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About why she likes French (2007): "Because I love France. Paris and Amsterdam are my favourite cities. I also like French cinema, I would love to work there. I actually like almost everything which is not English."

Christmas Project 2006! // 17 September 2006

Guess what? It’s almost Christmas! Ok, not really… However, this year the staff here at is planning a special Christmas Project to send right to Emma. Now, what is it you may ask? Well, are you ready? You sure? We’re going to…

Make a REAL version of the Watson Weekly and send it to Emma. That’s right, a real, printed magazine! The only difference with this issue, besides the fact that it will be printed and sent to Emma, is the fact that it will be filled with messages from you! You can go to our Christmas Project page and fill out a survey of questions that will be placed in the magazine. The deadline to send in your survey in is November 15th. Make sure you get your survey in by then! After everyone sends in their entries, the staff will pick a handful of them to print in the magazine that is sent to Emma. The magazine will also be filled with tons of fun goodies including stuff about Emma and how to get in the holiday spirit. 🙂

So get going, go fill out your survey! 😆

P.S. Yesterday was our 100th news post since the site reopened this past May. A big thanks to all the staff and fans who have helped make this site what it is today. 🙂

Edit: Just to clear it up with everyone, the staff will be picking the top 50 Reasons Why We All Love Emma and the top 50 Questions For Emma, but all the personal messages to Emma will be included if you agree to it be printed in the magazine. 😉

Edit: Some people have asked how to tell if there survey was sent. The best way to tell is watch the top of the page after you submit the form. When the survey has been sent you will see the image below.

[ Staff ]

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103 Responses to “Christmas Project 2006! // 17 September 2006”

  1. *ಌ● _*Fя!D says:

    🙂 hi i just can say: I LOVE HARRY POEER!!! and daniel radcliffe he´s so handsome and lovely and emma ut´s so talent and i can´t wait for harry potter and the order of phoenix 😥 but anyway i finished the book it´s amazing w

  2. Aide Sofia says:

    hello I love the movie Harry Potter

  3. pere says:

    i am a children the spanish i love a films the harry potter. kiero contactar con emma watson es urgente se ablar ingles, portuges.espa