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Hermione’s Birthday! // 19 September 2006

Heey everyone! 🙂

Today is a very special day! Hermione’s turning 27! So even though she’s just a characther here’s a little something for her:


Also we’ve been getting some great calendars, but you can still enter the Calendar competition! All you have to do it’s to design a October calendar, it can be either 800×600 or 1024×768, it has to have on it, then send it to!  😉  

Don’t forget to vote for Emma! 😛

K-Zone Awards
Australian Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards
[ Carol ]

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61 Responses to “Hermione’s Birthday! // 19 September 2006”

  1. Rachii'xo♥ says:

    ohh nvm i understand =) also.. this may sound like im not an emma fan.. but belive me, i am! But i think we should let Rupert win for a change.. x

  2. Vikky says:

    Hermione 27? Where does it say that the 1 book is from 1991? To me Hermione i 16 cause thats her age in the latest book..

  3. cemal says:

    happy birthday hermione! 🙂

  4. MINI says:

    Happy Birthday Hermione!!!!!!!!! A day dazzling with Happiness…… A day that remains in Memory Always….. Has come to you as your Birthday……. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  5. weee!!! says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY HERMY!!!! 😛 but 27?? 😕

  6. risse says:

    emma watson my idol!!!! firt i wanna greet you a happy happy birthday!!! 😉 wish success on your career and love life!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 😛 😉

  7. Carmen says:

    Happy Bday. I hope you and Ron had a fabulous day 😛

  8. Olivia says:

    its she turnin 17??? 😕

  9. SweetWatson says:

    Happy birthday Hermione!!! 🙂

  10. wee!!! says:

    happy birthday hermy!!! we love youuu!!!!!… but 27? it is so strange… 😕

  11. Emma Lover says:

    Hi Emma Happy Birth Day I Really Love U when u r coming to pakistan