… Emma looks sooo brautiful. FBI Emma!!! -Fabulous… Beautiful… Intelligent 😉 (Big kiss from Slovakia)

  36. r/h fan says:

    Emma is still losing! 🙁

  37. Aura says:

    Cool I think I'll make some callendars.

  38. ChaCha says:

    In what programme could we make the calendars? Corel, Adobe, what?

  39. lena says:

    can you make a wallpaper of the PoA london photocall? please!please! 🙂

  40. j♥sweetheart says:

    emma's still losing!!! go vote!!!!!!!!!

  41. Julia says:

    Okay, Em's only 0,13 % behind on Rupert! Vooote!

  42. Carol says:

    Any program, you can choose ^^ 😉

  43. danielle says:

    do the calanders have to be 800*600 or 1024*768 cuz my computer doesnt go 2 tht size but i relli wanna make 1 ??? 🙁

  44. Carol says:

    It can be any size ^^

  45. danielle says:

    thx i will start making it sonn 🙂

  46. osmara says:

    hola me gustan tus peliculas y eres bonita y espero que salga en la siguiente pelicula adios

  47. osmara says:

    hola espero ir un dia a estados unidos para conocer a todos los actores de la pelicula y yo quisira ir algundia con mis amigas para que te conoscan y por favor escribeme adios

  48. sheida says:

    i l 😉 😉 😉 :wink:ve you