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About Emma Thompson (2004): "Emma Thompson is playing Professor Trelawney and I was so excited to work with her 'cause she's great, I love her, she does such a great job, she's hilarious in this film, she's so funny, it's great!"

A Letter from Emma!!! // 20 September 2006

Greetings you all!

I bring you great news from the hidden depths of the Emma world! Remember that ipod and profile project we did for her birthday? Remember the video of Emma talking to our very own Carol at the driving lessons premiere about the project and how she wanted to contact us? Remember, remember, the 5th of November? ok.. sorry i got a little carried away…well the good news for all of us is that Emma has kept to her word and HAS Contacted us!! If you click on the thumbnail below you can view a life size version of the letter we received from Emma this morning in which she would like to thank each and every one of YOU! You may notice it is dated May 5th, that is because it was written when our site was down! DOH!

We here at would like to thank Emma for her lovely letter and we hope it encourages you all to participate in our special Christmas project which you can view details of HERE

Ok, so thats it for the moment. Now please form an orderly queue behind me if you wish to come aboard the “Emma Rocks” train.. choo choooooooooooo…

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118 Responses to “A Letter from Emma!!! // 20 September 2006”

  1. dook says:

    meg, the nano was black.

  2. Sandra says:

    Dook, Ok I'll ignore it next time πŸ˜‰

  3. r/h fan says:

    Black? Hmmmm.

  4. texasharrypottergurl says:

    that's so sweet of emma to reply to what all of us sent her. i think i'm gonna cry. πŸ˜₯ she's such a sweet heart, i luv her bunches!

  5. Lena says:

    :smile:Hi to everyone!!!What´s up?? I think Emma is really great :wink:I´m a big big big fan!!!!

  6. claudje says:

    WOW!!!!!!! πŸ˜›

  7. Aura says:


  8. Aura says:

    How sweet of her!

  9. Mharlon says:

    Wow! Thats sweet! But looks like she hasn't shown up online, thats the reason why she hasn't shown up online. Well…, hope Emma's ok! πŸ˜›

  10. Rebeca says:

    Wow, that was really nice of Emma

  11. Mike says:

    Thank's for sharing the letter. Just hope she takes the time to check out the site. Even if it would freak her out that she has so many fans. She might actually laugh at some of the pictures and banners and such. Hope you visit Em. Cheers

  12. MeMe says:

    hehe, she didn't write as much as I thought! πŸ˜›

  13. Keana says:

    OMG this is so awesome! I wish I had taken part in the project, but I'm really glad that she got it and was touched!

  14. EmmaWatsons1Fan says:

    What address did you mail it too?

  15. Steffiiiiiiiiii germany says:

    h e y to U all!!!! YeAH! t r u l y g r e a t t h a t s h e w r o t e a l e t t e r !!! πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† Do agree with you guys and of course i took part of te christmas project as well πŸ˜› hehe love ya all!!!!!!!! πŸ˜₯ omg this smiley's sooooo sweet!! πŸ™‚ or that: πŸ˜• hehe!!! πŸ˜†

  16. fefe says:

    i have the i pod nano too!and i'm proud to have it like emma!! πŸ˜†

  17. vyshnavi says:

    gee fefe not meaning 2 offend u .bt millions of ppl hav those kinda ipods round da world……..

  18. EmmaWatsons1Fan says:

    That was so nice I think I gonna cry πŸ˜₯