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About seeing herself on screen for the first time (2002): Absolutely like, the scariest moment of my whole entire life. I mean, it doesn't happen everyday that you see your face like 10 feet tall on a screen. It was unreal. I think it doesn't matter who you are or how many films you've been in or how good or bad you are, you're always really critical of yourself. Like me, for example, "Oh my God, my hair looks so bad", "I could have done that better" or whatever it is. Just, you know, really embarrassing."

Surprise… // 20 September 2006

Hey guys!

Quick update just to tell everyone that we have surprise coming! Keep an eye on site and you’ll see what it is! lol  😉  

Ps: Believe me it’s really cool and of course has Emma involved!

Ps2: No, it’s not the Watson Weekly! 😆


[ Carol ]

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60 Responses to “Surprise… // 20 September 2006”

  1. emma's# ONE fan says:

    1st yes! OMG, so excited…I it Watson Weekly?! Or something better! I can't wait!! When will it be done?! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  2. ~Roni~ says:

    YAYYYYYYY can't waittt 😀

  3. Marion says:

    I can't wait either…I hope it's something else than the watson weekly. But I would like the Watson Weekly, too. Another Fanstory Marion

  4. Katharina says:

    I am exicted to…hope its something reall, really cool, not only a new design 🙂

  5. j♥sweetheart says:

    oooohhhh please don't post until i get home from school!!!!! lol

  6. Harriet says:

    OMG. I am so excited, it has Emma involved, is she in a new film or somthing…. I can't wait, i hope it comes sooner rather than later, because I can't take not knowing something…LOL, SOOOOOOO excited!!!!!!!!!

  7. Sterre says:

    Cool, I'm really curious…thanx Carol!

  8. hanna says:

    Aah I love surprises!! but at the same time I want to know now! Please post it soon! 😉

  9. Molly says:

    very excited!! 🙂 😆

  10. lola says:

    humm…what could it be?

  11. Hiltje says:

    omg i'm so over exited!!!

  12. ~Roni~ says:

    Ohh I've just noticed the new Gallery banner! I love it!

  13. irizgirl says:

    But when??? How long do we have to wait?? 🙁

  14. Adrian says:

    yes or that????

  15. Accio Emma says:

    omg I can't wait I'm so excited!

  16. amy says:

    oh god i cant wait either 🙂 😛

  17. Marion says:

    I hope the surprise is postet when I come home form horse-back-riding Ich love surprises too…I checkt all the other sites, if there is something there but, I didn't find anything and I still do not have a clue…this is exiting…I just can't wait. marion

  18. Carol says:

    You're gonna find out till the end of the day don't worry ^^

  19. mik says:

    come on… i just wanted to add some salt… noone could have guessed

  20. Vills says:

    I can't wait! I guess I'm gonna check back the site tommoroq afternoon, cuz I'm at school in the morning…but if I can, I'll try to see the update today!

  21. Carol says:

    :p i know mik but they can wait 😉

  22. norwegian says:

    i hope it's something cool 😉

  23. mik says:

    ihihihih i know…sorry… didn't want to spoil the surprise to anyone 🙂

  24. grace says:

    mmm :wink:…….i don't like suspense… 😉 😕

  25. lili says:

    Is Emma coming to see us all for the week-end ? 😛

  26. Teresa says:

    is that emma contact she said in the DL premiere that she would contact Jo , right?? o…i am just guessing

  27. Nejma says:

    oh! that's cool!!! I can't wait! i'm very exited!!! your site is very good!!! I like it very much!!!!kisses

  28. hanna says:

    yeah you're right, that's probably it! hihi hope it's a video or something 😛

  29. Priyanka says:

    Oooh…I'm really excited!:lol:…Hope it's posted soon coz its already 9:30pm here in India..and I've got to go to bed early today coz I've classes very early in the morning 🙁

  30. Rachel says:

    Carol, you can always give us a clue, right? 😛 I love surprises but i want to know it now 😕 Please say something soon, lol. Thanks 😉 And by the way, this site rocks!:lol: Vote for Emma and Harry Potter! 🙂 I think you should create a chat in here :???:, but that's only my opinion of course…Oh and i love Emma's hair now 😛

  31. hanna says:

    I agree with Priyanka, I have to go to bed soon too, please at least give us a clue now Carol, please!! 😉

  32. sheida says:

    i looooooooooooooove emma 🙂 😉

  33. VOTE FOR EMMA says:

    We need a huge push from I think because I don't think Emma's fans…HELLO, REAL EMMA FANS, WHERE ARE YOU????…I don't think they're all getting the message. PLEASE HELP EMMA OUT WITH A BIG PUSH TO GET EVERYONE VOTING FOR HER. Oh, btw, don't vote more than once a day on the same computer because it actually takes away votes if you do that.

  34. sheida says:

    happy birthday hermion 😛 😉 🙂

  35. sheida says:

    heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeello emma 😛

  36. sheida says:

    😥 😥

  37. Kat says:

    awesome cant wait! 😛

  38. sheida says:

    where is emma 😕 😕 😕 😕 😕 :???:wheeeeeeeeeere 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡

  39. Julia says:

    Did she win the Relly award I wonder??

  40. sheida says:

    i loooooooooove 😆 😆 😆 😉 😉 😉 🙂 🙂 🙂

  41. Angelhug says:

    I cant for the surprise, I'll be checking every hour!

  42. Natalie says:

    Oh dear I have to go to my bed soon…. it's late where I am is the surprise going to happen any time soon? Please say it is…. I can't wait!

  43. Shiryu says:

    My apologies if it has been said already, but Emma / Hermione won the last round at Ugo awards and is now in the final against Willow Rosemberg (from Buffy). According to the site, this time she has very little chance to win, so make sure to vote !

  44. Carol says:

    Yes Shiryu we'll post about it later!Thanks!

  45. Marta says:

    Hi! I'm from Poland so my english's not very good. Can somebody help me!? I haven't e-mail from forum yet. I did everything so I don't know…. Please write to me what can I do! I really wanna be on forum! Sorry for my english! bye!

  46. angelhug says:

    I am really thinking about that surprise I wonder if emma contacted this web site or may be is another emma watson christmas related project or may be the christmas project is already finish and printed, and its going to posted today for all of us to see today.

  47. tabitoo says:

    My psychic abilities tell me that Emma gave Jo an exclusive one on one interview and that Jo is going to post it here!! LOL, I wish!!!!

  48. ~Roni~ says:

    ^I think it has something to do with Jo too 😛 Cuz Emma said she'd "really like to get in contact with her"… Or it may also be the Watson Weekly which will be great too 🙂

  49. adam says:

    Watson weekly ofcourse