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About Hermione's future (2007): "There's this theory that she's going to die and I really didn't have that in my plans for what she would achieve (the audience laughs). I want to see her putting her intellect and her naturally very caring nature to some very worthy cause, like I want to see her in another country protesting for the rights of house-elves, or continuing with SPEW, or just generally making the world a better place and hopefully, you know, being married to Ron and have lots of beautiful babies..."

Video of the Week // 25 September 2006

This weeks video is from the Chamber of Secrets press junket interview by VIVA TV in Germany. You can click here or the picture at the top right corner to see it in WMV format, or an RM version that’s a little better quality in the video gallery.


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10 Responses to “Video of the Week // 25 September 2006”

  1. Teresa says:

    o!!!~~ am i the first???!!!~ great video!

  2. Adrian says:

    hi, i am the second. ouh yeah great video!!

  3. Stephanie says:

    Third! lol. great video. 🙂

  4. Katie says:

    great video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. r/h fan says:

    5th! Nice video! I've never seen it b4. She sounds so young.

  6. Aura says:

    Cool! That sound great.

  7. ***L3 says:

    🙂 😉 😆 I love you emma!!! I love you!!!!!!! I'm a fool!! i love you! ########________ _______ _________________ __####__________ _________________________ __####__ _________________________________ __####_____________________________ ______ __####_____________________ _____________ __####______________ ___________________ __####________ _________________________ __####__ _________________ ______________ __####______# ##______###_______________ ####### #__#####___#####_______________ __ _________#######__# #####______________ __________#### ############_______________ ______ ____################_______________ _ ___________#### ###########________________ ______ ______#############________________ __ _____________######## ###_____###___###___ _____________ _#########_______###___###___ ____ ___________#######________###___### ___ _________________#####________ ###___###___ __________________### _________###___###___ ____________ _______#___________########___ ___ ______________________________##### _____ ____________________________ _________________

  8. emma's# ONE fan says:

    Nice to see an older one, next should be from P.o.A or S.S Thanks Dook! 🙂

  9. ,,.l. says:


  10. anne says:

    worst video eva