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About playing Hermione when she punches Malfoy in POA (2004): "I loved it, I loved every single second of it. Girl power! It was great. I would have done it for a whole week, but we got it in a couple of takes and I was like "Let me do it again, let me do it again!". It was fantastic, it was a great moment."

A Letter from Emma!!! // 20 September 2006

Greetings you all!

I bring you great news from the hidden depths of the Emma world! Remember that ipod and profile project we did for her birthday? Remember the video of Emma talking to our very own Carol at the driving lessons premiere about the project and how she wanted to contact us? Remember, remember, the 5th of November? ok.. sorry i got a little carried away…well the good news for all of us is that Emma has kept to her word and HAS Contacted us!! If you click on the thumbnail below you can view a life size version of the letter we received from Emma this morning in which she would like to thank each and every one of YOU! You may notice it is dated May 5th, that is because it was written when our site was down! DOH!

We here at would like to thank Emma for her lovely letter and we hope it encourages you all to participate in our special Christmas project which you can view details of HERE

Ok, so thats it for the moment. Now please form an orderly queue behind me if you wish to come aboard the “Emma Rocks” train.. choo choooooooooooo…

Comments closed for this item.

118 Responses to “A Letter from Emma!!! // 20 September 2006”

  1. Louisa says:

    Vote for emma on she's in the finals against willow rosenberg. winners announced oct.3 i'm boarding the emma rocks train!!!!!!! πŸ˜†

  2. Ami says:

    Oh Wow, Emma took the time to sing a letter typed by her publicist. Amazing. way to really care Emma.

  3. ***L3 says:

    hi! everyone! it's my day! yeah!!!!!!!!

  4. maha says:

    i sent a page to that profile book! jo made it so fun to do! im glad she loves it!

  5. Archfiend says:

    Thats brilliant! God she's such a cool girl. She's the best!! πŸ™‚

  6. sheida says:

    can you me love πŸ˜• πŸ˜• πŸ˜• πŸ˜• πŸ˜• πŸ˜• πŸ˜• πŸ˜• πŸ˜• πŸ˜•

  7. Junior says:

    that's the surprise???????? she's so lovely and i can't believe I'll meet her……… I love this girl, Emma you rock!!!!!!!!!!

  8. r/h fan says:


  9. r/h fan says:

    Please answer!

  10. Me alias Hermione says:

    :lol:Thanks Emma! πŸ˜† She is sooooo sweet!

  11. MICHELLE&FELICIS:) !!!!!!!111 says:

    OMGOMOMG THIS IS TOTALLY AWESOME!! How GORGEOUS is she?!? that was a simple but lovely letter! I'm so proud of being an EMMA WATSON fan!! emma you rockk we love ya SO much!!

  12. Ashlee says:

    Now I really wish that I could have helped in some way but I couldn't do anything to help…but I did do the Christmas project!

  13. weasleywarrior says:

    πŸ˜› That is too cool! I'm really glad she appreciated the effort we fans made. It's wonderful to imagine Emma might be listening to one of the songs I sent right now….but then again it's 1:30 am in England so she's probably asleep. Emma does indeed ROCK bigtime!!!! ww πŸ˜†

  14. VooV says:

    πŸ™‚ I cant believe that Emma acually responded! Well no one acually knows if Emma goes to this beatiful fan website or not, she could be anyone she could write comments here everyday and no one even knows! xoxo,VooV (VooV is not my real name)

  15. r/h fan says:

    When's the next issue of WW coming out? πŸ˜•

  16. emma's # ONE FAN says:

    r/h fan…no in english it is a Z. πŸ™‚

  17. dook says:

    emma\'s # ONE FAN, r/h fan is right. Yes, in American English, organize is spelled with a Z, but in British English, it is spelled either with a Z or an S, with S being the more common way. Emma is British, so her spelling is correct.

  18. j♥sweetheart says:

    oooohhhhh… i gotcha now!! *feels dumb* But really, being American, I didn't know all that so thanks for filling me in!!

  19. Lizzy says:

    You should mail her back something to the OOTP set because the address is on the header of the letter!!

  20. emmafan1 says:

    omg that is SO SO SO exiteing!!!!!!!!!its really funny cause i watched this website grow from nothing 2 like SOMETHING and now emmas contacted. Its pretty much her biggest site on the web. so congrats team and Jo for starting all this off!!

  21. Ela* says:

    thats really cool!

  22. Natalie says:

    I can't remember if I wrote a profile or not! Lol. I am so forgetful! *smacks head* Anyway, it's cool that Emma wrote us a thank you letter. She's so sweet and nice. I don't know how anyone can hate or dislike her.

  23. Jessica says:

    YAY SHE SeNT A LETTER wooooo :lol:my birthday is tomorrow and im sooo excited πŸ˜›

  24. NtB says:

    Emma….., you rock! πŸ™‚

  25. mik says:

    so sweet indeed I think this prooves that she's the sweeeeetest think on earth.. emma rock's train stopping by me now..gotta go!!! πŸ™‚

  26. Emma Fan says:

    What colour was her i-pod? I have a black one it would be so cool if she got the same πŸ™‚

  27. malavika says:

    i love emma watson :smile:don't you?????

