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About getting drunk (2011): "Yes, I have tried spirits, we drink at 18 in the UK but I'm actually legal to drink here now, it's worth mentioning. Yes, yes I have. I got very very drunk once in my life as everyone does. Fine I got drunk, I have been drunk - and I'll bow to that!"

October Calendar & More // 29 September 2006

Hello guys & dolls!

We have our Calendar competition winner! Congratulations to Elizabeth! So here’s the gorgeous calendar that she designed:

Thanks to everyone for sending their calendars in!!They’re were all great but we have to have a winner! But don’t worry cuz soon we’ll be having next month’s Calendar competition! Don’t forget to take part on the Christmas Project! And to vote for Hermione to crown her Class President! Also support Emma and HP at these awards and polls!

K-Zone Awards

Have a nice day! 😉

[ Carol ]

Comments closed for this item.

49 Responses to “October Calendar & More // 29 September 2006”

  1. Skyler says:

    Hey I'm first for once! Anyway, that's a awsome calender! Wat yo go Elizabeth! Can't wait for Watson Weekly!

  2. Skyler says:

    That was supposed yo be 'Way to go Elizabeth'. Lol, sorry. 😛

  3. mahdi says:


  4. Molly says:

    🙂 lovely calendar and pic of day. Aussie holidays start tomorrow!! WOO WOO 😆

  5. Lanboy says:


  6. ChaCha says:

    You said the calendar has to have on it. On this one I don't see any 😕

  7. iza says:

    congratulations elizabeth 🙂 the calendar is very cute… 😉

  8. cemal says:

    hi! everybody i am to like the calendar. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉

  9. adam says:

    Good point ChaCha. The calendar is awesome

  10. Julia says:

    Hey! Love the calender (except the pic on the right..i HATE it:P), but why can't you pic a winner, and have a page that shows all the calenders that were send in? Or do you have that already? xx

  11. Teresa says:

    i love the picture of this day!!~~ congratulation Elizabeth!!

  12. Rachel says:

    Yo! 😛 Nice calender, congrats Elizabeth! 😉 Wow, i love the pick of the day 🙂 I agree with Julia, why don't you have a page that shows all the calenders that were send in? that would be cool 😕 And the chat is finally back ^_^ Post something soon Carol 😆 XxXx Rachy

  13. EmmaWatsons1Fan says:


  14. Deux says:

    The winnner calendar is really gorgeous. Can't you just show the other´good ones, I'd really like to see them!! 😉

  15. naro says:

    :cry:PLEASE ANYBODY ANSWER carol i'm trying to send u new pics 4 OoP through my friend's email but there's an error so send me ur email & i'll send u the photos to post them the email

  16. naro says:

    there's an underscore _ between koki & vero

  17. Barış or Baris says:

    Congratulations to Elizabeth 😆 pick of the day is very very nice. thnx

  18. adam says:

    Emma looks heavenly in the PotD

  19. Miguel says:

    yo Guys me again great Pic cogratiolations Elizabeth good work 😉

  20. Hilary says:

    What about the new Watson Weekly?

  21. Lise says:

    Love this calendar! Great job, Elizabeth! Everyone, we've to vote on cbbc pool, Emma's loosing in front of Rupert!

  22. ~Roni~ says:

    Congrats, Elizabeth! 🙂

  23. VOTE FOR EMMA says:


  24. ~Roni~ says:

    Guys, there a tie between Emma and Rupert on the CBBC Poll, so keep voting!!

  25. Stephanie says:

    Good job Elizabeth! I LOVE the new calendar. Can't wait for the new Watson Monthly… I mean Watson Weekly!

  26. r/h fan says:

    Congrats, Elizabeth!!! It's a good calendar! 😛

  27. r/h fan says:

    Emma is winning at the Cbbc poll! VOTE EMMA!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

  28. r/h fan says:

    Nice POD! Except her bra is showing. 😕

  29. Adrian says:

    hi everyone!!!! great calendar

  30. Louisa says:

    the calendar is ok. but i thought u guys said that it had to have on it. cuz this doesn't….. when is the watson weekly coming out????? it's not exactly weekly and i would love to read it more often…

  31. Louisa says:

    @ r/h fan: i think it's part of her dress, not her bra..

  32. Louisa says:

    sorry for commenting so much, but i wanna let u guys on the cbbc poll. emma has 26.12% and rupert has 25.94%. as of now, our girl is winning but only slightly, sooooo Vote, Vote, Vote!!!!!!!

  33. Louisa says:

    i'm back. does anyone know why i can't vote on it keeps saying there is an error whenever i click vote under hermione.. does this happen to any of u??????????????????

  34. emmy-fan says:

    omg that calendar is gorgeous! i love it! 🙂

  35. dook says:

    Louisa, Cha-cha, The first announcement for the calendar contest did not mention that it should have \”\” so entries without it were also accepted this time.

  36. Zeus_Faber says:

    Wow! The calendar is great and Emma leads by 0.06% on the cbbc 😆 So keeeeep voooootiiiiing!!! 😛

  37. Harriet says:

    congrats Elizabeth, it's really pretty. Hope Emma wins class president,well, Hermione, I think she will do well.

  38. r/h fan says:

    Emma is still winning!!!!!! 😛 Yesss!! I hope they use a new pic if she wins! 🙂 Maybe one from the DL premiere.

  39. Dana says:

    Oh my gosh, i was reading this article, and it said that Emma might not return to the Harry Potter set after OotP!!! Is this true? Is she finished completley with Harry Potter?

  40. j♥sweetheart says:

    wow, cool dress in the potd! what photoshoot or whatever is it from???

  41. emma's # ONE FAN says:

    Nice clander! 😉

  42. Cool4ever says:

    Nice calendar and PotD! 🙂

  43. emma's # ONE FAN says:

    Umm when is there going to be a new Watson Weekly?! I am missing it, I'm sure I'm not the only one who does!! 😥

  44. Crazydwaarling says:

    🙂 love it! ive been waiting for the next calendar!

  45. r/h fan says:

    @emma's # ONE FAN, I read ur comment at Ur welcome! 😛

  46. Elizabeth says:

    I am truely honored to have won the calendar competition! thank you so much! and yea i did forget to put on it…sorry about that :sad:, but next time it will definately be their! thanks again…this site is brillant! 🙂

  47. Cool4ever says:

    @Elizabeth, you did great! 🙂

  48. Tina says:

    Yeah, the calender is cool. But I don't like the pic on the right, she looks really strange in it, what is pretty unusual!! 😉 Think, it would be great, if she won in the cbbc poll!!!

  49. Me alias Hermione says:

    Congratulations Elizabeth! The calendar is GREAT 😆