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About sharing personality traits with Hermione (2011): "I guess earnestness -- eager to please and do the right thing. I'm terrified of getting into trouble. I'm very heady in the same way she is, kind of constantly thinking three or four moves ahead. I try and intellectualize a lot, which she does well, obviously. She's very determined. I am as well. I like to think that I'm very loyal in the same way she is, a bit of a feminist in the same way as she is and I will speak my mind in the same way that she does. It's hard to say, really. I feel so much of me went into her and so much of her went into me that I can't really differentiate between the two too much anymore [laughs]."

2 Pictures & Calendar Competition // 25 September 2006

Hello Emma Watson fans!

I found two pictures from the POA after party that was not in our gallery.

Also, the Calendar Competition is now closed, and we will announce the winner soon! Thanks to everyone who sent in their work.

And  you can still vote for Hermione to be Class President and support Emma and Harry Potter on all these other polls & awards:

K-Zone Awards

Also, if you haven’t already done so, make sure to enter in our Christmas Project!

Edit by Carol: Scotsman has posted the first two promotional pics of Order of the Phoenix and they also talk Emma’s GCSE’s results.

[ Katy ]

Comments closed for this item.

31 Responses to “2 Pictures & Calendar Competition // 25 September 2006”

  1. LADYLIKE says:

    Great pictures! She looks so pretty there! FIRST! 😆

  2. Teresa says:

    woh!!~~ today we got two updates!~ thx katy and dook!~

  3. daniel says:


  4. Katie says:

    Nice pictures! 😉

  5. r/h fan says:

    5th!!! Nice pix! I have never seen the second one b4! Emma looks so pretty in both! Vote Emma!

  6. j♥sweetheart says:

    thats cool that the 1st promo pics are out!! awesome!

  7. Ola says:

    nice photo :)_

  8. Skyler says:

    Right now I'm in U.S History class doing this…thank lord I have my work done already! 😆 Emma looks wonderful, as always :wink:. I love her hair I really wish I had her hair, and I don't really like curly hair. But it looks like she takes such good care of it! I can't wait to go and see the VotW! Well at home anyway…..I didn't get to see the last one, but I also can't seem to find it either. But I'm sure I'll find it later though, but just in case can someone tell me? Can't wait for X-mas! And I can't wait until the next Watson Weekly! Ta ta! Back to school work for me!

  9. Skyler says:

    OOOh…. never mind I just found the Video Gallery! It's so awsome! 🙂 😛

  10. says:

    HEY I`AM KAAN!!! YOU THINK I`M STUPID BUT I THINK I LOVE YOU REALLY I`M NOT STUPID AND I MAKED A PICTURE FOR YOU BUT THE PICTURE WITH YOU IS BETTER!!! LOVE YOU ########________ _______ _________________ __####__________ _________________________ __####__ _________________________________ __####_____________________________ ______ __####_____________________ _____________ __####______________ ___________________ __####________ _________________________ __####__ _________________ ______________ __####______# ##______###_______________ ####### #__#####___#####_______________ __ _________#######__# #####______________ __________#### ############_______________ ______ ____################_______________ _ ___________#### ###########________________ ______ ______#############________________ __ _____________######## ###_____###___###___ _____________ _#########_______###___###___ ____ ___________#######________###___### ___ _________________#####________ ###___###___ __________________### _________###___###___ ____________ _______#___________########___ ___ ______________________________##### _____ ____________________________ _________________ but the picture is to big for this site!!!! I LOVE AND I HOPE YOU ANSWER ME PLEASE REALLY IT`S IMPORTANT REALLY ANSWER ME PLS LOVE U PS NICE AN VERRY GREAT PICTURES

  11. says:


  12. PSP says:

    that girl was one of the girls who wrote a journal about what Emma did at the PoA after party, they follow her and Dan to the restroom and then to the dance floor!

  13. Julia says:

    Omg, are you desperate? ROFL, and it's not even meant for me 😆

  14. charlene says:

    I really liked her much more during PoA filming and actually when she was younger. I still really like emma, but she's not… she's not that fresh and girlish as she was before. she would be if she didn't act like she was older. that's a pity coz she's a nice young lady.

  15. kety says:

    i think that she is very beautiful

  16. Manuel says:

    that pictures are nice…….so nice…….

  17. Harriet says:


  18. Kat says:

    the promotional pics are weird ?? 😕

  19. r/h fan says:

    Nice pic, . 😛

  20. alyssa says:

    yayshes pretty=]

  21. Me alias Hermione says:

    I really like the pics! 😆 Thanks Katy!

  22. r/h fan says:

    Nice big pix, Maria! 😛

  23. emma's#1fan:) says:

    Does anyone know who she's standing with? 😕

  24. emmasREAL#1fan says:

    who the hecks that other girl???

  25. Maria says:

    Thanks, r/h fan! 😛

  26. Monique carneiro says:

    Nothing…hahaha…I love Emma!!! I think she is brilliant… 😆

  27. emma's# ONE fan says:

    Cute pictures. Vote Emma and Hermione! 😉

  28. r/h fan says:

    Ur welcome!! 😛

  29. Helder says:

    I everyone it's the first time i came here and I think this, hermione is cool and the site is cool congralitions at everyone 😉 and more thing… Emma watson is the best :smile:…(if some words are wrong I'm sorry because i?m not english I'm portuguese) 😉