  28. Priyanka says:

    Wow!That's really sweet of her!She actually wrote a letter to say thanks and all!Well, I didn't participate in that iPod project because my computer had not been working then & by the time it did start working again,it was already over.I couldn't get to repair it faster because I was too busy :sad:..but anyway,it's still nice to know that she appreciated it so much!I just hope she likes the chirstams project as much! πŸ˜†

  29. rudy says:

    how nice that she write a letter to thanks the fans πŸ™‚

  30. r/h fan says:

    Thanks for agreeing w/ me Dook. πŸ˜›

  31. hermoonini says:

    WAU! that is REALLY COOL!! πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† thank you emmma! i love you!!!!!1

  32. Jenny says:

    omg, I just voted on cbbc poll and rupert grint won last week. emma's winning streak is over. how many weeks did she stay top? the letter is so sweet. its great she took time to thank the site and fans for all the effort!!! πŸ™‚

  33. Priscila says:

    Emma is the best. I love the letter. Guys, Emma is loosing again on CBBC. Let's vote for her or Rupert will win again.

  34. Lyra says:

    Wow, emma seems so very appreciative of it, aw, Emma ROCKS and and this site does πŸ™‚

  35. Ronny says:

    Guys I think we have an exlusive moment here I think none of al the emma site's ever get a respinse like this EMMA YOU ROCK

  36. VOTE FOR EMMA says:

    I knew Emma would get in contact after saying she would. Emma isn't like your average celeb who think they're too important to bother with the fans, she adores her fans as much as we adore her. And she's proven that she's a woman of her word. So KUDOS to Miss Watson and on the off chance that she ever reads this particular board GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR AS LEVELS, EMMA.

  37. Kellyyy says:

    OMG wooow, she truly is an amazing girl! How sweet of her to actually thak everyone! ^_^ Awesome updates,, thankss for sharing it withhh uss *big smile*

  38. Diogo says:

    Cool!! My profile was in there too! She so lovely! πŸ˜†

  39. Adrian says:

    :lol:hi!!! good afternoon…

  40. Rachel says:

    @ VOTE FOR EMMA ; i agree with you, most of celeb wouldn't bother with fans…but Emma wrote us so…yeah..awesome πŸ˜† It shows she's really nice and all. A huge thanks to dook, Carol and every1 else for showing us her letter πŸ˜› But especially, a huge thanks (and hugs πŸ™‚ ) to Emma. This site rocks! And so does Emma..but i have to admit that i love Rupert <3333 aswell, lol. And by the way, vote for Emma cuz she deserves it and, of course, for Harry Potter πŸ˜‰ Emma you rule. XoXo. And keep posting cool news abt Emma and etc. Oh, 1 more thing, i think you should talk more abt what Emma does in her free times and stuff and if she has new projects or something…i would love to know πŸ˜‰ p.s. : i'm from Portugal and i didn't write to the fan book thing cuz i didn't have time apologises πŸ™ I'm glad that Emma loved it πŸ™‚ and i hope portugueses wrote her, i would like to know it..plz Carol or dook, answer me if you have time πŸ˜•

  41. neelam says:

    πŸ˜† πŸ˜† Shes the best, i was in the project too she rocks choo chooooooo lol πŸ˜†

  42. Jaana says:

    Oh my goodness!!! A letter from Emma! That's so wicked! πŸ˜† She really loved the i-pod. ^^ Weeeeeeeeee, that letter made me so happy! I'm definately on board of the "Emma Rocks" train! chooooo chooooo

  43. Sophie... says:

    Thats like AMASING !!! Its sooooo waaaaw !!! Love the letter ! Coooool …. sorry i have no words to discrive it !! Sophie <3

  44. Chris says:

    That's really cool! πŸ˜€ But does it take 4 months for the letter to arrive? :O I would think some weeks would be enough.. Maybe the date on the letter is wrong, to make it seem like she had already sent it before.. lol But that's really nice πŸ˜‰

  45. Barış or Baris says:

    you are very very very impolite. 😑 you dont say bad words in the matter of EMMA.but I,we love EMMA.

  46. Sandra says:

    I thought that Rasmus dude got banned πŸ˜• So can somebody bann that guy please?? I don't really want to go crazy on him….. I don't want to get banned again for protecting Emma πŸ˜›

  47. Kat says:

    wow! thats so lovely that she actually realizes the site exists – woo! go EW. net !!! choochoo xxx

  48. dook says:

    Chris, the date shows the letter was written soon after receiving the ipod and profiles, but this was while the site was on hiatus and there was no way to contact us. When she recently met Carol at the Driving Lessons premiere it probably reminded her. Baris, Sandra, the best thing to do is ignore Rasmus. His comments are always quickly deleted. He will soon have caused an entire network to be banned. 😑

  49. Barış or Baris says:

    ok πŸ˜‰

  50. meg says:

    Dook, what colour was her nano? Black, White, Green?